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The Insurrection of a Million Minds (part one and a little bit) | 12.09.2003 15:15 | Sheffield | World

Info / Thoughts on Sheffield Care Trust..

The Insurrection of a Million Minds
(part one and a little bit)

"We fell in love in the wreckage, shouted out songs in the uproar, danced joyfully in the heaviest shackles they could forge; we smuggled our stories through the gauntlets of silence, starvation, and subjugation, to bring them back to life again and again as bombs and beating hearts; we built castles in the sky from the ruins of hell on earth. Accepting no constraints from without, we countenanced none within ourselves, either, and found that the world opened before us like the petals of a rose"

Erm hell keep banging the door and it shall open.. Either the person behind it will open it.. Or it shall fall from our own or collective efforts..

Myself i have had this feeling for an age now (well since 9/11) that we are going to-wards mass civil unrest.. As the barricades are erected and the milk bottles are filled with the fuel of our anger our love for each other and Mother Earth..

Aimed at the other side.. The shops are looted.. the institution's of Babylon are raised to the ground.. Others occupied as space for the people run by the people for the people.. i shall pick up my gun.. go and search those who have rapped me.. abused me in every form.. and shoot the Bastard's..

This shall be by recompense to my in-justice and the injustice of my class..As we have seen since the occupation of Iraq 50 of our boys have been killed.. Countless Iraqi people killed rapped shot tortured abused.. As i aim my gun at the heads of those who have committed there vile crimes against me / my class and Mother Earth..

Ill shoot with the knowledge this is my recompense for the crimes against me.. my class and Mother Earth.. i feel the time is coming sister brothers comrades..

It is now we have to organise..
Here the wise words of the people..

Because you might not like what we has to say.. you should not close your ears and act dumb.. Because you do not like what i say you nither should close your ears..

We are all our own truth.. What is unity but a compromise.. I have comprised far to much in the last few years.. only to leave me open to further abuse..

Only to find following a one of sexuall encounter with a lady..(june23rd.05.03) Who in respect is just as damaged as me.. To have her tell me following our sex.. i had Aids..

Now i ask you understand why when you have encountered me..(over the years last year) i have might been stoned / drunk and so fourth..

Ask you understand we are what capital makes us (we are capitalism) makes us.. You are free to do as you are told..

Me i sooner rebel than comprise myself any further.. This dose not mean i shall not use love and non-violence..

To use violence at this stage would be crass.. But we have to understand at some stage we are going to have to use force and if this means violence then I'm ready.. of course idd sooner capital to wither away through love..

But the reality being is this not going to happen.. of course from the Roman empire to the occupation of Iraq use force to achieve your aims you are just going to re-create what we so desire to overthrow,,

Mozaz waiting for the day of civil unrest see you there of to hug some trees and as some wit said you plant a tree not for you to enjoy the shade but for generations following you to do so.. looking back..

Here is info / background about thecharacter that is Mark Mozaz Wallis..

November / December 1964 my father was often beating / raping my mother.. Following this my mother became pregnant with me.. during that pregnancy my father beat my mother.. with the intent of not only killing her but the unwanted child, a basted child in the true sense of the word..

August 1965 i was born into the world, for three years my father not only beat me but also continued the abuse of my mother.. 1969 he made an effort not only to kill myself but my mother by the act of throwing both myself and
mother down the stairs..

1971 to 1976 i was moved again to another home.. here i was beaten and sexually abused.. One incident stands out due to the horrific nature of the incident.. Three members of staff buggered me for over two hours.. following this i was bleeding.. for the next two weeks i was also shitting myself, each time being beaten for doing so..

1976 to 1977 i was moved to another home.. here no shit happened just happy times listening to the top 40 and bob Marley's jamming..

1977 to 1980 I was moved again to another home.. here i was beaten, locked into cupboards..

1980 to 83/4 i was placed into a school at cheltenham.. spending some of my time at my mothers other times at another home.. yet again more beatings.. at the age of 15 i was ganged raped.. following this my night clothes were covered in blood the next morning.. which had drayed.. the clothes was ripped off me.. for over three hours i was beaten and humiliated in front of those who had raped me and the rest of the home..

1985 i was moved again to another home here i was medicated against my will and sexually abused..

1985 i was given a council flat.. a worker at the time gave me 100 pounds followed by "why not sniff
yourself to death.."

1985 I watched a girlfriend who i had been seeing since the age 14 jump from kelvin flats.. To this date i ain't sure how i managed to get down to the ground.. All i remember is seeing her body and the head of my loved one some distance from what remained of her.. I puked my guts..

1986 i was sectioned. here i was beaten and forced medication against my will..

1987 i was placed into another home.. Here a member of staff taught me how to use smack and where to get the shit..

1987 to 1989 homelessness and a smack habit ensued.. for some reason i spent three months with help in a part derelict building. i came off the shit to wards the end of 1989..

1990-94 on much a self destruct mode..

1994 to 1995 i simply can't remember other than what 'm told.. i was pissed off my head..

1996 to 1997 a year of heavy acid abuse..

1997 to present date been making an effort to sort out this shit..

Bye love and be loved..

more @

Notes: Some of those who was involved / commited the above vile acts against my person are still employed by what is now called Sheffield Care Trust.. Part Two and a Third of The Insurrection of a Million Minds shall give names and other info of those people still employed by Sheffield Care Trust:
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first things first

12.09.2003 20:02

what will the world look like after this revolution?
a load of fuked up skrewed around angry people with guns and axes to grind that by definition are not ready for babylon to be burnt because they dont know what the next world is going to be like other than it shall be pink, fluffy and have lots trees to hug.

not important at this stage