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protesters detained on Connaught Overpass

r7 | 09.09.2003 14:28 | DSEi 2003 | Anti-militarism | Technology | London | Sheffield

Report phoned in from Sheffield anti-DSEI protestors currently on Connaught Overpass [west of Exel Centre].

Report phoned in from Sheffield anti-DSEI protestors currently on Connaught Overpass [west of Exel Centre]:

We're being detained by the City of London police, and have been told by the Chief Inspector there that we are being detained because "we're likely to cause a breach of the peace". When asked where we wanted to go we said the Exel Centre foyer, but this request was declined.

Earlier a few protestors broke through the police line near to this point.

We're keeping safe though...



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nice one sheff crew

09.09.2003 15:53

nice one people...keep pushing! but yeah keep it safe as you can..tommorrows another day

at home poorly