Art Regurgitates Life
Blogfodder - independent, roving 'Art Critic.' | 15.09.2003 12:43 | Culture | Liverpool | London
In case you missed it, one of New York City's most eclectic sources of on-line activist news, information, social commentary and political satire - the NYC indymedia collective ( ) - staged a mesmerizing performance of 'Virtual Agit-prop Theater' last Thursday morning [September 11], worthy of an Academy Award; that is, if they had a category for that kind of thing.
How about a 'Google' nomination for NYCIMC? Anybody? No. Okay.
Collision Course
About a week and a half ago, I received an anonymous e-mail invitation urging (threatening?) me to participate in a 'Free-Speech Convergence' on the NYCIMC. And let me tell you, I am so sick of free-speech, I'm beginning to think it might be better for everybody if we all had to pay for it.
Anyhow, the electronic card came complete with stamps depicting a sharply-dressed, skeletal orator -- ranting from an amplified podium -- only the stamps were canceled with an American flag, post-marked, SEPT 11 2003; the circular part resembling an 'Anarchist' bomb type-icon, with its fuse lit.
"Okay,' I thought, 'jaded I may be, still; I'm slightly intrigued." Free's free, after all.
So, despite a blossoming migraine -- or was it a residual hangover? -- on 9.11, as usual, I spilled my coffee, said my curses, had a smoke, popped a Pea, booted-up my aging clunker and headed down to NYC indymedia to see what all the fuss was all about.
With increasing astonishment, I watched as the lazy sludge of a virtual Hudson, choked and polluted with conspiracy theories, denouncements, unsubstantiated allegations and character assassinations, was interrupted with a ground-breaking piece of laser-guided satire -- and synchronized, surprise-attack fashion -- that floated to the surface like a bloated corpse.
Heralded by a test pattern, an audience notification to, 'PLEASE STAND-BY,' was accompanied by an obviously sleep-deprived, de-caffeinated announcer, anemically intoning, "testing, testing, one, two, three..." headed right between my bloodshot eyes and ringing ears, courtesy of the 'IMCLF NETWORK' (Indy Media Collective Liberation Front) -- a 'shadowy' band of 'radical satire-orists,' consisting of writers, audio-visual artists, poets and miscellaneous trouble-makers.
Immediately following the announcement, a furious mob began assembling and chanting at the NYCIMC gates, carrying banners and slogans, proclaiming 'FREE VINCE!,,' FREE THE THREE!'
A list of grievances was hammered to the web-site door, demanding the release of an alphabet soup of individual 'political' prisoners -- with names like Johnny Wizard and Israel Deaf Messenger -- from consignment to the bowels of the editorial collective's 'hidden' post region, the immediate right to return of the exiled, equal treatment of the marginalized and free-speech for all.
As I mulled over the list of demands, suddenly things turned ugly, and a flaming version of the same invitation I had received was hurled at the editorial collective walls; captioned, "SAVE THE SPEECHES!"
Amidst the clamor, an emergency siren wailed, and just as I heard the sound of a modem connecting, and read: 3, 2, 1... I noticed the appearance of a Latuff cartoon of an airliner, labeled 'CENSORSHIP,' heading straight for the NYCindymedia logo -- looking eerily similar to the WTC towers.
Apparently, a fanatical crew of box-cutter wielding, newswire hijackers, inspired by an near-lethal overdose of Brecht, Wells, Orwell and Chomsky, had commandeered the newswire in a desperate act of political satireorism.
Next, as if overseeing the hysterics and pandemonium, a demoniacal looking portrait appeared out of nowhere; a freakish visage bearing a striking resemblance to both George Bush and the ventriloquist-dummy, Howdee Doodee -- evil and dopey looking at the same time. Inscribed beneath the portrait: "Money Talks"
All I could think was, "Man, forget about that idea of paying for free-speech." I better take notes! But, the antics weren't over yet.
In an effort to calm and reassure traumatized spectators, during the broadcast of an 'Audio-Puppet Theatre" interview -- with a respected investigative journalist -- the so-called 'Omnipotentate' issued a confident assertion, that the Benevolent Occupational Government (B.O.G.) would inevitably subdue the chaos and liberate all of humanity, through a relentless campaign of brutal military conquest.
I know I was reassured.
As suddenly as he first appeared, without explanation, the Omnipotentate vanished, only to return later, shrouded in black and yellow emergency tape, labeled 'NYCIMC IS OCCUPIED TERRITORY.'
Presumably, that was the end of the show, because not long after, the wire began to look like its old familiar self again.
I haven't seen anything like it since I discovered my dad's aging collection of Nation Lampoon's gathering mold and rotting in the basement. But I know I'll be keeping an eye out for more, and I know where I'll be looking:
It was an amazingly choreographed performance of free-association that could only have been accomplished through an incredible amount of cooperation between the unbridled minds of voluntary contributors and a free-thinking editorial collective.
The show may be over, but if you didn't get invited you can still go -- anytime -- it's always open, everybody's welcome.
The chronological links are posted below in order of their appearance.
If you decide to go and you're having technical difficulties, contact the NYCIMC editorial collective, they'll be happy to help.
A note for late-comers: this kind of theater isn't sanitized like T.V., so watch out for the rotten tomatoes!
And, If anybody happens to know Gary O'Grady, in Speake(?), near Liverpool, please send him a copy of this, or bring it to his attention somehow - thanks.

How about a 'Google' nomination for NYCIMC? Anybody? No. Okay.
Collision Course
About a week and a half ago, I received an anonymous e-mail invitation urging (threatening?) me to participate in a 'Free-Speech Convergence' on the NYCIMC. And let me tell you, I am so sick of free-speech, I'm beginning to think it might be better for everybody if we all had to pay for it.
Anyhow, the electronic card came complete with stamps depicting a sharply-dressed, skeletal orator -- ranting from an amplified podium -- only the stamps were canceled with an American flag, post-marked, SEPT 11 2003; the circular part resembling an 'Anarchist' bomb type-icon, with its fuse lit.
"Okay,' I thought, 'jaded I may be, still; I'm slightly intrigued." Free's free, after all.
So, despite a blossoming migraine -- or was it a residual hangover? -- on 9.11, as usual, I spilled my coffee, said my curses, had a smoke, popped a Pea, booted-up my aging clunker and headed down to NYC indymedia to see what all the fuss was all about.
With increasing astonishment, I watched as the lazy sludge of a virtual Hudson, choked and polluted with conspiracy theories, denouncements, unsubstantiated allegations and character assassinations, was interrupted with a ground-breaking piece of laser-guided satire -- and synchronized, surprise-attack fashion -- that floated to the surface like a bloated corpse.
Heralded by a test pattern, an audience notification to, 'PLEASE STAND-BY,' was accompanied by an obviously sleep-deprived, de-caffeinated announcer, anemically intoning, "testing, testing, one, two, three..." headed right between my bloodshot eyes and ringing ears, courtesy of the 'IMCLF NETWORK' (Indy Media Collective Liberation Front) -- a 'shadowy' band of 'radical satire-orists,' consisting of writers, audio-visual artists, poets and miscellaneous trouble-makers.
Immediately following the announcement, a furious mob began assembling and chanting at the NYCIMC gates, carrying banners and slogans, proclaiming 'FREE VINCE!,

A list of grievances was hammered to the web-site door, demanding the release of an alphabet soup of individual 'political' prisoners -- with names like Johnny Wizard and Israel Deaf Messenger -- from consignment to the bowels of the editorial collective's 'hidden' post region, the immediate right to return of the exiled, equal treatment of the marginalized and free-speech for all.
As I mulled over the list of demands, suddenly things turned ugly, and a flaming version of the same invitation I had received was hurled at the editorial collective walls; captioned, "SAVE THE SPEECHES!"
Amidst the clamor, an emergency siren wailed, and just as I heard the sound of a modem connecting, and read: 3, 2, 1... I noticed the appearance of a Latuff cartoon of an airliner, labeled 'CENSORSHIP,' heading straight for the NYCindymedia logo -- looking eerily similar to the WTC towers.
Apparently, a fanatical crew of box-cutter wielding, newswire hijackers, inspired by an near-lethal overdose of Brecht, Wells, Orwell and Chomsky, had commandeered the newswire in a desperate act of political satireorism.
Next, as if overseeing the hysterics and pandemonium, a demoniacal looking portrait appeared out of nowhere; a freakish visage bearing a striking resemblance to both George Bush and the ventriloquist-dummy, Howdee Doodee -- evil and dopey looking at the same time. Inscribed beneath the portrait: "Money Talks"
All I could think was, "Man, forget about that idea of paying for free-speech." I better take notes! But, the antics weren't over yet.
In an effort to calm and reassure traumatized spectators, during the broadcast of an 'Audio-Puppet Theatre" interview -- with a respected investigative journalist -- the so-called 'Omnipotentate' issued a confident assertion, that the Benevolent Occupational Government (B.O.G.) would inevitably subdue the chaos and liberate all of humanity, through a relentless campaign of brutal military conquest.
I know I was reassured.
As suddenly as he first appeared, without explanation, the Omnipotentate vanished, only to return later, shrouded in black and yellow emergency tape, labeled 'NYCIMC IS OCCUPIED TERRITORY.'
Presumably, that was the end of the show, because not long after, the wire began to look like its old familiar self again.
I haven't seen anything like it since I discovered my dad's aging collection of Nation Lampoon's gathering mold and rotting in the basement. But I know I'll be keeping an eye out for more, and I know where I'll be looking:

It was an amazingly choreographed performance of free-association that could only have been accomplished through an incredible amount of cooperation between the unbridled minds of voluntary contributors and a free-thinking editorial collective.
The show may be over, but if you didn't get invited you can still go -- anytime -- it's always open, everybody's welcome.
The chronological links are posted below in order of their appearance.
If you decide to go and you're having technical difficulties, contact the NYCIMC editorial collective, they'll be happy to help.

A note for late-comers: this kind of theater isn't sanitized like T.V., so watch out for the rotten tomatoes!
And, If anybody happens to know Gary O'Grady, in Speake(?), near Liverpool, please send him a copy of this, or bring it to his attention somehow - thanks.
Blogfodder - independent, roving 'Art Critic.'