Squat week in Brussels
Une semaine à Bruxelles | 15.09.2003 20:35 | Free Spaces
After the appeal organised by the collective "une semaine à Bruxelles", about fourty people were present for the first meeting of preparation for the extendable week of action starting on the 15th october 2003. After defining the issues of the day, everyone was given the chance to express what they need & want.
Everything can evolve and be re-discut.
1) How many and what sort of places need opening?
It's been decided to open a minimum of four places:
- a place for activities (concerts, theater, expositions, artistic workshops,...) and accomodation
- somewhere to reception trucks & caravans (wagenburg)
- somewhere directed towards information and social struggle (information, library, projections, conferences,...) and accomodation
- somewhere queer (gays, lesbians, bisexuels, trans,...) for accomodation, activities and informations
- .... we stay open minded
2) Who wants to be involved and how?
Within the initial 40, some are willing to squat and others to help. Certain people concerned were absent, there will be more of us as the reunions continue.
Differents workgroups have been defined:
- searchers group : if you see interesting, empty buildings, do not hesitate to bring the adresses with you to the reunion
- coordination/information/reception group : for now information can be found or added at 39, rue du fort, Saint-gilles - Brussels
- propaganda group : people to receive and defuse information (flyers, posters, text for the press???it's not been decided wether or not to publicise the week)
- legal team : legal help before, during and after any possible problems. Find a group of lawyers for legal documents
- street party and activities group : organisation of street party and activities. We're waiting for your propositions (finding bands, exhibitions, debates,...) to get a program started as soon as possible
- social struggle : group contact with the people of all districts, helping people squat, practical informations, keep in contact with other types of projects and struggles.
3) Logistic
**the places until areception building has been opened (trucks, kitchen, accomodation) that will be discreet and outside of the center, all informations can be found at 39, rue du fort, Saint-gilles - Brussels. The first opening will be the nerve center, we have not yet defined all its activities.
**kitchen With the amount of responses we've received, we are going to need food, and cook it. Help is wanted from mobile collective kitchens. We will also need people willing to invest time and efforts in these kitchens. If no kitchen comes forward, we'll have to get some started!!
**list of material - locks - hose pipes - cleaning products - prockets lamps and batteries - light bulbs - door bells - extension leeds, plugs, switch,... : electrical equipment - etais/etançons (metal beems for barricades) - tables - chairs - beds, matelas, blankets - general furniture - sofas - paint - tools : screwdrivers+screws, hammer+nails, drill+drillbits, circular saw, soldering iron and equipment to work metal, saws (electric or not) and equipment for wood, crobars, etc, etc - plumbing equipment - refregirators - strings and rope - first aid material - cooking equipment - everything else that we've forgotten, that you own --
4) Other ideas & propositions
- All through of the week, and ECOBUS that's runs on sunflower oil should be leant to us.
- The collective COLERE ( an association of angry tenants ) has proposed some commonale actions.
- MEDIACTIVIM proposes independant press coverage & projections
- LEUVEN proposes a camping squat, open to the public
- Freeshop ( clothes, etc ) vegan-restaurants
- Flags, to hang and empty buildings. Just for the info, the count is roughly 30,000 in Brussels
- A new intersquat ( communication in between the squats of Belgium ) will take place soon, with the aim of publishing a commonal paper
- Medical team ?
5) Free program
- Media action is planed for the 17 october against " Oppus Deï". It consists a theatrical confrontation in between the Squattus Deï ( squat in Leuven ) & Oppus Deï ( integrist catholics, owners of the squat )
- Street Party ( where? when? who ? )
- Concerts, activities
- Debates, projections, conferences
6) Appeal ( contact us )
- Appeal for accomodation for does who turn up before the week of action
- Appeal for the set up of a collective kitchens
- Appeal for band who can play during the week ( the dates will be decided at the next meeting ).
- Appeal to create a Medical Team
Next meeting : every wednesday 07.00pm St gilles, 39rue du Fort, brussels. Keep the contact. Tell us when you can attend the meetings and what date you are arriving in Brussels. Thanks
After the appeal organised by the collective "une semaine à Bruxelles", about fourty people were present for the first meeting of preparation for the extendable week of action starting on the 15th october 2003. After defining the issues of the day, everyone was given the chance to express what they need & want.
Everything can evolve and be re-discut.
1) How many and what sort of places need opening?
It's been decided to open a minimum of four places:
- a place for activities (concerts, theater, expositions, artistic workshops,...) and accomodation
- somewhere to reception trucks & caravans (wagenburg)
- somewhere directed towards information and social struggle (information, library, projections, conferences,...) and accomodation
- somewhere queer (gays, lesbians, bisexuels, trans,...) for accomodation, activities and informations
- .... we stay open minded
2) Who wants to be involved and how?
Within the initial 40, some are willing to squat and others to help. Certain people concerned were absent, there will be more of us as the reunions continue.
Differents workgroups have been defined:
- searchers group : if you see interesting, empty buildings, do not hesitate to bring the adresses with you to the reunion
- coordination/information/reception group : for now information can be found or added at 39, rue du fort, Saint-gilles - Brussels
- propaganda group : people to receive and defuse information (flyers, posters, text for the press???it's not been decided wether or not to publicise the week)
- legal team : legal help before, during and after any possible problems. Find a group of lawyers for legal documents
- street party and activities group : organisation of street party and activities. We're waiting for your propositions (finding bands, exhibitions, debates,...) to get a program started as soon as possible
- social struggle : group contact with the people of all districts, helping people squat, practical informations, keep in contact with other types of projects and struggles.
3) Logistic
**the places until areception building has been opened (trucks, kitchen, accomodation) that will be discreet and outside of the center, all informations can be found at 39, rue du fort, Saint-gilles - Brussels. The first opening will be the nerve center, we have not yet defined all its activities.
**kitchen With the amount of responses we've received, we are going to need food, and cook it. Help is wanted from mobile collective kitchens. We will also need people willing to invest time and efforts in these kitchens. If no kitchen comes forward, we'll have to get some started!!
**list of material - locks - hose pipes - cleaning products - prockets lamps and batteries - light bulbs - door bells - extension leeds, plugs, switch,... : electrical equipment - etais/etançons (metal beems for barricades) - tables - chairs - beds, matelas, blankets - general furniture - sofas - paint - tools : screwdrivers+screws, hammer+nails, drill+drillbits, circular saw, soldering iron and equipment to work metal, saws (electric or not) and equipment for wood, crobars, etc, etc - plumbing equipment - refregirators - strings and rope - first aid material - cooking equipment - everything else that we've forgotten, that you own --
4) Other ideas & propositions
- All through of the week, and ECOBUS that's runs on sunflower oil should be leant to us.
- The collective COLERE ( an association of angry tenants ) has proposed some commonale actions.
- MEDIACTIVIM proposes independant press coverage & projections
- LEUVEN proposes a camping squat, open to the public
- Freeshop ( clothes, etc ) vegan-restaurants
- Flags, to hang and empty buildings. Just for the info, the count is roughly 30,000 in Brussels
- A new intersquat ( communication in between the squats of Belgium ) will take place soon, with the aim of publishing a commonal paper
- Medical team ?
5) Free program
- Media action is planed for the 17 october against " Oppus Deï". It consists a theatrical confrontation in between the Squattus Deï ( squat in Leuven ) & Oppus Deï ( integrist catholics, owners of the squat )
- Street Party ( where? when? who ? )
- Concerts, activities
- Debates, projections, conferences
6) Appeal ( contact us )
- Appeal for accomodation for does who turn up before the week of action
- Appeal for the set up of a collective kitchens
- Appeal for band who can play during the week ( the dates will be decided at the next meeting ).
- Appeal to create a Medical Team
Next meeting : every wednesday 07.00pm St gilles, 39rue du Fort, brussels. Keep the contact. Tell us when you can attend the meetings and what date you are arriving in Brussels. Thanks

Une semaine à Bruxelles