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stop and search around excel / dsei + crash barriers

on the spot | 08.09.2003 13:26 | DSEi 2003 | Anti-militarism | London

quick report

police have today been stopping people around the excel centre area - the venue for the dsei arms fair. apparently they have been using public order legislation and arresting some, depending what people have on their person.

there are police stationed in the area, much of which now has crash barriers erected.

on the spot


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Fuck em all

08.09.2003 16:30

Infinite love
is the only truth
and higher gold light vibrations
where do we come from and to where do we return
when we "die"
attach yourself to loving and trusting actions
and if you are a protestor
ask for your protective guardian angels /light beings to
protect you from all of the dark energies like the police and the arms dealers
see yourself collectively surrounded by gold light and blue anbd white light beings
whose bodys are not physical yet all gold white and blue light
if you ask and all you need do is ask then they will come
to you sides and shield you from the police/mi5/security guards etc and all the other various demons posing as humans from projecting thier horrid fear into your emotional bodies and psycically draining you......
be warned now thatpolice freemasons practise black magic and summon extremely powerful dark entities who need lots of fear to survive so you must protect your auras
check out reiki/white magic/aura healing and above all do not be afraid.....
if you are really shit scared then go see a light worker
light and love to you all
but avoid christian/catholic/ priests because they rape and murder be loving and ignore eye contact with the police
because the demons that control them feed on your prana or life force energy through the eyes,as the eyes are the window to the soul,wear dark glasses or floppy hats
or take a walk down to the mi6 headquarters and check out the satanic temple design of it if you don't believe me..........
we can beat them easily by unting once again with light and love...because...
what happens if you light a candle in a dark room or switch the light on...
answer...the darkness is remember this......all my love.....
demons can't stand bright colours and beautiful fragrances wear really bright colours....
