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TOOLS & TECHNIQUIES | 16.09.2003 15:38 | Education | Sheffield

A full day of discussions, workshops and demos looking into using the Linux operating system for multi-media tasks.

3d animation / video / audio synthesis / mp3s / Indymedia software / image manipulation

VIDEO: A2RT from Birmingham have been looking into open-source software for video for sometime, and will be demonstrating their favourite techniques using Kino and Cinelerra.

DadaImc - Indymedia software: Mike Tonks from the Cube cinema and Indymedia Bristol will be leading a hands-on introduction to configuring and using Indymedia software for your own projects.

3D GRAPHICS: Blender is a powerful 3D tool, which can produce animated graphics, and export as video clips. Given the cost of commercial equivalents, this is a piece of highly developed software with huge potential.

GRAPHICS: James Wallbank from Access Space will be giving an overview of GIMP image software. GIMP is now also available for Windows, and is taking a large share of the education market. With an interface very similar to Adobe PhotoShop, if you know the GIMP, you can't go wrong.

AUDIO: Matt Gray (aka Gray.m3) will be giving an intro to audio production with open-source software. This will cover synthesis (with Pure-Data), sequencing (with SoundTracker), outputting to MP3 using Lame. Pretty comprehensive.

Access Space, 1a Sidney Street, Sheffield. S1 4RG.
0114 2495522

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