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Picket Dsei delegates dinner Royal Lancaster Hotel Thursday 11th

Rockwell | 08.09.2003 10:12 | London

While the world will be remembering the dead of September 11th the delegaqtes at the Dsei arms fair will be enjoying a slap up meal at the Royal Lancaster Hotel overlooking Hyde Park in Bayswater, where they will discuss further arms deals many secret and illegal. Come along to a mass picket of their dinner.

Lets show these arms dealing scum they are not welcome in London or anywhere. The nearest tube station is Lancaster Gate. See map:,180750&st=4&ar=Y&mapp=newmap.srf&searchp=newsearch.srf



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tyre spikes

08.09.2003 16:49

I would suggest that you throw tyre spikes in the road or blockade the hotel roads after the delgates are eating,and gatecrash the dinner with lots of loud noise and pots and pans to disturb these organised psycopaths and suits...and given free reign to wrek murder mayhem destruction and havoc on earth while we and others suffer fuck em and kik thier stupid asses with music and love and loud noise.........hyde park is a good place to hang out in before and after,again surround yourself with psycic protection/love and light to prevent and violence bullying and intimidation/scare tactics from the police..there are many angels light beings who will be more than happy to protect you all you have to do is make up a postive prayer asking for the forces of light and love to surround you...DO NOT use christian prayers because these have been artily and crfatily designed to summon demons....and believe thier really is no child abusing and raping and women torturing and killing "father in heaven".......even the lord's prayer is actually an ode to satanic ritual mind prgrammi8ng/child abuse if you read between the lines and decipher the hidden subliminal message......much love and I will be also sending many powerful protective spitits to don't take any fear on from the police AT All ignore them,,,,don't feed into thier energy/lifeforce stealing eye contact gane by getting into verbal contests with them be calm loving and centre breathe deeply through the top of your head all the highest loving enrgies available.....don't talk to the police you do not need the permission of demons to object to that which you know is intrinsically and fundamentally wrong,ignore them keep your eyes down.....DO NOT on any account whatsoever give them any of of your energy or feed their power and assertion of bogus authority game by looking at them or allowing thier non-human auras to get "fishhooks" or psycic tentacles into your auric now you know the game be wise and buddah-like and stop fighting....because if you stop fighting then all enemies just cease to exist...then you become controller of your love based reality..instead of being controlled by the fear-based-reality of the police and the govt the arms dealers and all the other nerds...lets hope you stay in the light and don't get fooled into playing into the corrupt hands of the dark ones ...clear??....
