DarkerCloud | 13.09.2003 08:35
Translation needed from the Swedish IMC article believed to be about the killing of their Foreign Minister. This includes added Comments in English.
Posted by: DarkerCloud in www.indycymru.org.uk
Sweden IMC has posted:
"Nyhetsflashar: Senaste nytt
Ang utrikesminister Anna Lindhs frånfälle
Redaktionskollektivet beklagar Anna Lindhs bortgång. Politik handlar om att skapa någonting tillsammans, inte om att förstöra. Tillsammans med våra användare har vi som syfte att ge en vidare, mer passionerad verklighetsbild än vad andra media förmår. Därför är vi ett öppet forum, som stundtals missbrukas av meningsmotståndare som uttalar sig i vårt namn, istället för att tala i egen sak. Vi förstår att det är frestande för en stressad journalist att låta bli att kontakta oss före tryck: därför finner vi det nödvändigt att istället uttala oss här. Vi tror på politikens och skapandets kreativa kraft och glädje. Vi är övertygade om att det går att skapa en bättre värld tillsammans. Ingen i edaktionskollektivet betraktar mordet på trikesministern som en kreativ politisk handling - vi ser det som det simpla, meningslösa brott det är. Vi vädjar till våra sabotörer om en spamfri minut, och till mainstream-media om besinning. Emellertid kommer vi att fortsätta vara ett öppet forum för skapandet av sanna, passionerade nyheter från gräsrötter och sociala rörelser. Vi rensar hatpostningar och galningar efterhand som de kommer in, och tar samtidigt med glädje emot egenproducerade nyheter från människor som besitter ett socialt engagemang. Vi vet inget annat sätt. Vi har inget annat sätt."
Did someone think she was a traitor and a fascist, or did someone think the pro-Euro lobby needed a martyr to win the Referendum? Why else?
Re: WHY?
by Anonymous on Sep 13, 2003 - 08:46 AM
An email to Sweden IMC asking for a translation, and should the whole piece "WHY?" in indycymru be deleted. No reply yet.
The murder is well within the capacity of those secret Fascists who are building the European institutions. That bloodstained clothes are found which are certain to be a dead give away to convict the killer through the use of DNA analysis suggests that a suitable fall guy was selected and has been well framed already. The Police are hunting among the down and outs. They are not looking for links back to those who profit form the killing in two ways. Political objective achieved, and less competition for the top jobs.
Not postponing the Referendum for a month for emotions to settle is a strong indication that it was a "needs a martyr killing." Who persuaded who not to postpon
Posted by: DarkerCloud in www.indycymru.org.uk
Sweden IMC has posted:
"Nyhetsflashar: Senaste nytt
Ang utrikesminister Anna Lindhs frånfälle
Redaktionskollektivet beklagar Anna Lindhs bortgång. Politik handlar om att skapa någonting tillsammans, inte om att förstöra. Tillsammans med våra användare har vi som syfte att ge en vidare, mer passionerad verklighetsbild än vad andra media förmår. Därför är vi ett öppet forum, som stundtals missbrukas av meningsmotståndare som uttalar sig i vårt namn, istället för att tala i egen sak. Vi förstår att det är frestande för en stressad journalist att låta bli att kontakta oss före tryck: därför finner vi det nödvändigt att istället uttala oss här. Vi tror på politikens och skapandets kreativa kraft och glädje. Vi är övertygade om att det går att skapa en bättre värld tillsammans. Ingen i edaktionskollektivet betraktar mordet på trikesministern som en kreativ politisk handling - vi ser det som det simpla, meningslösa brott det är. Vi vädjar till våra sabotörer om en spamfri minut, och till mainstream-media om besinning. Emellertid kommer vi att fortsätta vara ett öppet forum för skapandet av sanna, passionerade nyheter från gräsrötter och sociala rörelser. Vi rensar hatpostningar och galningar efterhand som de kommer in, och tar samtidigt med glädje emot egenproducerade nyheter från människor som besitter ett socialt engagemang. Vi vet inget annat sätt. Vi har inget annat sätt."
Did someone think she was a traitor and a fascist, or did someone think the pro-Euro lobby needed a martyr to win the Referendum? Why else?
Re: WHY?
by Anonymous on Sep 13, 2003 - 08:46 AM
An email to Sweden IMC asking for a translation, and should the whole piece "WHY?" in indycymru be deleted. No reply yet.
The murder is well within the capacity of those secret Fascists who are building the European institutions. That bloodstained clothes are found which are certain to be a dead give away to convict the killer through the use of DNA analysis suggests that a suitable fall guy was selected and has been well framed already. The Police are hunting among the down and outs. They are not looking for links back to those who profit form the killing in two ways. Political objective achieved, and less competition for the top jobs.
Not postponing the Referendum for a month for emotions to settle is a strong indication that it was a "needs a martyr killing." Who persuaded who not to postpon
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Understand backwardsness of true politics
13.09.2003 11:35
why you ask.....
first of all you'll note the media tome of "she was 'pro palestinian'
and if you take a brief look at the politico climate in israel and thereabouts then you need not guess that the climate between bush blair and that disgusting fat paedophile Ariel Sharon is indeed anything but 'pro-palestinian'.........
in fact we knows only too well of the observed and well documented daily and apalling atrocities against the Palestinians by the "israeli defence force" or more aptly put the group of crazy young drug crazed teenage soldiers killing palestinian children for kicks.....amongct other more acceptable barbaric actions....
No small suprise then that in the current climate of suspicion paranoia and fear as generated by murdoch spin of 911,along comes someone who would possibly induce the public mindset to wrest thought power away from bush/windsor/blair and the churchill reptile family..........
So what do you do when you need to get "all the public minds back in line"
and when they are just not buying the supreme fakeness and advanced and ultra sophisticated white collar presidential criminality behind the "new world order"
You hire the best trained silent assasins from some of the best in the world ,namely from the Mossad....who have among them european looking operatives.english,looking operatives,indian looking operatives,and oh um blonde and swedish looking operatives...
need I say more.......
Then the hired wetop killer kills the much loved public figure i.e Diana'princess of wales'.....
This is long range mind/emotion control when wherever,'big brother' finds that the public mindset is veering away from the mass thought form of "we control you and everything" and towards "light love peace and justice for all" then "big brother" "will kill" any public bastion of peace and love in such as Diana princess of wales who was speaking out against land mines in angola,and clinton reneged on that agreement he had with diana to put through a bill through the senate banning the purchase manufacture or sale of land mines etc......no small surprise then that clinton is on the board or backhanders from one these self same companies that manufacture mines and um bombs etc.......
Anyway this classic long range mind/emotions contreol technique works because the already dumbed down GM food stuffed mind is already overloaded with TV REALITY or FEAR BASED REALITY.....so whenever that dumbed down mind is move from FEAR BASED REALITY to LOVE BASED REALITY the big brother just hires mossad murders its latest representative i.e Diana or Anna LIndh ...the idea being to create a situation where they create the problem you react and cry out for help and they provide the solutioin to the problem which they created,....like biometric id cards and iris scans because of all those "terrorists" out there.......But once you understand the advanced criminality of the reptilians like WINDSOR BUSH BLAIR and sharon{they are all related} then can drop the fear totally ,embraced love totally and of course absolute free all of yourselves from this MENTAL SPIRITUAL and EMOTIONAL PRISON that they are continuously trying to create and again recreate around you i.e Lockerbie,911,Bali,Jakarta,Omahagh,Brighton,Oklahoma,Waco texas......notice how there's always one patsy or LONE NUT?NUTS responsable for these obviously highly co-ordinated and well organised explosive events which only people with extensive espionage and military/explosives expertise/training could have carried out.....
I mean the amount of charges needed to bring down the world trade centre and they say it was just two planes with a bunch of "muslim extremists" who planned it with drawings in the sand of a poorly lit cave somewhere in the far reaches of afghanistan....get the fuck out of here....need I say more....
Just look at the modus operandi of all these "terrorist attacks" and you can see how the media always churns out the same LONE NUT/PATSY/TERRORISTS theory
and in the case of Anna Lindh I bet you a bag full o shit that the swedish and world media will tell us a "LONE NUT" or recently released "MENTAL CASE PATIENT" TYPE PATSY is resposnsible for the stabbing of Anna Lindh...
but the proof in the pudding is because they first told us that they "can't find" the killer oh bullshit what you mean no-body saw anything or chased him?no cctv? come on puull the other one and get the fuck out of here .................................................in love light and freedom,,,,
13.09.2003 13:36
checking a hundred Most Sad Agents under yer bed and outside yer window.
delete nazi-filth from uk-imc !
Re: WHY?
13.09.2003 17:13
"I´m not entirely sure what DarkerCloud is getting at, but what the newsflash says (roughly) is that the editorial collective are sorry to hear that Anna Lindh was killed, and that we as an independent news source can´t take responsibility if people post fake press releases and other crap saying the opposite.
The major morning newspaper, DN, picked up on one of these posts and wrote an article saying that Indymedia Sweden supports the attack on Anna Lindh. We corrected this of course, but you know how mainstream media operates :-( That´s basically why we wrote the newsflash and the feature below it.
I don´t really see any connection between DC´s post and what he has quoted."
Clearly this lot should be split into two, but that is impossible from here, so we have a warning for all IMCs that they should know who is posting, and some speculation about why Anna Lindh was killed, and an opinion about postponing the Referendum, all bundled with Bollockschops.
It is a pity that Bollockschops has so overstated his case it tends to be unread. Or is he female
13.09.2003 21:04
it must be hard for you lot out there to understand especially cos I aqm talking outside of the information that you receive....but try to take time to see that what i'm getting at might well be true,i mean the pigs beat us up at protests don't they and if that isn't an example of attempted mind control I don't know what is.....but let's wait and see what DH has to say about it and JOE VIALLS ciao sorry about the erudite waffling but listen
14.09.2003 08:14
We are currently committing mass murder of Iraqis, threatenigin more global war, seeing the pigscum state get more strenghtened, WTO more strenghtened, Nazis on the rise unabated .....
so why do we need this crap about some sterile idiots mournign some politician blah blah blah...
Darkercloud should have done better than not populating the original drivel to this newswire.
Bollockschop could do better by not giving into wrongly targetted pressure against him/her and tonign down wht he/she wanted to say in the first place. Also why drag in other commentators?
Anyhow anyone noticed how they blamed it all on a 'drug addict' initially? A bunch of facsits!
Re WHY? etc
14.09.2003 13:43
If Sweden votes to go Euro now, that will be a big encouragement for the Machiavellian schemers who include assasination in their repertoire. We can expect more events like this. The manipulators will have another piece of evidence for their public opinion management manual.
Should we have a Euro Referendum now in order to get rid of Blair? There may be no other way, he is such a good Tory he will win the next election on the Tory vote.
No need to apologise for not being Politically Correct.
But be a bit nicer to those fine upstanding persons in Mossad, CIA, MI5 and all the others. It is better to take the view that they are all excellent people dedicated to discovering the thruth to stop the politicians making horrible blunders. They slave away at their appointed tasks and at first conclude, when their discoveries are ignored or misused, that there was overwhelming other evidence that contradicted their findings. It takes years for them to realise that the Politicians have their own agenda, and are totally corrupt and often in the service of a foreign power anyway.
When they realise that there is not much they can do except become old and embittered.
Or is there...?
change of subject:
Visit http://www.cia.gov/csi/books/19104/art8.html for a nice piece on the Analysis of Intelligence.
14.09.2003 19:21
Very concerned about it in the europpean domain.
That is exactyl why I mentioned traces of fascism in swedish soceity in relation to blaming the drug addict in the investigations.
So please be clear.
The only kind of things we could worry about this swedish internal affair (honestly how many politiicians get murdered worldwide ? do we give a shit about it?) is the fascist nature of media driven frnzied conclusions.
Why not let the sweded mourn, jump into the sea or do whatever ...who cares?
If they join or not join the EU who cares?
We have enough to worry about.
The pigs at home have to be stopped.
Maybe it is time for the welsh to partition the kingdom in disgust. This is more important than some unhelpful post that achieves nothing apart from wastes everyones time.
The cia insignia
15.09.2003 17:28