Mumbai Resistance 2004 - Against Imperialist Globalisation
sss | 19.09.2003 17:20 | Globalisation
Dear Friends,
I am sending you the Initiators letter/doc for the
Mumbai Resistance 2004 - Against Imperialist Globalisation
and War through which we are proposing alongwith other Initiators
a parallel programme to the WSF forum in Mumbai in January 2004.
This is also a letter of inviation for you to become part of this
international event.
Alongwith this is a letter of invitation for the formation
of a Reception Committee for bringing together all
democrats who will associate with the the concerns
of MR 2004.
I request you to go through these two write-ups and let
us know your response regarding your participation in
the programme which is a step towards building a concrete
anti-imperialist movement instead of the misleading festivals of WSF.
All genuine anti-imperialists need to come together to
counter the forces which are trying to find a human face
for the aggressive agenda of imperialism.
Yours in Struggle,
G N Saibaba
General Secretary
All India Peoples Resistance Forum (AIPRF)
Introducing MR-2004
I am sending you the Initiators letter/doc for the
Mumbai Resistance 2004 - Against Imperialist Globalisation
and War through which we are proposing alongwith other Initiators
a parallel programme to the WSF forum in Mumbai in January 2004.
This is also a letter of inviation for you to become part of this
international event.
Alongwith this is a letter of invitation for the formation
of a Reception Committee for bringing together all
democrats who will associate with the the concerns
of MR 2004.
I request you to go through these two write-ups and let
us know your response regarding your participation in
the programme which is a step towards building a concrete
anti-imperialist movement instead of the misleading festivals of WSF.
All genuine anti-imperialists need to come together to
counter the forces which are trying to find a human face
for the aggressive agenda of imperialism.
Yours in Struggle,
G N Saibaba
General Secretary
All India Peoples Resistance Forum (AIPRF)
Introducing MR-2004
Mumbai Resistance-2004 - Against Imperialist Globalisation & War
1. The MR-2004 is an event, scheduled for January 17-20, 2004, and
will run parallel to the World Social Forum (WSF) Mumbai programme.
It is an international event, part of the process of building a
strong worldwide anti-imperialist movement, that seeks to take the
people of the world, including those attending the WSF, beyond the
limits of "reflective thinking and debate" towards organised
resistance against imperialist globalisation and imperialist wars. It
is based on clear and unambiguous premises. The MR-2004 considers
itself as a continuation of the militant traditions set in the anti-
globalisation and anti-war movements that assumed a new intensity
after Seattle.
The MR-2004 was conceived of at the International Camp, Thessaloniki
Resistance 2003, and Greece in June 2003. It took a more concrete
form following a decision of the International Co-ordinating Group of
the International League of Peoples' Struggles, ILPS, (a coalition of
over 100 struggling people's organisations from different parts of
the world), which at its meeting in the Netherlands on July 18-20,
2003 resolved to organise an event at the same time as the WSF "co-
sponsored with other groups .. to consolidate and strengthen the anti-
imperialist movement", and subsequently through discussions with
other international and Indian organisations.
2. MR-2004, being held in Mumbai, in particular seeks to take the
anti-imperialist movement in India one step forward, as part of the
international mobilisation against the growing concentration of
capitalist forces across the globe and the ravages of their
imperialist globalisation. This is seriously harming the socio-
economic fabric of all backward countries of the world, causing acute
devastation to peoples' livelihoods, and actually depriving them of
the very Right to Life.
3. MR-2004, seeing a futility in the amorphous presentation
of "Another Possible World" by the WSF, seeks to concretely define an
alternative socio-economic structure, as one built on a basis of self-
reliance, with a total break from all controls, domination and
subjugation by imperialism and the institutions of the world
capitalist system – such as World Bank, IMF, WTO, TNCs, etc. It
believes that prosperity and growth in India, as with all other
underdeveloped countries, can be achieved only through a self-reliant
economy, moving towards a genuine socialist order. It is of the
opinion that this can be achieved through struggle, not endless and
often not so meaningful debates.
4. MR-2004 seeks to vehemently oppose the rapacious plunder of the
backward countries of the world --- their economies, natural
resources, agriculture, enormous wealth, and, primarily, of their
people --- by the TNCs as a result of the pro-imperialist policies of
the governments, masquerading under the signboard of `economic
reforms'. It firmly believes that the battle against imperialism and
the global system of capital cannot be fought without also targeting
the local ruling classes within countries who support and actively
implement these policies.
5. MR-2004 is totally opposed to the privatisation and disinvestment
policies of governments, especially in the resource based basic
industries, and in all public utilities, health, education, welfare
and other social sectors, which is actually the contrived open sale
of the nation's assets.
6. MR-2004 unequivocally rejects the foreign debt accumulated by the
anti-people rulers of the oppressed nations from the imperialists,
with its onerous servicing liability, and calls for its unilateral
7. MR-2004 opposes the massive attack on the working class throughout
the world, taking place under the signboard of globalisation. Faced
with a severe economic crisis, capital is seeking to stem the falling
rate of profit through, privatisations, job-losses, wage-cuts,
contract labour/labour flexibility, cut in benefits, pensions, etc
and even increasing attacks on the right to organise and strike. In
India, as in many other parts of the world, the living conditions of
the working-class have reached unimaginable depths.
8. MR-2004 opposes also the back-breaking attack on the lives of the
peasantry of the backward countries through the 'globalisation' of
agriculture. In India the entire rural populace is being ruined by
unbridled heavily subsidised cheap imports, plummeting of prices of
all crops, absence of any price-protection mechanism, withdrawal of
bank credit for peasants, growth of usury, slashing of public
investment in agriculture, increased prices of inputs, increased
dependence on MNC inputs, increased concentration of land, handing
over vast tracts of land to MNCs etc. along with droughts and floods
ravaging the country, and thousands being sent to their death each
year because of these policies.
9. MR-2004 stands against the trend of growing fascism throughout the
world, which has taken a menacing form and launched numerous attacks
especially on the minorities in various parts of the world in the
post 9/11 period in the name of fighting terrorism. These attacks are
nothing but attempts to curb the struggling people from seeking their
basic rights and just demands. In India this has taken different
shapes, though by far the most prominent is that of Hindutva Fascism,
which terrorises the minority communities while utilising and
strengthening the highly oppressive caste system and whipping up
national chauvinism. Its most deadly form was witnessed during the
Gujarat pogroms in 2002 and also in the draconian legislations being
framed by the state and central governments like POTA, ESMA, etc,
which continue the highly undemocratic and repressive traditions of
the centralised state apparatus inherited from the colonial powers.
10. MR-2004 believes that the present cultural degeneration, crass-
consumerism, religious bigotry, is the direct product of a fusion of
backward/feudal and capitalist/imperialist values nurtured on the one
hand, by the extreme market fetishism of globalisation, and, on the
other, by the religious fanaticism promoted by the rulers of the
various countries. It seeks genuinely democratic values and culture,
through a systematic countering of this growing deterioration in the
cultural life of the people.
11. MR-2004 is of the view that the enormous environmental
destruction taking place in the world, including India, is the direct
result of the principle of primacy of the market and the
capitalist/imperialist concept of development that leads to the
commoditisation of natural resources as well as corporate greed that
seeks the maximisation of profits at the cost of the ecological and
human life of the people of the earth. Protection of the environment
is impossible without eradicating the root cause of this depredation.
12. MR-2004 seeks to fight the increasing marginalisation of all
sections of the oppressed masses under imperialist globalisation,
particularly the socially oppressed groups and indigenous people. In
India, the Adivasis, who constitute 7% of the population, are being
systematically driven off their lands, their natural habitat, and
pushed further and further to the fringes of this system.
13. MR-2004 fights against all forms of social oppression. In India
particularly caste plays a significant role in the overall system of
exploitation even today. MR 2004 stands for the complete eradication
of the centuries-old, inhuman caste-based social system in all its
political, economic and socio-religio-cultural facets, which are
getting accentuated under the impact of globalisation. Whether one
terms it upper caste chauvinism or Brahmanical fascism, the
reactionary assault on the people of the most oppressed castes has
become even fiercer. MR 2004 strongly opposes all forms of upper
caste domination and chauvinism and casteist discrimination including
the horrendous practice of untouchability, which is still seen in
parts of the country.
14. MR 2004 seeks to fight the patriarchal oppression of women, and
opposes the vulgar and degenerate imperialist culture that breeds
violence against them and views them as commodities.
15. MR 2004 stands against the growing communalisation of society,
and opposes all forms of communal violence, but most particularly the
majority form of Hindutva communalism which has targeted the
minorities including Christians, Sikhs and Dalits, but most
particularly the Muslims. In this context it will support and unite
with progressive forces of people belonging to each religion who are
struggling against imperialist sponsored fundamentalist and fascist
16. MR 2004 seeks justice, equality and liberation for all,
irrespective of caste, nationality, religion or gender and believes
that the struggles of all these oppressed sections of society are an
important part of the anti-imperialist movement and will play a
crucial role in the building of a new world.
17. MR-2004 unites strongly with the millions of struggling people
fighting US-led aggression and war throughout the world. It stands
firmly with the fighting people of Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine and
all the other countries that are being crushed under the jack-boots
of US-led imperialist/Zionist aggression. It stands for the
unilateral withdrawal of all US bases from various countries in the
world. It also stands against the military interventions and
expansionist strategies of the other imperialist powers.
18. Finally, MR-2004 appeals to all the genuine anti-imperialist
forces from India and abroad, including those who will be attending
the WSF in Mumbai, to join and strengthen the MR-2004 trend of true
resistance to imperialist globalisation and war.
19. MR-2004 is of the strong opinion that justice, equality and
liberation can be achieved only through peoples' struggles. In this
process we do not exclude any form of struggle that the situation may
demand. The achievement of justice, equality and liberation is the
primary objective, and the people choose the method of struggle
according to the specific situation. Any restriction based on the
forms of struggle can only serve to divide the forces standing up
against imperialism.
20. We appeal to you all to attend our plenary sessions, workshops,
seminars, cultural festival and rally, and thereby lend weight to the
growing resistance in India and throughout the world. The MR-2004
will be inaugurated at 9.00 am on January 17, 2004. This will be
followed by a series of workshops (primarily on issues that affect
the lives of the people) on January 17th and 18th. January 19th will
be witness to a cultural festival; and January 20th to a mammoth
21. We, the initiators of MR-2004, call on all democratic mass
organisations to join the MR-2004 process, democratic individuals to
lend their name the Reception Committee, and for all to donate funds
for this effort. It firmly believes that funding from
imperialist/capitalist governments, corporates or foreign
institutional sources can never help the peoples' movements, and will
not get funds from these sources. It will declare its sources of
funds and expenditure. With the MR-2004 process being initiated from
now itself, not only in India but in many countries of the world, we
call on all people to participate in this new process culminating in
the January 2004 event.
September 5, 2003
Initiators of MR-2004 are:
International League for Peoples' Struggles (ILPS)
World Peoples' Resistance Movement (WPRM), South Asia.
Anti-Imperialist Camp (Austria)
Bayan (Philippines)
Confederation of Turkish Workers in Europe (ATIK)
Militant Movement (Greece)
All India Peoples Resistance Forum (AIPRF)
AP Forum for Secularism and Democracy
Bahujan Mukti Mahasangh
Bharat Jan Andolan (BJA)
Bharatiya Kisan Union (BKU), Haryana
Chattisgarh Mukti Morcha (CMM)
Karnataka Rajya Raitha Sangha (KRRS)
Kashtakari Yuvak Sanghatana
Lokshahi Hakk Sanghatana
MY India -- Muslim Youth of India
Movement for Implementation of Land Reforms, Chittoor District,
Andhra Pradesh
Samajik Nyaya Morcha
Struggling Forum for People's Resistance (SFPR)
Telengana Jana Sabha
Yuva Bharat
011-27675001, 011-35970862, 022-26857083, 09892370462
Room No 1163, 6th Floor, `Ekta', Mahada Colony, Vanrai, Western
Express High Way,
Goregaon, (East), Phone: 022-26857083, Email:
Formation of a Reception Committee
For The
Mumbai Resistance – 2004: Against Imperialist Globalisation and War
Dear Friends,
You would be aware that the World Social Forum is due to hold its
yearly conference in January next year outside Porto Allegro (Brazil)
for the first time in its three-year history. It is scheduled to be
held at Mumbai between January 16th and 21st 2004. Due to the
limitations of this body we are organizing an independent 4-day
function on that occasion, in order to focus more explicitly on
Imperialist Globalisation and the War-mongering of the US aggressors
and the growing worldwide resistance to it.
To the chagrin of the imperialists, peoples throughout the world are
increasingly taking to the path of struggle in a big way. The
militant mass demonstrations since Seattle are symbolic of the
intensification of the anti-imperialist mood among all sections. A
variety of forces have participated in these movements, with varying
ideologies and ideas about the way in which globalisation can be
fought. While some have been seeking merely some reforms in the
policies of the IMF, World Bank, etc. and of the imperialist
governments, others have been linking the process of globalisation to
imperialism and are clear that to fight globalisation there is a need
to fight and defeat imperialism itself.
The US imperialists have, since 9/11, launched their war against so-
called `terrorism', as a euphemism for a war against people's
movements and all those who are opposed to their policies. To further
their imperialist designs they have their war-mongering and the
devastating consequences are visible all over the world. This has
further given a boost to people's struggles worldwide – as has been
evident from the wide protests against the Iraq war and the growing
militant resistance of the people of Iraq and Palestine. MR-2004
considers itself as a continuation of these gigantic mass movements,
initiated at Seattle, against imperialist globalisation and war.
There is an urgent need for those who are opposed to imperialist
globalisation and imperialist led wars of aggression to rally
together, share experiences, analyse imperialist strategies, and
develop a perspective that will take the movement forward to confront
and ultimately defeat imperialism.
But we find that the WSF, as it is structured - only for "reflective
thinking" without conclusions and plans for action - does not allow
for the development of a clear anti-imperialist perspective.
Though the WSF claims through its charter to be against `all forms of
imperialism', it has in fact no clear understanding regarding this,
nor are those in the leadership of WSF actually against imperialism
in practice. The WSF is being led by `Left' parties who are or have
been in power either at provincial or central level in Brazil,
Western European countries and even India. These parties have
themselves been implementing the policies prescribed by the IMF, WB
and other imperialist institutions, leading to tremendous hardships
to the people. These parties cannot be relied upon to lead the anti-
imperialist movement ahead. The other leading constituent of the WSF
are major NGOs who are active in raising demands to reform the
imperialist system and give, in their words, `globalisation a human
face'. Given this domination of WSF by elements who are not opposed
to imperialist globalisation itself, it is clear that the task of
developing the anti-imperialist struggle cannot be undertaken freely
in this forum.
Further the charter of the WSF itself restricts constituent
organisations to non-violent forms of struggle. It specifically
closes the door on all other forms of struggle. At a time when the
growing aggression of the imperialists has forced the masses in
numerous places to resort to more and more militant forms of
struggle, such restrictions can only serve to divide the forces
standing up against imperialism.
The WSF is being funded largely by donations obtained either directly
from imperialist agencies (e.g. the Ford Foundation) or indirectly
through NGOs funded by such agencies or governments. Such funds are
given with the express purpose of institutionalising dissent and
diverting genuine activists into channels harmless to imperialism,
thus harming the growing movement.
It is for these reasons that we, the undersigned organisations, have
taken the initiative to organise an independent event under the
banner `Mumbai Resistance – 2004: Against Imperialist Globalisation
and War'.
It is proposed to be a four day programme including seminars,
workshops, a cultural festival and a mass rally. It is expected that
even those committed to and participating in the WSF process will
join in the MR-2004 programme. We hope you support this endeavour to
strengthen and take forward the struggle against imperialism and wars
and join us to make this effort a success.
MR 2004
Mumbai Resistance 2004
Against Imperialism and War
Date: September, 2004
Dear Friends,
On account of the WSF having chosen Mumbai, India as its destination
for its fourth annual conference and on account of the "limitations"
of the WSF in focusing the real nature of Imperialist Globalization,
AIPRF had circulated among various organisations two draft documents
1. Formation of the Reception Committee for the Mumbai Resistance
2004 against Imperialist Globalization.
2. Introducing MR 2004.
On 5th September 2003 a meeting was conducted by AIPRF at Mumbai, to
discuss these documents. The following organisations attended:
1) Yuva Bharat - Shashikant Sonawane.
2) Muslim Youth of India - Feroz Mithiborwalla.
3) Bhujan Mukti Mahasangh- Jambuka.
4) Samajik Nyay Morcha - Thomas Matthew.
5) Vidrohi- Avinash Kadam, Subodh More*
6) Bharat Jan Andolan - Dr. B.D. Sharma.
7) Kashtakari Yuvak Sanghtana - Ramu Pawar.
8) Telengana Jana Sabha - Bhoomaih.
9) Naujawan Bharat Sabha - Sampat.
10) Lokshahi Hakk Sanghtana - Anthony Samy
* Vidrohi attended as observers, they are yet to discuss in their
committee regarding joining MR-2004
Besides these organisations the following organisations who agreed
with the draft documents, though not present at the meeting, have
consented to be part of the organisations initiating MR-2004.
1) International League for People's Struggles (ILPS).
2) World People's Resistance Movement (WPRM) - South Asia.
3) Anti-Imperialist Camp- Austria.
4) Militant Movement - Greece.
5) BAYAN - Philippines.
6) Confederation of Turkish Worker's in Europe (ATIK).
7) Raita Rajya Sangha - Prof Najundswamy.
8) Chattisgarh Mutki Morcha - (CMM).
9) Bharatiya Kisan Union (BKU) - Haryana.
10) Struggling Forum for People's Resistance (SFRP).
11) AP Forum for Secularism and Democracy.
12) Movement for Implementation of Land Reforms.
Amendments were suggested by different groups from amongst those who
attended as also those who couldn't make it to the meeting. These
amendments were discussed by the meeting and on the basis of points
of consensus they were incorporated into the documents by a sub-
committee authorized by the meeting. Please find copies of the final
documents enclosed with this letter.
There was a discussion on the choice of the name, 'Mumbai
Resistance'. It was broadly agreed that the name was appropriate and
so should be continued.
Besides this the other decisions taken are:-
* That we should carry the documents back to our states and mobilize
the Reception Committee and as also bring other organisations to
participate in our programme based on agreement with the two
* It was decided that the programme is to be held in January 2004.
The tentative programme was proposed as under:-
a) January 17th 2004 Morning Session- Inaugural - Plenary Session.
Proposed Inaugural Speakers- James Petras / Edward Said.
Sub Themes:
1) Globalization is an issue-capitalism / imperialism is the issue.
2) Can multilateral institutions be reformed?
3) Strategies of imperialist control.
4) Military face of imperialism
17th afternoon and 18th morning sessions: proposed topics for
1) Hindu fascism as an instrument of Globalisation
2) Imperialism and environment
3) Globalisation and working class
4) Dalit question and Globalisation
5) Imperialism and patriarchy
6) Imperialism and Tribal/ Indigenous people
7) Imperialism and state repression
8) Imperialism and National liberation
9) Imperialism and the peasantry
Afternoon- Closing sessions.
Jan 19th -Cultural Festival.
Jan 2oth - Rally and Public Meeting.
Besides this various names of national and international speakers
were proposed and discussed.
It was agreed that we must have both intellectuals a well as leaders
of struggling people's movements.
It was agreed that a bank account should be opened and donations
collected from people.
An office of MR-2004 has been opened at Goregaon and the address and
phone no. is:
Room no 1163,
6th floor, Bldg no 11,
Ekta co-operative society,
Vanrai, MHADA Colony,
Near Mahananda Dairy,
Ph no. 26857083.
Besides this a website is to be started as well as a newsletter on e-
Resolution were passed on:
1) Opposing the visit of Ariel Sharon to India.
2) On Cancun WTO ministerial level meeting, demanding scrapping WTO.
A press realease is to be prepared incorporating the contents of the
meeting as well as the resolutions.
Finally the participating organisations at Mumbai level formed a
committee for logistics and they are to meet on 15/9/2003 evening 6
p.m at the nrmu office at Dadar (e).
The next meeting of the initiators together with new participating
organizations is to be held on 10th October 2003 at Mumbai.
The meeting ended with a song by Sambhaji. The song he said was
about "knowing the enemy!"
We will keep you updated please send us e-mail id's of people you
feel we should be mailing this letter to.
Holding high the banner of Resistance!
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mumbai resistance and world social forum
11.01.2004 10:37
Mumbai Resistance and the World Social Forum
Saroj Giri
The time has come for a certain Marxism to assert itself and this is possibly the Marxism of the old Leninist tradition. It is good to find that the debate between the two Marxisms has again come to the fore in the Indian context with the Mumbai Resistance taking up issue with World Social Forum. For with the WSF happening in India, all sorts of objectively dubious and opportunist forces and tendencies on the Communist left in India are finally coming out open and clear with their long hidden ideological and political bankruptcy.
What does the WSF happening in India represent? It represents a rapprochement of sorts between the parliamentary communist parties and the non-ideological, anti-communist social movements (NGOs). And this rapprochement is not one marked by the warming up by the NGOs to the position of the communist left but one marked by the dilution of whatever Marxist positions the parliamentary communist parties ever took in India. Thus the WSF in Mumbai represents, in the Indian context, a major step ahead for the agenda of anti-communist NGOs. (We will not make revolution, not even reform, only ‘capacity-building’).
Indeed, the WSF in India comes at a time when the left social democratic forces in the country are not just weak but in tatters, rejected by the majority of the people for engaging in opportunist politics in the name of left politics. Well, friends, do not think that the rejection of ‘Stalinist’ communist parties is something good, for this means that people are going towards Hindu fascist politics. To a very large extent, privatization, jingoistic nationalism, Hindu fundamentalism, globalization and the essentially right-wing search for identity, indigeneity and Gandhian-style communities are taking place in India unchallenged by the parliamentary communist parties. This is because they are themselves implicated in this process. The parliamentary communist parties in India has long served, objectively, to silence any genuine revolutionary upsurge by the people through hoodwinking and by betraying the communist cause. Today, partly due to the dilution of Marxist politics over decades and generations and partly due to the rise of the Hindu right, all that they really talk about is the defence of secularism and the constitution and the protection of minorities(and about this as well they are not able to do much).
These parliamentary communist parties are the defenders of the status quo, of the Nehruvian anti-communist ‘socialism’. Now that people have rejected their politics of hoodwinking the working class and indirectly aiding the capitalists to extract more and more surplus value from the workers, they are trying to mobilize people by calling for the defence of the constitution, secularism and democracy. What constitution, what secularism and what democracy are these which we are called upon to defend? They are all bourgeois variants, and sometime not even bourgeois. Sometimes it is feudal, without the formal rights and guarantees that bourgeois democracy and law are supposed to ensure(look at the suppression of human rights by the Indian state right since 1947).
Such is the character of the Indian state. And it is to be the prime minister of such an Indian state that the so-called veteran leader of the CPI(M) almost fought with his own party. This shows that the CPI(M) is ready to preside over such an oppressive state system. Or consider the present CPI(M) leader of West Bengal confabulating with ‘captains of industry’, both Indian and foreign, to come and invest in the state. Not only does he offer the state to the capitalists he even promises the capitalist suckers that the workers activism and militancy will be reined in and there won’t be any trouble. Well done sirs, we should concentrate our fight only against the Hindu right and in the defence of the present bourgeois constitution and secularism. It is such a type of communist party which is involved in a big way in organizing the WSF in India.
And it is such a communist party which is now getting cosy with the NGOs, secular academicians and other liberals in the country. Of course, they always got along well together. Now they join hands even more. For the Hindu fascists are coming and all the good old days that they had under Nehruvian ‘socialism’ (read liberalism, with occasional concessions to communalism) is soon going to come to an end. For a very long time the Indian people who rebelled and revolted have never managed to clinch any solid victories. When Mahatama Gandhi, the quintessential figure representing the most subtle forms of duping the working class, challenged the type of thinking which Bhagat Singh, the young communist leader, during the freedom struggle fought for; when after 1947 one of the first actions that the Independent Indian state took was the massacre of thousands of communist-inspired peasants in Telangana; when in the late 1960’s thousands of again communist-inspired rebels were killed in the country with the backing of the CPI(M); when the follower-detractors of Nehru opened the economy in 1991 to liberalization and globalization; when finally now the Hindu right came to power at the Centre: after all of these developments we can say that all the potential that social democracy and the present Indian state with its supposedly great constitution and secularism apparently possessed is thoroughly exhausted. Don’t all of the above developments, each of which represented the consolidation of social democracy and of the then secular Indian state, have something to do with the rise of the Hindu right?
So today, while asking who is at the forefront of fighting the Hindu right in the country, one also has to ask, who are responsible for creating the conditions for the rise of the Hindu right here. Who it was who betrayed the working class movements in the country so that entire section of workers, say in Mumbai today are with the right wing Shiv Sena. Which political forces were responsible for the failure of the textile mill workers strike in 1981-82 in Mumbai and how was that linked to the subsequent rise of the Shiv Sena? Wasn’t such a pattern seen in Ahmedabad as well which once had a strong working class movement and only sometime back saw a genocide against Muslims?
Some people ask where are the Mumbai Resistance people in the fight against the Hindu right. I ask, where is your working class politics if you want ordinary people not to go with the Hindu right. Where is your armed struggle for the Dalit landless labourers to defend themselves against the landlord’s armies backed by the Indian state? Where is your support for the Maoists in Nepal who are, at this stage, fighting a fight which is actually yours, a fight against monarchy and for a democratic republic(maybe these are too insignificant details for you)? And do you know both the US and Indian state are out to crush the Maoist movement? And if workers are fighting for their rights, for their day to day survival, Dalits and landless labourers are defending themselves through armed struggle and pitching in for the CPIML People’s War, do you think this fight does not contribute to the fight against the Hindu right? Sorry, your mass mobilizations against ‘communalism’ are not enough; they are sometimes just an empty show and an alibi for not changing the fundamental socio-economic structures and the political system. So the civil society in India these days organizes so many of these mass mobilizations, ranging from candle light vigil to so-called non-violent militant action. They organize symposiums and present sophisticated academic papers analysing something like ‘the construction of communalism in colonial north india’ or use Gramsi’s notion of hegemony to examine colonial historiography.
Where are the Maoists in all this, where are they deep in the forest thinking that they alone are the most genuine revolutionaries? This is a valid question but it is a question which caricatures the Maoists and is essentially asked in bad faith. For those who put such questions actually want the Maoists to be in the forests and never come out and maybe perish there. And this was manifest in the WSF India’s Charter of Principles passed in Bhopal where they declared the exclusion of “organizations that seek to take people’s lives as a method of political action”. Thus the communist freedom fighter Bhagat Singh is out and his detractor Gandhi is in. But the paradox and opportunism here is that the same organization and individuals who were responsible for drafting this Charter would be the first the claim to legacy of Bhagat Singh: for populist purposes that is. No wonder that the Maoists are not wanted by the WSF India organizers and they are also not interested in being part of the WSF. Hence the WSF and Mumbai Resistance as parallel programmes truly represent one of the principal fissures within the Indian communist left.
And this is where we come to the notion of network of movements and the striving for non-hierarchical structures that the WSF is supposed to represent, in contrast to the Mumbai Resistance which is supposed to represent the old, Stalinist hierarchical left (see Aditya Nigam, “Old Left in a New World”). My understanding is that the really fruitful question to be raised is not about hierarchies and organizational structures in themselves but about the elements and specifics of social change. Further the question to be asked is, what is change? If change is merely about reshuffling things around, of say being more inclusive and multicultural and representative and participatory, then sorry for me this is no change at all. Change has to be about changing the structural principle around which all social factors, classes and identities get organized: not a mere solving of innumerable partial problems without however catching the core around which things coalesce. Or else we will be merely making an exhaustive infinite approach to achieve what Ernesto Laclau calls ‘the impossible fullness of society’.
On the other hand, are those who argue that this approach of addressing partial problems through dispersed, network-based movements leaves the core principle of the system unchallenged and unquestioned. This may often take the form of, in the Indian context, only organizing mass meetings opposing the Hindu right and appealing to people’s conscience and never challenging any of the structural logics. Hence the very nature of the ‘struggle’ dictates no more than a so-called non-hierarchical network. Thus civil society intellectuals, lots of them left-liberals in India have taken in large doses of post-modernism-inspired critiques of Marxism and pose themselves as merely opposing Stalin but not Marxism, true followers of Khruschev. They never want to dirty their hands by going beyond networks, that is, their computers and offices. Thus it is not their commitment towards democracy which seems to be propelling their charge against hierarchical structures supposedly represented by the Mumbai Resistance but their refusal to take the struggle beyond the infinitesimal circularity of their civil society mobilizations. This leads to what I would like to call the fetishisation of struggle, a corollary of the refusal to change the very structural principle of the system.
My feeling is that forces represented by the Mumbai Resistance might very well be hierarchical and non-network based but they have got their politics right to the extent that they are not the victim of this fetishisation of struggle. They know that you do not dissipate your energies and of the people supporting you by organizing never-ending processions, marches and seminars but this has to be accompanied by a frontal attack on the system, on the class and caste hierarchies and on capital itself. To what extent they are able to do so, whether they are successful in it or not are questions that we should all raise but they have hit home the point that a change is needed in the very structural principle on which society rests. As Zizek points out: “what about changing the very fundamental structural principle of society, as happened with the emergence of the ‘democratic invention’? The passage from feudal monarchy to capitalist democracy, while it failed to reach the ‘impossible fullness of society’ certainly did more than just ‘solve a variety of partial problems’”(in J.Butler, E. Laclau and S. Zizek, “Contingency, Hegemony, Universality”, London, 2000, p. 93).
The point then is not to merely make self-laudatory statements about how we should all be non-hierarchical and network based for this is often accompanied by getting entangled in the fetishisation of struggle and petty reformism. Instead it makes much more sense to maintain the focus on changing, superseding the structural principle of the present and yet maintain a non-hierarchical form of activity. But what if in countering this structural principle it is the working class which comes to play a pivotal role? Maybe we are back to the Marxism of Lenin. Addressing this question is to my understanding one of the key tasks of all those revolutionaries gathered in Mumbai for the Mumbai Resistance and WSF.
Saroj Giri
saroj giri