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Why Wesley Clarke isn't the best idea for president.

kieran | 16.09.2003 22:21 | Oxford

Here's a short email I sent Micheal Moore saying why supporting General Wesley Clarke (of Kosovo fame), who's standing for nomination as the democratic candidate, perhaps isn't such a good idea.

Dear Micheal Moore

As a fan of your films and fellow lefty traveller from accross the atlantic I thought I better send you a friendly note of concern at your rescent support for Wesley Clarke's canditure for the democratic nomination. You see not being American I can't speak for his stand on domestic issues but I can tell you that the one thing I remember him for is wanting to take an air field in Prestina that the Russian's had decided to occupy at the end of the war over Kosovo. Luckily some other general, a British one as it happens, decided to disobey his order and thus world war three (or something approaching) was overted, but I can't help feeling that someone who has shown himself that keen on the idea of launching us all towards a nuclear winter is perhaps not the best person to take over the running of America right now. Hey here's an idea, I know its sounds crazy but I think it might just work -why not get a president elected whose instincts tell him something other than to start wars and kill people. Apart from anything else it would make such a change,

Yours, Kieran.

