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Divided Britain

local man | 15.09.2003 10:56 | Sheffield

On the day a report shows that house prices rose by 15% this year another report details the shocking evidence of millions of our fellow people in UK are living in 'fuel poverty' without basic ameneties

Divided Britain, not just peace and war issues are important

A new report has detailed shocking evidence that in one of the richest economies in the world, millions now go without such basic amenities as heat, light, electricity, gas, etc. Yes, in the UK, while the rich and the middle classes gorge themselves on rising house prices, the 'new poor' in Britain (same as the old poor). struggle to pay what most people take for granted. Instead they have to ' burn rubbish in the fireplace, use candles and , watch TV under the blanket because we're choosing between TV and heating. In 2002, 23000 people had their electricity cut off due to non-payment, an estimated 1.4m are disconnecting themselves because they cannot afford pre-payment meters, Another million households have had their phone disconnected and 4.7m are in debt to their water company. We are now seeing inequality in UK moving towards S. American levels and there is no real discussion. A recent Poverty Hearing in Sheffield (where activists were noticeable by their absence) heard similar tales of exclusion, debt, misery and deprivation.

Some Questions..

Why is the UK AC/DA movement so concerned with the issues of internationalism, peace, environment etc. When will we see actions, spectaculars etc, against the DWP(DSS) as we have against DSEI. Does the lack of such protest indicate the class background and interests of the nascent movement. Imo, it should be Coventry, not just Cancun, Glasgow, not just Genoa .if you do not get involved in such 'unsexy issues', a spectre is haunting the U.K, watching and waiting: the BNP, who re taking an interest!

Millions live without water, gas or power

'Fuel poverty' crisis will worsen, report predicts

Juliette Jowit, environment editor
Sunday September 14, 2003
The Observer

Millions of households are living without basic utilities, are under threat of disconnection or are amassing debts to pay their bills, a new report will claim next week.
The National Consumers Council claims to have uncovered the true scale of misery caused by millions of people struggling to pay for 'lifeline' services of electricity, gas, water and telephones.

The report, to be published tomorrow, also warns that the problem will increase when, as expected, charges go up to pay for investment in the utilities' infrastructure.

The NCC said three million people are classified as 'fuel poor' because their bills for heating and cooking are such a big proportion of their income - but it believes the problem goes further than that.

Last year, 23,000 households had their energy supplies cut off, an estimated 1.4m are disconnecting themselves because they cannot afford pre-payment meters, and many more make daily sacrifices to make ends meet, said the organisation.

Another million households have had their phone disconnected and 4.7m are in debt to their water company.

Georgia Klein, the study's author, said it also revealed the lengths households went to to keep bills down: 'People were saying, we burn rubbish in the fireplace, we burn candles, we watch TV under the blanket because we're choosing between TV and heating.

'In some cases, it was between heating and eating,' added Klein, who found some fridges almost empty as a result.

The Government has estimated that 20,000-50,000 people die every winter owing to fuel poverty - one of the highest rates in Europe. The problems alarmed researchers and Klein fears they are worse than statistics show.

The 3m figure for 'fuel poverty' uses the government's measure of bills worth more than 10 per cent of gross household income. This threshold is too low to expose the real problem, particularly as many people on low incomes live in properties that are harder to heat and insulate, she said.

'When you take housing costs off, which are a significant proportion, you discover rates are unaffordable - and that's only one bill of many.'

The NCC fears the problem will get worse. The number of fuel-poor households has fallen from 5.5m in 1996 because electricity and gas charges have dropped, although water rates have risen. But as a result networks are strained, and water, electricity and gas companies are expected to put up charges to pay for more investment.

Even those who are not cut off endure considerable stress as a result of the legal threats and rising borrowing, said Klein. 'They get threatening letters and they get into discussions about bailiffs; there are some very menacing letters out there,' she added.

Recommendations in the report include:

· Increasing social security payments to cover the true and rising cost of utility bills;

· Regulations to stop penalising those who can't pay by direct debit - estimated to cost up to £182 a year more for gas;

· More systems to help people on low incomes to budget, such as BT's new standard tariff charge card for fixed lines;

· Better targeting of energy efficiency improvements for the most vulnerable.

The Department for Work and Pensions said there were several schemes to help people on lower incomes, including a special fund to pay debts to utility companies, and fuel payments of £200 a year to people over 60.

Ofgem, which regulates the electricity and gas industries, said many people had escaped fuel poverty because of price cuts and investment in fuel-efficiency improvements targeted at low-income households.

Water UK, the industry association, said many debtors could pay but wouldn't, pointing out the number has risen significantly since the government banned disconnection.

The NCC said independent research found very few people 'won't pay' rather than 'can't pay', and most households did not know they could not be cut off.

Millions live without water, gas or power

'Fuel poverty' crisis will worsen, report predicts

Juliette Jowit, environment editor
Sunday September 14, 2003
The Observer

Millions of households are living without basic utilities, are under threat of disconnection or are amassing debts to pay their bills, a new report will claim next week.
The National Consumers Council claims to have uncovered the true scale of misery caused by millions of people struggling to pay for 'lifeline' services of electricity, gas, water and telephones.

The report, to be published tomorrow, also warns that the problem will increase when, as expected, charges go up to pay for investment in the utilities' infrastructure.

The NCC said three million people are classified as 'fuel poor' because their bills for heating and cooking are such a big proportion of their income - but it believes the problem goes further than that.

Last year, 23,000 households had their energy supplies cut off, an estimated 1.4m are disconnecting themselves because they cannot afford pre-payment meters, and many more make daily sacrifices to make ends meet, said the organisation.

Another million households have had their phone disconnected and 4.7m are in debt to their water company.

Georgia Klein, the study's author, said it also revealed the lengths households went to to keep bills down: 'People were saying, we burn rubbish in the fireplace, we burn candles, we watch TV under the blanket because we're choosing between TV and heating.

'In some cases, it was between heating and eating,' added Klein, who found some fridges almost empty as a result.

The Government has estimated that 20,000-50,000 people die every winter owing to fuel poverty - one of the highest rates in Europe. The problems alarmed researchers and Klein fears they are worse than statistics show.

The 3m figure for 'fuel poverty' uses the government's measure of bills worth more than 10 per cent of gross household income. This threshold is too low to expose the real problem, particularly as many people on low incomes live in properties that are harder to heat and insulate, she said.

'When you take housing costs off, which are a significant proportion, you discover rates are unaffordable - and that's only one bill of many.'

The NCC fears the problem will get worse. The number of fuel-poor households has fallen from 5.5m in 1996 because electricity and gas charges have dropped, although water rates have risen. But as a result networks are strained, and water, electricity and gas companies are expected to put up charges to pay for more investment.

Even those who are not cut off endure considerable stress as a result of the legal threats and rising borrowing, said Klein. 'They get threatening letters and they get into discussions about bailiffs; there are some very menacing letters out there,' she added.

Recommendations in the report include:

· Increasing social security payments to cover the true and rising cost of utility bills;

· Regulations to stop penalising those who can't pay by direct debit - estimated to cost up to £182 a year more for gas;

· More systems to help people on low incomes to budget, such as BT's new standard tariff charge card for fixed lines;

· Better targeting of energy efficiency improvements for the most vulnerable.

The Department for Work and Pensions said there were several schemes to help people on lower incomes, including a special fund to pay debts to utility companies, and fuel payments of £200 a year to people over 60.

Ofgem, which regulates the electricity and gas industries, said many people had escaped fuel poverty because of price cuts and investment in fuel-efficiency improvements targeted at low-income households.

Water UK, the industry association, said many debtors could pay but wouldn't, pointing out the number has risen significantly since the government banned disconnection.

The NCC said independent research found very few people 'won't pay' rather than 'can't pay', and most households did not know they could not be cut off.

local man


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Acitvists ARE getting active locally

15.09.2003 14:23

A good piece of writing. But you're wrong to condemn 'activists' in such a sweeping way. There is a definite problem with a movement that concentrates on the 'glamour' of battling an abstract capitalism on the streets of sunny foreign capitals, while ignoring the difficult problems on our doorstep.

As someone who went to the IMPACT meeting, and who is also involved in the slowly growing Sheffield Social Fourm idea, I think this is changing - perhaps slowly, but changing nevertheless.

I spoke to a member of IMPACT at the meeting: they were VERY positive about the Social Forum idea, and there'll be a meeting with them at some point soon. If such links continue to be made, the future of local action should be bright!

Dan Olner
mail e-mail:

Lack of initiative

16.09.2003 08:39

Why there are targetted actions against say DSEi or BP is becuase by fate there are one, two or three or possibly a little bit more number of people get togther at the right place at the right time with enough knowledge about the injustices.
The less the number who undetake the initial first move the success is determined by their convicitions to the cause.
The rest 500 odd who usually join in are just herded in as they wish for that.
(not to forget the 10 crucial plants and spies who undermine the success)

So my advcice will be to take the initiative and actively discourage those who herded in (by friends or for the sake of a party) unless they have enough conviction to the cause.

Injustice is universal.
This social division of britain is unfortunately our greatest strength in fighting injustice.
