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UK becomes even more involved in illegal war.

Redkop | 08.09.2003 14:40

No protest noted on IMC.Three thousand more troops sent to poor Iraq.

No more protests and UK becomes even more involved in the illegal war on Iraq.Where as all the hot air and protest gone? Three thousand more troops sent to poor Iraq.And not a mention on IMC.



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It's open publishing you know...

08.09.2003 15:08

You're quite right... if you think there's something important and relevant that hasn't been mentioned on Indymedia, we encourage you to post a story about it on the newswire. That's what open publishing is all about -- building a community sharing news and information, not just a small group of people providing news for the rest of the community to consume (as with the corporate media).

I don't think it's so much that the regular contributors don't think this is important, but many are rather overworked at the moment covering the major protests taking place around DSEi in London this week. That's not to say that other stuff is less important though -- please keep it coming in!


Valid point

08.09.2003 15:31

As the IMC-UK is still full of a lot of repetetive posts that dilute the issues and some total shite this is a piece of local news missing. As Z points out everyone might be busy but could we afford to forget Iraq.

(before the usual anti-ram pigs jump on another opportunity to go off topic on this thread) let me point out to few relevant posts)

These issues need to be addressed. Full stop.
