US Presidential Frontrunner Under Attack
scott huminski | 15.09.2003 17:00
U.S. Democratic presidential frontrunner, Howard Dean's problems with corruption, the US Constitution and cronyism.
Twenty five years ago, in Northern Vermont, a lifelong friendship and political alliance was born. Young Howard Dean moved to Vermont and became the neighbor of passionate democrat, Esther Sorrell. Mrs. Sorrell’s living room had been described as the heart of the democratic party in Vermont and Howard Dean spent many a long hour in Mrs. Sorrell’s company. Mrs. Sorrell took the young political hopeful, Howard Dean, under her wing and became Dean’s mentor.
Mrs. Sorrell was so taken with Howard Dean’s political motivation and drive that she introduced him to her son, Billy. Both of the young men had strong political aspirations and shared goals of seeking high office. A life-long friendship and alliance was born between these two men under the guidance of Mrs. Sorrell. Howard Dean cherished Mrs. Sorrell’s motherly guidance and deeply valued the friendship and support of her son, Billy. To Vermonters, Billy is better known as Attorney General William Sorrell.
In 1992, now Governor Dean showed his appreciation to William Sorrell and his family by appointing Sorrell as Secretary of Administration. In 1997 it became time again for Governor Dean to thank William Sorrell and the Sorrell family by attempting to appoint Sorrell as the Chief Justice of the Vermont Supreme Court. Unfortunately, Sorrell had absolutely no judicial experience. Dean’s zeal to appoint his long-time friend to the highest judicial office in the state hit a roadblock. Noting zero experience, the judicial nominating board refused to place Dean’s friend on the short list for the top judicial spot. Dean became furious. Dean rejected the first list from the judicial nominating board that failed to include Sorrell. Again citing a lack of Sorrell’s qualifications, the board forwarded to Dean a second list that did not include Sorrell. Press reports noted this "tiff" between Dean and the board.
An angry Dean admitted defeat on the Sorrell Chief Justice appointment, but, he had a plan! To take care of his friend and appease the judicial nominating board at the same time. He would appoint the current Attorney General to the Chief Justice spot creating a vacancy for Vermont Attorney General. Perfect. Dean promptly vacated the Attorney General spot and filed it with his friend Sorrell. Dean got the job done of appointing Sorrell to a high position. All was well with Vermont cronies.
Now this tale is continuing while Dean run’s for president and his unqualified cronies wait for their payback. Its no secret that Sorrell would be number one in line for United States Attorney General under Dean. Its also no secret that Vermont Attorney General William Sorrell has engaged in criminal federal civil rights violations. Also in his tenure as Attorney General, Sorrell has used the cover-up of: obstruction of justice, extortion, acceptance of bribes by lower Vermont Prosecutors and illegal alcohol crimes to support his allies and friends. The Department of Justice knows about the Vermont corruption, but, why would that agency lodge criminal charges against Sorrell or other Vermont officials prior to the primaries?
In the fall of last year I ran for State’s Attorney in Bennington County Vermont against a 16-year incumbent who was the Democratic and Republican nominee for the office. I ran on an anti-corruption platform pledging to prosecute William Sorrell and other State prosecutors for corruption and acceptance of bribes. I spent $200 on my campaign. I was a complete political outsider. I am not even an attorney. Yet, I received 21% of the popular vote on a platform that would have put Dean’s # 1 appointee behind bars. The people of this Vermont County know something about Dean’s corrupt cronies that the people of this country need to know.
After living in Vermont for a decade under the Dean regime, I’ve seen how he works and whom he appoints. The oppressive anti-civil-rights environment created by Dean’s appointments was complemented by the corruption and cronyism that epitomizes Dean’s Vermont. With Dean surging in the polls, the ex-Governor is correct, it’s time to look at his record in Vermont. We must also look at the records of those in his Vermont inner circle and of his appointees.
-- scott huminski
“Dean’s Police State of Vermont”


"Dean's Constitutional Hang-up"

Anti-War commentary...

Dean's appointment of Vermont Attorney General Sorrell and Sorrell's criminal violation of civil rights law and bribery cover-up.
Dean is quite impressed with Vermont Attorney General William Sorrell. He appointed him Attorney General in the late 1990’s to fill a vacancy and then Sorrell was his # 1 choice for CHIEF JUSTICE of the Vermont Supreme Court. Sorrell was removed from consideration because he had no judicial experience. Good try Dean. A google search on “Howard Dean William Sorrell” speaks volumes. A vote for Dean is a vote to appoint William Sorrell to a very high federal position as Dean will take this unusually close associate with him. US Attorney General maybe?

After Dean’s judges had been enjoined for 2 years from interfering in my access to Vermont Courthouses, Sorrell engineered a plan to re-banish me. The banishment lasted one month before the federal court woke up and re-placed an injunction on Dean’s judicial appointees once again. Google search on “Scott Huminski First Amendment”. The story is all there from the Associated Press, the Freedom Forum, First Amendment Cyber Tribune and many others.

Courthouse access is a first amendment right according to US Supreme Court Precedent. See Press-Enterprise cases. Sorrell’s conduct last year constitutes criminal violation of federal civil rights law. See federal law below. They say birds of a feather flock together. Is Dean a criminal too, or just a very poor judge of character. Either way there should be concern.
By the way, Sorrell is currently busy covering-up the acceptance of a bribes by two Vermont Prosecutors, William Wright and John Lavoie. This fact stands undisputed before the United State Second Circuit Court of Appeals in NYC, # 03-7036. Unfortunately it’s not online, but, I will email court pleadings to any interested parties.
Scott Huminski
Sec. 241. - Conspiracy against rights
If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same; or
They shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years …
Sec. 242. - Deprivation of rights under color of law
Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or to different punishments, pains, or penalties, on account of such person being an alien, or by reason of his color, or race, than are prescribed for the punishment of citizens, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both …
scott huminski
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