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More than 600 people at European Education Forum

EEFR mediateam | 18.09.2003 21:02 | Education

More than 600 people attended at the European Education Forum today. At 4 pm there was a demonstration at the Hilton hotel where the summit of the European educationministers takes place.

We don`t
We don`t

Banner: your education keeps us dumm
Banner: your education keeps us dumm

The evening plenrary
The evening plenrary

The evening plenary
The evening plenary

More than 600 people attended at the European Education Forum in Berlin. More than 25 workshops today and a diskussion about the Bolognaproces. More than 100 people attended at a manifestation in front of the Hilton hotel where the European education ministers are holding their summit.

EEFR mediateam
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Stop the stupid face blurring censorship

19.09.2003 14:49

The blurred out people in the photos look like so many shop window dummies. There's no indication of them being human at all, having expressions, feelings nothing. Are they glad to be there, are they angry, upset what? And for god's sake all they're doing is holding banners not lobbing petrol bombs. Why can't you censorship nazis realise how stupid you make us ALL look. Activists have a bad enough image problem without you making an entire group of people on this site look like terrorists to most people in mainstream society.
Grow up!

real person

Not censorship

19.09.2003 16:05

Regardless of what you think about burring faces in general (I'm fairly ambivalent about this, but I think it's probably unnecessary in this case), it is not "censorship" if the person posting photographs decides to do this -- it is their fredom to do so if they wish. It would only be censorship if someome else was modifying the pictures after they were posted.