Experts Warn of Radioactive Battlefields in Iraq
Citizens' Initiative Omega | 15.09.2003 09:07 | Anti-militarism | Globalisation | Health | London | World
Limit of 1mW/ is likely to be harmful to many people - PART II: The end of independent science in Australia - Multiple Chemical Sensitivity prevalence in the USA - People need to be made aware of the worst of what is actually happening - RE: California's Santa Cruz prospective measure - News from Berkeley, California - Four 9/11 Moms Battle Bush - WHY DON'T WE HAVE ANSWERS TO THESE 9/11 QUESTIONS?
Present radiofrequency limit of 1mW/ is likely to be harmful to many people.
PART II: The end of independent science in Australia
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The CSIRO document supports the position held by many people that the present radiofrequency limit of 1mW/ is likely to be harmful to many people. The organisations that control the standards bodies, however, have a vested interest in denying any sub-thermal radiofrequency radiation effects on the human body.
In addition, the CSIRO report lists many reproducible laboratory studies showing that radiofrequency power levels many hundreds of thousand of times smaller than even the existing maximum radiation exposure level of 1mW/, can have an adverse effect on the human immune system. For example, calcium efflux from the surface of cells and reduced melatonin output from the pineal gland (not to be confused with dark skin pigment melanin).
Dr. Miguel Mutané
PART II: The end of independent science in Australia
More on the CSIRO report "Status of research on biological effects and safety of electromagnetic radiation: telecommunications frequencies" (1994)
When the CSIRO's Division of Radiophysics completed the report in 1994 it was classified as "confidential" by Spectrum Management Agency who commissioned the CSIRO to undertake the review.
Back in March of 1995 when I was working as a researcher for Senator Robert Bell we received a three page letter from a 'whistleblower' in Telecom about a confidential CSIRO report that was being held back from being released. As a result of this letter (reproduced below) I rang Spectrum Management Agency about going through FOI to get a copy but was reassured that this was unnecessary. I ordered three copies and the Senator made sure that the report was soon widely available.
From further inquiries, helped along with the inevitable leaks, we found that there had been a strong attempt to get the CSIRO to change the report before releasing it and there had been threats made to sack Barnett and the Department of Radiophysics for writing the report so diametrically opposite to what had been expected!!!
Following is the letter verbatim that started the ball rolling. Any spelling mistakes are mine!
Don Maisch
Senator Robert Bell
Parliament House
Capital Hill
Canberra, 2500
30th March, 1995
Dear Senator Bell
Please excuse the fact that this letter comes to you anonymously but to be named as the source of this information is more than my job at Telecom is worth.
As you have previously sponsored a report on the harmful effects of EMF radiation, I am enclosing a copy of a letter that I have sent to the magazine Communications Day. I cannot stress enough that the several hundred page long CSIRO report contains a considerable amount of information on proven harmful effects of radiofrequency and that the release of the report would be very damaging to many organisations.
I hope that you are able to obtain a copy of the CSIRO report for yourself, perhaps through the Freedom of Information Act, and use the material it contains to further your case that EMF radiation levels are already far too high.
Early in 1994 the Spectrum Management Agency (SMA) asked the CSIRO's Division of Radiophysics to undertake a comprehensive review of the world wide research results on the effects of radiofrequency radiation on the human body. Although the results of the study were submitted in mid-1994, the document, which is several hundred pages long, has never been made public. This is in conflict with assurances made to the CSIRO when the study was initiated that the report would be made available to the public.
Although the study was initiated by the SMA, funding for the study was provided by the three carriers: Telecom, Optus and Vodaphone.
Contrary to the public position adopted by the SMA and the carriers, the report lists many well documented adverse effects of radiofrequency on the human body. At radiofrequency power levels well below the threshold for thermal effects, the report lists many epidemiological studies that show an increased risk to disease such as leukaemia, eye cataracts and a suspected link with breast cancer.
In addition, the CSIRO report lists many reproducible laboratory studies showing that radiofrequency power levels many hundreds of thousand of times smaller than even the existing maximum radiation exposure level of 1mW/, can have an adverse effect on the human immune system. For example, calcium efflux from the surface of cells and reduced melatonin output from the pineal gland (not to be confused with dark skin pigment melanin.
These results on the adverse effects on the human body of even very small amounts of radiofrequency radiation contradicts the public position of many national and international organisations. The CSIRO document gives sufficient evidence to disprove the claim that there are no sub-thermal effects of radiofrequency on the human body.
The CSIRO document supports the position held by many people that the present radiofrequency limit of 1mW/ is likely to be harmful to many people. The organisations that control the standards bodies, however, have a vested interest in denying any sub-thermal radiofrequency radiation effects on the human body.
In the introduction to the report, the CSIRO says that research in this area is lacking funding and central coordination. The report goes on to recommend that a central body in Australia should be made responsible for coordinating research in this area. In order to discredit the report, various people within the government and the three carriers say that it is a weak and blatant attempt by the CSIRO to gain research funding. When asked, however, the CSIRO deny this and say that even if offered a coordinating role they would not necessarily accept this responsibility.
The SMA and the three carriers continue to claim that there are no known sub-thermal effects of radiofrequency radiation on the human body. If they are sincere in this they should publish the full report and allow the general public to decide for themselves the risks involved in low level exposure to radiofrequency radiation. They are sitting on the report because they know its publication would disturb a lot of people.
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity prevalence in the USA
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Brandon Adams: 919-541-2359
11 September 2003
More than 12% of Population Reports Extreme Sensitivity to Low Levels of Common Chemicals. (Omega comment: we are sure that there is an interaction and a cross-over connection to Extreme Sensitivity to Low Levels of Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) and Electro-Hypersensitivity (EHS)
Study Published Today in Environmental Health Perspectives Finds 1.8% of Population Loses Job as Result
[RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC] Approximately 12.6% of the population suffers from multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS), a condition in which they experience reactions from exposure to low concentrations of common chemicals, according to a study published today in the September issue of the peer-reviewed journal Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP).
Of those reporting such hypersensitivity, 13.5% (or 1.8% of the entire sample) reported losing their jobs because of it. Extrapolated to a U.S. population of 290 million, today's study means as many as 36.5 million Americans are suffering from MCS, and more than 5.2 million may lose jobs as a result.
MCS is a condition in which individuals have an acute hypersensitivity to the chemicals in everyday substances, including household cleaning agents, pesticides, fresh paint, new carpeting, building materials, newsprint, perfume, and numerous other petrochemical-based products. Individuals with MCS may experience headaches, burning eyes, asthma symptoms, stomach distress/nausea, dizziness, loss of mental concentration, and muscle pain. Some individuals also suffer fever or even loss of consciousness.
Participants in today's study, all residents of metropolitan Atlanta, were surveyed at random. Those who reported MCS were later interviewed in more detail to understand how the syndrome affects their daily lives.
MCS can produce a wide range of symptoms, and individuals with hypersensitivity can encounter great difficulty functioning in normal working and living environments, the study authors write.
MCS is often triggered, or initiated, by an acute one-time exposure to a specific toxic agent, or chronic exposure to one or more toxic substances, even at low levels. After initiation, a wider range of substances can cause subsequent reactions.
A second study in the same issue of EHP discusses how MCS patients responded to various treatments. Patients responded best to having a relatively chemical-free living space, avoiding chemical exposures, and prayer. Certain treatments, including use of common antidepressants, were rated more likely to harm than help.
Commenting on the study, Dr. Jim Burkhart, science editor for EHP, says, "There are clearly large numbers of people suffering from MCS. At one point, people theorized that this condition might have a psychological basis, but this study also indicates that very few patients had any mental illness prior to MCS. Unfortunately, over 37% reported emotional problems after their physical symptoms emerged. This is a significant public health issue."
The prevalence study was conducted by Stanley M. Caress of the State University of West Georgia and Anne C. Steinemann of the Georgia Institute of Technology. The study on treatment efficacy was conducted by Pamela Reed Gibson, Amy Nicole-Marie Elms, and Lisa Ann Ruding of James Madison University.
EHP is the journal of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. More information is available online at .
Editorís note: A full copy of either report is available by fax or e-mail (PDF format) to media at no charge. Go to , call
919-541-2359, or e-mail .
Message from Don Maisch
People need to be made aware of the worst of what is actually happening
I'm sorry I can't remember if I wrote back to you about the attack that is happening to you and your wife/partner, Maureen and myself.
George's revelations of ants crawling over his head, etc., were stressing me a bit, because I have to keep my attention away from such things, because, like you, and George, all sorts of things are hitting me -- so I try to keep strong, and keep my mind way from psychic and psychotronic interference.
I found it a relief to be aware that your situation, and Maureen's, and George's, are very, very similar to mine. Actually the relief, I think, was that you are all publicising this type of attack and harassment to some degree. Some people may not be keen on our information, but I think we are accurate, and I think people need to be made aware of the worst of what is actually happening. People need to get an idea of the full picture.
Thanks for speaking up, and thanks for all your good work.
All the best, Michael
August 2003 was the worst, so far, year of my life. The first week of September I was in a state of collapse, and my immune system was so battered, I was getting the 'chemtrail' pneumonia yet again.
RE: California's Santa Cruz prospective measure
Dear Klaus:
Will you please request that the reader who wrote in about California's Santa Cruz prospective measure please keep me updated about that as it proceeds? I am located in Los Angeles CA, but if a precedent is set elsewhere in the state, it will become easier to persuade local lawmakers to follow suit. I couldn't tell who was the sender of that message, so sorry I did not reply directly.
Thank you sincerely,
Jessica Wethington
Los Angeles, CA
News from Berkeley, California
Dear Fellows:
The moment of truth is approaching The public hearing to decide on Sprint antennas in Berkeley, California is on September 16. Look here for more info; see ITEM 28:
Well, this battle has been going on for 10 months. The neighbors have two opponents; Sprint and the City of Berkeley that is siding with Sprint.
Four 9/11 Moms Battle Bush
Experts Warn of Radioactive Battlefields in Iraq
PART II: The end of independent science in Australia
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The CSIRO document supports the position held by many people that the present radiofrequency limit of 1mW/ is likely to be harmful to many people. The organisations that control the standards bodies, however, have a vested interest in denying any sub-thermal radiofrequency radiation effects on the human body.
In addition, the CSIRO report lists many reproducible laboratory studies showing that radiofrequency power levels many hundreds of thousand of times smaller than even the existing maximum radiation exposure level of 1mW/, can have an adverse effect on the human immune system. For example, calcium efflux from the surface of cells and reduced melatonin output from the pineal gland (not to be confused with dark skin pigment melanin).
Dr. Miguel Mutané
PART II: The end of independent science in Australia
More on the CSIRO report "Status of research on biological effects and safety of electromagnetic radiation: telecommunications frequencies" (1994)
When the CSIRO's Division of Radiophysics completed the report in 1994 it was classified as "confidential" by Spectrum Management Agency who commissioned the CSIRO to undertake the review.
Back in March of 1995 when I was working as a researcher for Senator Robert Bell we received a three page letter from a 'whistleblower' in Telecom about a confidential CSIRO report that was being held back from being released. As a result of this letter (reproduced below) I rang Spectrum Management Agency about going through FOI to get a copy but was reassured that this was unnecessary. I ordered three copies and the Senator made sure that the report was soon widely available.
From further inquiries, helped along with the inevitable leaks, we found that there had been a strong attempt to get the CSIRO to change the report before releasing it and there had been threats made to sack Barnett and the Department of Radiophysics for writing the report so diametrically opposite to what had been expected!!!
Following is the letter verbatim that started the ball rolling. Any spelling mistakes are mine!
Don Maisch
Senator Robert Bell
Parliament House
Capital Hill
Canberra, 2500
30th March, 1995
Dear Senator Bell
Please excuse the fact that this letter comes to you anonymously but to be named as the source of this information is more than my job at Telecom is worth.
As you have previously sponsored a report on the harmful effects of EMF radiation, I am enclosing a copy of a letter that I have sent to the magazine Communications Day. I cannot stress enough that the several hundred page long CSIRO report contains a considerable amount of information on proven harmful effects of radiofrequency and that the release of the report would be very damaging to many organisations.
I hope that you are able to obtain a copy of the CSIRO report for yourself, perhaps through the Freedom of Information Act, and use the material it contains to further your case that EMF radiation levels are already far too high.
Early in 1994 the Spectrum Management Agency (SMA) asked the CSIRO's Division of Radiophysics to undertake a comprehensive review of the world wide research results on the effects of radiofrequency radiation on the human body. Although the results of the study were submitted in mid-1994, the document, which is several hundred pages long, has never been made public. This is in conflict with assurances made to the CSIRO when the study was initiated that the report would be made available to the public.
Although the study was initiated by the SMA, funding for the study was provided by the three carriers: Telecom, Optus and Vodaphone.
Contrary to the public position adopted by the SMA and the carriers, the report lists many well documented adverse effects of radiofrequency on the human body. At radiofrequency power levels well below the threshold for thermal effects, the report lists many epidemiological studies that show an increased risk to disease such as leukaemia, eye cataracts and a suspected link with breast cancer.
In addition, the CSIRO report lists many reproducible laboratory studies showing that radiofrequency power levels many hundreds of thousand of times smaller than even the existing maximum radiation exposure level of 1mW/, can have an adverse effect on the human immune system. For example, calcium efflux from the surface of cells and reduced melatonin output from the pineal gland (not to be confused with dark skin pigment melanin.
These results on the adverse effects on the human body of even very small amounts of radiofrequency radiation contradicts the public position of many national and international organisations. The CSIRO document gives sufficient evidence to disprove the claim that there are no sub-thermal effects of radiofrequency on the human body.
The CSIRO document supports the position held by many people that the present radiofrequency limit of 1mW/ is likely to be harmful to many people. The organisations that control the standards bodies, however, have a vested interest in denying any sub-thermal radiofrequency radiation effects on the human body.
In the introduction to the report, the CSIRO says that research in this area is lacking funding and central coordination. The report goes on to recommend that a central body in Australia should be made responsible for coordinating research in this area. In order to discredit the report, various people within the government and the three carriers say that it is a weak and blatant attempt by the CSIRO to gain research funding. When asked, however, the CSIRO deny this and say that even if offered a coordinating role they would not necessarily accept this responsibility.
The SMA and the three carriers continue to claim that there are no known sub-thermal effects of radiofrequency radiation on the human body. If they are sincere in this they should publish the full report and allow the general public to decide for themselves the risks involved in low level exposure to radiofrequency radiation. They are sitting on the report because they know its publication would disturb a lot of people.
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity prevalence in the USA
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Brandon Adams: 919-541-2359
11 September 2003
More than 12% of Population Reports Extreme Sensitivity to Low Levels of Common Chemicals. (Omega comment: we are sure that there is an interaction and a cross-over connection to Extreme Sensitivity to Low Levels of Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) and Electro-Hypersensitivity (EHS)
Study Published Today in Environmental Health Perspectives Finds 1.8% of Population Loses Job as Result
[RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC] Approximately 12.6% of the population suffers from multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS), a condition in which they experience reactions from exposure to low concentrations of common chemicals, according to a study published today in the September issue of the peer-reviewed journal Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP).
Of those reporting such hypersensitivity, 13.5% (or 1.8% of the entire sample) reported losing their jobs because of it. Extrapolated to a U.S. population of 290 million, today's study means as many as 36.5 million Americans are suffering from MCS, and more than 5.2 million may lose jobs as a result.
MCS is a condition in which individuals have an acute hypersensitivity to the chemicals in everyday substances, including household cleaning agents, pesticides, fresh paint, new carpeting, building materials, newsprint, perfume, and numerous other petrochemical-based products. Individuals with MCS may experience headaches, burning eyes, asthma symptoms, stomach distress/nausea, dizziness, loss of mental concentration, and muscle pain. Some individuals also suffer fever or even loss of consciousness.
Participants in today's study, all residents of metropolitan Atlanta, were surveyed at random. Those who reported MCS were later interviewed in more detail to understand how the syndrome affects their daily lives.
MCS can produce a wide range of symptoms, and individuals with hypersensitivity can encounter great difficulty functioning in normal working and living environments, the study authors write.
MCS is often triggered, or initiated, by an acute one-time exposure to a specific toxic agent, or chronic exposure to one or more toxic substances, even at low levels. After initiation, a wider range of substances can cause subsequent reactions.
A second study in the same issue of EHP discusses how MCS patients responded to various treatments. Patients responded best to having a relatively chemical-free living space, avoiding chemical exposures, and prayer. Certain treatments, including use of common antidepressants, were rated more likely to harm than help.
Commenting on the study, Dr. Jim Burkhart, science editor for EHP, says, "There are clearly large numbers of people suffering from MCS. At one point, people theorized that this condition might have a psychological basis, but this study also indicates that very few patients had any mental illness prior to MCS. Unfortunately, over 37% reported emotional problems after their physical symptoms emerged. This is a significant public health issue."
The prevalence study was conducted by Stanley M. Caress of the State University of West Georgia and Anne C. Steinemann of the Georgia Institute of Technology. The study on treatment efficacy was conducted by Pamela Reed Gibson, Amy Nicole-Marie Elms, and Lisa Ann Ruding of James Madison University.
EHP is the journal of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. More information is available online at

Editorís note: A full copy of either report is available by fax or e-mail (PDF format) to media at no charge. Go to

919-541-2359, or e-mail

Message from Don Maisch
People need to be made aware of the worst of what is actually happening
I'm sorry I can't remember if I wrote back to you about the attack that is happening to you and your wife/partner, Maureen and myself.
George's revelations of ants crawling over his head, etc., were stressing me a bit, because I have to keep my attention away from such things, because, like you, and George, all sorts of things are hitting me -- so I try to keep strong, and keep my mind way from psychic and psychotronic interference.
I found it a relief to be aware that your situation, and Maureen's, and George's, are very, very similar to mine. Actually the relief, I think, was that you are all publicising this type of attack and harassment to some degree. Some people may not be keen on our information, but I think we are accurate, and I think people need to be made aware of the worst of what is actually happening. People need to get an idea of the full picture.
Thanks for speaking up, and thanks for all your good work.
All the best, Michael
August 2003 was the worst, so far, year of my life. The first week of September I was in a state of collapse, and my immune system was so battered, I was getting the 'chemtrail' pneumonia yet again.
RE: California's Santa Cruz prospective measure
Dear Klaus:
Will you please request that the reader who wrote in about California's Santa Cruz prospective measure please keep me updated about that as it proceeds? I am located in Los Angeles CA, but if a precedent is set elsewhere in the state, it will become easier to persuade local lawmakers to follow suit. I couldn't tell who was the sender of that message, so sorry I did not reply directly.
Thank you sincerely,
Jessica Wethington
Los Angeles, CA
News from Berkeley, California
Dear Fellows:
The moment of truth is approaching The public hearing to decide on Sprint antennas in Berkeley, California is on September 16. Look here for more info; see ITEM 28:

Well, this battle has been going on for 10 months. The neighbors have two opponents; Sprint and the City of Berkeley that is siding with Sprint.
Four 9/11 Moms Battle Bush


Experts Warn of Radioactive Battlefields in Iraq

Citizens' Initiative Omega
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