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Was the UN really that dumb?

ram | 16.09.2003 14:20

Who controls the UN.
Honestly how could the pigs lie so batantly at the UN and get away.

Diego Garcia islanders fight to go home
By Daniel O’Flynn
15 September 2003

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A large number of islanders from Diego Garcia have been camped out at Gatwick airport just south of London. Recent arrivals have joined a group that came last September and others who arrived in June this year.

The local council of Crawley in Sussex has now taken responsibility for more than 100 Diego Garcians. They are part of a community of 5,000 that live in abject poverty in the slum towns of Mauritius. The islanders were forcibly removed from the Chagos Archipelago in the Indian Ocean in the 1960s and early 1970s by the Labour government of Harold Wilson. To get to Gatwick the islanders often had to sell all their possessions to pay for their airline tickets.

The islanders, who won the right to full British citizenship several years ago, launched a legal action in the London High Court in July 2000 against their illegal deportation and enforced stay in Mauritius and won a historic ruling that agreed that the eviction was illegal. The case did not go to appeal because British authorities accepted the judge’s decision. British government officials declared that the indigenous citizens were free to return but in a cynical sleight of hand, the islanders could only return to the “outer homeland islands only.” They could visit Diego Garcia as part of a handpicked group of up to 100 to see the graves of their families, but would then have to leave. Even this pitiful decision was opposed by the US government on the grounds that re-colonisation of the outer islands is not possible because they are too close to a US naval base and could be used by “terrorist and spies which could use electronic jamming from the other islands.”

Diego Garcia, or 7 00 S, 71 30 E as it is named by the United States Navy, is in the Southern Hemisphere. A place of natural beauty inhabited for hundreds of years by a people living by means of fishing and the extraction of oil from the copra or coconuts until their eviction, the island has been transformed into a globally strategic military naval compound. The island, which stretches 34 miles from end to end with a harbour entrance opening to the North-Northwest, is termed an atoll with an actual landmass encompassing only 6,720 acres. The 40 miles of shoreline encloses a lagoon 6.5 miles wide and 13 miles long. This small dot on the map has been transformed into the largest military base outside of the US.

The US first expressed interest in the island in 1964, in the aftermath of the Cuban missile crisis and the developing Cold War with the Soviet Union. This was the same period when many African countries achieved political independence and turned to the Soviet Union for aid. The US was on the verge of full-scale intervention in Vietnam, precipitating a crisis made worse by increased social conflict within America itself. Britain, having lost much of its old colonial influence, was also being dragged into a conflict in Rhodesia after its Unilateral Declaration of Independence (UDI).

Strategically Diego Garcia came into its own as a platform from which to defend US interests overseas and to project its military might. The Chagos Islands, of which Diego Garcia is the largest, were part of Mauritius and one of Britain’s last overseas colonies. The British agreed to independence for Mauritius on the proviso that it could pick and choose which Mauritius islands would be given independence. A line was drawn around Diego Garcia, Aldabra, Desroches and Farquhar, which then became part of a new formation of islands under Britain’s control called British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT). Mauritius then became independent and in 1965 the BIOT islands were leased to the US for 50 years.

For construction of the naval base, the US demanded that the island be free of any inhabitants. Washington described this as a “population problem” which had to be resolved. British officials responded by organising what was described as “the complete sterilisation of the archipelago.” This involved the total withdrawal of all essential services, the cutting off electrical and medical supplies and an end to the provision of food supply ships. Information on this forced evacuation came to light with the release of documents from the 1960s. Sir Paul Gore-Booth, a leading figure in the British Foreign Office, wrote at the time, “we must be very tough about this” and that “there will be no indigenous population [on Diego Garcia] except seagulls.”

One diplomat declared in another document, “Unfortunately along with the birds go a few Tarzan and Man Fridays whose origins are obscure, and who are being hopefully whisked on to Mauritius.”

The forcible removal was justified to the United Nation with a blatant lie: that there was no indigenous population and only contract workers on the island.

Leasing of the island to the US was partly in return for an agreement that America would give Britain Polaris nuclear weapons systems at a huge discount. This agreement was kept secret from the British parliament, US Congress and the UN at the time.

Polaris subsequently became the focus of a political scandal for the Wilson government. While in opposition, Wilson had attacked the development of a supposed “independent nuclear deterrent” for Britain and pledged to scrap the nuclear submarine programme if Labour was elected. Within days of entering office in October 1964, however, this stance was reversed with claims that the programme would prove too costly to abandon.

For the British ruling class, Polaris was crucial on several fronts. Britain’s humiliating withdrawal from the Suez Canal in 1956, at US insistence, had shown that it lacked the military capability and political clout required to defend its remaining imperial possessions. It’s “independent deterrent” was aimed at rectifying this. Britain initially refused to integrate its nuclear weapons into the NATO system, reinforcing its claim to “Great Power” status.

In reality, the Polaris programme was entirely dependent on the US both technologically and financially. The contradiction between Britain’s global ambitions and its resources meant the Polaris deal was only one of a number of arrangements made between the US and the UK during this period. In return for US help in trying to strengthen the pound in September 1965, an informal agreement was made that the Wilson government would tighten spending, control wage rises and also support America intervention in Vietnam.

This particular political partnership between the US and Britain was revealed in 1995 when the UN Pelindaba Treaty for a Nuclear-Weapons Free Africa was signed by all the countries involved—with the specific exemption of Diego Garcia.

With the illegal eviction of the inhabitants, construction of the US Naval Communication Facility began on March 24, 1971. Since the Vietnam War the port has been a main base for both naval and aerial interventions. Diego Garcia was designated as a base for “pre-positioned materials to support a rapid deployment force”. A $6.1 million project was agreed to develop the natural lagoon into a large ship channel and important turning basin. Congress later authorised $28.6 million to further expand the military base. By the end of 1980, a massive $100 million was spent on dredging the island to expand the berthing facilities, as well as the extension of the 8,000 feet runway to 12,000 feet, with parking aprons and taxiways. In 2000 Diego Garcia was home to at least seven B-52 Stratofortress heavy bombers and seven KC-135 refuelling tanks.

The overthrow of the Shah of Iran in 1979 saw the most dramatic build-up of Diego Garcia as a military base and a major component in US imperialism’s global ambitions.

In the 1990s the island was used as a critical refuelling base during the first Gulf War. Its population doubled with the development of a Strategic Air Command Bombardment Wing and served as a base for B-52 bombers. Diego Garcia was a key part of US military and naval operations during the US intervention in Somalia. In 2001 the island was used to launch B-1 and B-52 bomber operations against Afghanistan. “Hot-pit” refuelling and crew changes were made on the island and, according to some reports, the base was used for the interrogation of Al Qaeda suspects. Its most recent work involved the military occupation of Iraq. “Climate controlled hangers” were installed to protect the top-secret stealth coating of B-52 that make them “invisible” to conventional detection radar systems.

The Chagos islanders now based in Crawley are suing the British and US governments for damages and demanding that the original 2000 decision by the London High Courts is enforced. A fresh court judgement will be given in the next few weeks.

See Also:
Former Diego Garcia islanders launch legal action against British government
[18 July 2000]



Hide the following 7 comments

message for RAM

16.09.2003 15:35

hello ram

Your 'article' is a straight repost from the World Socialist Web Site.

As well as breaking their copyright - this also goes against the editorial guidelines laid down for this site. Straight reposts are generally not encouraged.

Please read the guidelines

Would it be possible to speak with you in person ? It might help clear up some of the misunderstandings that you have about what articles are accceptable and what isn't.

No one wishes to censor you at UK IMC but if you continue to flaunt the editorial guidelines action may be taken.

I'd like to avoid this if possible. Please e-mail me or better still give us call 07817-953579



16.09.2003 15:52

my e-mail is


oh! apologies

16.09.2003 19:23

I always wondered how the copyright laws affected on IMC posting.
I have read up the guidelines few times but it must have been hurried in the past. Missed it.
First time anyone stopped me as far as I know. There may have beentimes when a warning was issued and I failed togo back read. Apologies.
I take full responsibilities if the socialist website comes after you.
Has the IMC been in trouble over this?


Damn the UN was not dumb

16.09.2003 19:41

Instead they were dangerous acomplices for a deal stuck over nuclear weapons between the pigs.
By pigs I mean the US and UK who are armed to their teeth with nuclear WMD but not only go around the world preachign shit ...they brainswash their local braindead idiots.
(please let me know if I have broken any IMC-UK guidelines)

You can read all about this here
from where I quote

In return for the islanders' removal and exclusion from the British colony, London reportedly received an $11 million discount on the purchase of the US-made Polaris nuclear weapons system. The main island, Diego Garcia, became a strategic base for the US military during the Cold War and was used to supply its forces in the Red Sea and Vietnam. B-52 bombers were also stationed on the island during the 1991 Gulf War against Iraq.

So was the UN dumb as the original article I copied on to the news wire suggests?
Even a child could tell you that illegal eviction of islanders by two countries with the most brutal history in recent times is bound to be over some sick deal.

Aren't the UK and US a bunch of pigs?


COpy RiGHt

17.09.2003 01:15

I think this is issue of indigenous people diplaced Diego goes far beyond any issue of copyrights of external sites. A large proportion of the articles on the this site are already taken from other sites and nothing is done about it. If any action is taken then it will be obviously about someone disagreeing with the issues raised and not about any editorial guidelines.
There is no excuse for defending the displacement of indigenous people from their homelands.

Brian B

a message for RAM

17.09.2003 13:15

hello ram

Its good to see that you acknowledge the copyright issue, as well as reposts in general.

It has come to the attention of some of the volunteers of UK-IMC ( who are involved in administering the site ) that you have been monopolising the newswire with your reposts and comments.

I think in April this year that 34% of the posts to this site were from you alone.

Again monoplising of the newswire breaks the current editorial guidelines.

But what i think rattles some volunteers the most is the vicious language that you sometimes use, and your percieved hostility towards imc volunteers who give up their time to keep this site running.

All these e-mails are publicly archived and you can read them here - many of then at the mo concern you.

As i said previously no one wants to censor your free expression - However if the editorial guidelines get broken regularly then it could happen.

Please contact me if you wish to discuss this matter further Ram

ps- thanks for stating the bleeding obvious Brian - that's really helpful.

mail e-mail:

only for the eyes of those who care

18.09.2003 22:21

************* strictly no pigscum **************************


If any IMC-UK volunteers were not reading the mewswire and they missed me I suggest you put them under survilence to see who they really work for.

I think in April this year there was a fucking illegal and immoral war when most of the pigs just stood by for the pigscum to rape and pillage a country that has already been for 12 fucking years gang raped .
If I got in 34% of the oppositon to it in, in my opinion IMC-UK was dangerously dysfunctional during that time. Just talk talk no action.
If there is an open talking policy use it instead of giving up your last breaths of rights scared of the pigscum.
I clearly remember during the height of the illegal invasion there were even posts discussing total crap like some fair in some rural town noone ever gives a shit about.

Do you realise that most of you idiots let me talk on my own and shut up and listened.
Then you turn around and accuse me of monoplising the newswire?
Also could you clearly state where the editorial guidelines that handle such monopolisation of views exist? If they do exist to be used like this they clearly need to be changed.

One thing I thank you, Ian, is for the honesty one can smell from you.
You clearly say some volunteers are rattled by (vicious) language.
That gives me hope that most of the volunteers see it as forceful heartfelt expression of ones disgust at happening for our benefit.
I urge the few misled IMC-UK volunteers to think about the cold blooded killing and the horrific injuries caused by the pigscum in our fucking name.
I urge anyone else looking on to do something about it. Wherever there is a chance be forceful and vocal about it and say what you really think.
The time has come to stop the pigscum.

I have never asked any volunteer anywhere to give up their time.
Also it is not as if they have achieved something and they need to be listened to.
I demand everyone to give up their time or to fuck off misleading people.
Think about it . Most of the wrongdoigns out there is mostly due to the media spin.
In the UK this practice is plentiful. Stop spinning. Speak out at worst.Or do something that deserves respect.

Of course some idiots who value their time and how they spin out the media over cold blooded massacres of whole nations will continue to find time to have a chat about one persistent commentator.
Of course they will conspire out of piggy pride or worst still ..... the denial of the ambitions to be counted in as the niche that fills the alternative media!
Fuck them Ian. Stop listening to them and wasting your time.
Of course I am concerned about those who plot behind my back but be clear all my concern is about their pathetic levels of existence.
Maybe you want to convey this message to them, Ian?

Tell every one of them who has not got the guts to comment openly against anything I have to post is born of pigs if not pigscum.
You are very right to confront me.
Especially now that the blatant folly that was when I started commenting about have been subdued through all the chemical Kelly inquiries and other spin it is to be expected that the pigs start coming out of the woodwork. The sheer load of time spent countering these pigs reaches a point when I will have to give up.

I gather that IMC could stop me from posting electronically.
If such action is ever taken one thing I will appreciate is a clear statement as to why when such action is taken so the whole world can see and understand. Of course the archives should be very useful then. Archives are a good thing.

As for IMC-UK censoring my posts it hiding this or that I do not care except the fact that the UK is a babaric country with no free media babaric that even the alternative media that proclaims to be free is shit scared of something that they do not want to talk about.The last few months have given me an invaluablae insight that I never set out to seek. It is really really worrying.

************* strictly no pigscum **************************
