Newcastle vs the G8 in 2005
geordie cong | 07.09.2003 12:43 | G8 2005 | Globalisation
Somebody is spreading the rumour that the 2005 G8 summit will be held in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Excellent.
Somebody is spreading the rumour that the 2005 G8 summit will be held in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Excellent.
New activists and old campaigners in the North East are praying that this rumour will come true. There is nowhere in Newcastle that can be sealed off from us. And there is no end of resentment to the G8 style of global governance. As the Quayside is made shiny and posh for the yuppies commuting to London, the houses of old Scotswood are demolished, families evicted, lives destroyed. Newcastle’s Labour council decided long ago to choose capitalism over communities, and this seed of cynicism has led to a spiralling of dissent. The G8 will make it bloom.
So we are happy that the G8 might come to Newcastle, and we are preparing our resistance. We see this as our chance to ignite our anger, to get at our targets, to bring our resentment to bear against those who exploit us, and make the world their own private pissing pool. Let this be a message: wherever the G8 summit is held, it will spark a resistance of biblical proportions.
A session on the UK G8 summit in 2005 will take place at the Anarchist Bookfair.
New activists and old campaigners in the North East are praying that this rumour will come true. There is nowhere in Newcastle that can be sealed off from us. And there is no end of resentment to the G8 style of global governance. As the Quayside is made shiny and posh for the yuppies commuting to London, the houses of old Scotswood are demolished, families evicted, lives destroyed. Newcastle’s Labour council decided long ago to choose capitalism over communities, and this seed of cynicism has led to a spiralling of dissent. The G8 will make it bloom.
So we are happy that the G8 might come to Newcastle, and we are preparing our resistance. We see this as our chance to ignite our anger, to get at our targets, to bring our resentment to bear against those who exploit us, and make the world their own private pissing pool. Let this be a message: wherever the G8 summit is held, it will spark a resistance of biblical proportions.
A session on the UK G8 summit in 2005 will take place at the Anarchist Bookfair.
geordie cong
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07.09.2003 16:02
interested geordie (A)
07.09.2003 17:58
Totally agree with your analysis of the appalling gentrification of the 'Tyne Gorge' . It's made the glorios riverside one huge boozarama, and the £1/2 million flats are just an insult in an area where a usual living wage is around £10k pa.
Have you got an email list or bulletin board for this stuff? Would very much like to get involved.
G8 in Geordieland ? BRING IT ON!!
interested makem :o)
Young(ish) (A) wanna play!
07.09.2003 19:46
can we get involved? we have just set up our group so only have a few people at the moment. we'd like to get involved with any organising or whatever, so please drop us a line at the email adress.
Any young @ists in the area, please contact us as well!
Peace and Solidarity, North east AYN
Still a rumour
08.09.2003 08:59
location a rumour. resistance a certainty.
08.09.2003 17:02
I want to emphasize that this IS only a rumour, started over a year ago by Tony Flynn, bearded pornstar pin-up of Newcastle council. It was part of a list of things that were going to be hosted in Newcastle-Gateshead, along with European capital of culture. So he's full of shit, but then the rumour was recently repeated in the local press when we learnt that the capital of culture bid failed. It probably originated from the council again. If anyone can put the rumour to rights, please do!
The point is that even in quiet old Newcastle, the idea of the G8 coming to town got loads of people riled up, as the responses to this comment further demonstrate!
Networking in the North East? There's the local newsletter 'Think Globally Act Locally', available for stamps from PO Box 1TA, NE99 1TA. There's the weekly email listing local and national events to get involved with, free from
That lists the meet-ups of various local groups, including: Tues 23 September
Why Don't You - A new gathering of people who want to take direct action to
stop injustice in creative, fun and effective ways. For more information,
There's also some people setting up a Newcastle indymedia - anyone know details? The old TAPP webpage at
Organising against the 2005 G8 is only just beginning, the session at the bookfair is as good a place to go as any. Until the location is leaked, I don't think we can organise much specifically in the North East. But we CAN organise for OTHER THINGS. Capitalism doesn't just come to town for one day. So any ideas? More training like that in the picture? An event to bring groups together?
I know of about twenty individuals from Tyneside going to DSEI tomorrow ( Tuesday 9th - Wednesday 10th Sept ), and that's only the ones I know about! ( contact me fast with your phone details if you want a lift down, and I'll pass them on ). Things are being organised like that - as individuals, not as a group - and I am not claiming to be some kind of 'leader' of newcastle resistance. When direct action works, it works in a decentralised way, and that's how it's going to work to cripple the G8. Whichever part of the UK it goes to.
geordie cong
G8 bring it on, the north east will eat them for breakfast:)
13.09.2003 11:23
G8 meeting at bookfair
14.09.2003 13:45
If you wish to help mobolise against the G8 without a centralised orgainising committee, or a centralised plan of action, please come along
Anna Key