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JEW | 11.09.2003 11:27

The Board of Deputies has written to the Stop The War Coalition to express its concern that publicity for its forthcoming national demonstration confuses the issues of Iraq and Israel.

At a meeting with the Board earlier in the year, the SWC did not consider the Palestinian issue as having the same priority as that of the war in Iraq. They noted that the Palestinian issue had taken a lower profile at their most recent rally, and that any further demonstration would focus on Iraq. But publicity for the next rally on 27 September has focused on support of the Palestinian cause.

In his letter to SWC’s Chair, Andrew Murray, Board Director General Neville Nagler wrote: “Our deep concern is the level of anti-Jewish and extremist language that we have witnessed at your past rallies. Whilst we understand that the forthcoming rally is organised in conjunction with other organisations whose agendas may differ somewhat, we still expect SWC to honour the assurances we have received in the past.

“Our main concern remains to ensure that the conflicts of the Middle East do not spill over on to the streets of Britain or inflict any harm on Jewish people living here.”



Display the following 5 comments

  1. Are Jews Anti-Semetic? — James Venables
  2. Yes, it does look like the Board of Deputies is — freethepeeps
  3. "Jews" — JoMo
  4. Sweeping Comparisons — James Venables
  5. zionists? — curious