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DSEi march: small, but colourful & fun

oxford participant | 06.09.2003 18:12 | DSEi 2003 | Anti-militarism | London | Oxford

Folks from Oxford joined 500-1500 people marching through Central
London in protest at the arms fair (DSEi) which is coming to London's
Docklands next week.

Today's march was small but fun. Smiles, samba and sunshine helped create
a good vibe. Rainbow flags mingled with red-and-blacks, Green Party/CAAT
placards and a variety of homemade messages and props.

Many expressed disappointment at the turnout, but whether this is an
indication of the size of next week's actions remains to be seen. It
seems quite possible that people are saving themselves for that, with
coaches from some areas of the country focusing on Tuesday (NVDA) and
Wednesday (general DA).

The march made its colourful way past Trafalgar Sq, Whitehall, the MoD,
Parliament etc, and ended in the park that surrounds the Imperial War

At this point, the 2 samba bands joined forces. Some people danced in
a large circle on the grass; others shared food + drink, chatted, or
laid back and enjoyed the weather. Later on, a PA provided speakers, and
a song (about the arms trade of course :)

The police were seen guarding a huge cannon that seemed to be part of
the museum, presumably worried we would stick a 'PEACE' flag in the end
of it, cartoon-stylee ;P

Meanwhile, the Libertarian Bloc were singing 'Happy Birthday' to one of
its participants. People were beginning to drift out of the park. The
samba bands were starting up again, and my last glance was of a cluster
of people dancing under a tree.

see also:

oxford participant
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The fluffy blockade

08.09.2003 20:49

I'm going to be at Tuesday's fluffy blockade. I'm a 53 year old soon-to-be-granny and I think I might actually do some sitting down - for the first time in my life. Just thought I'd let you know I'm really quite nervous about the whole thing but it has to be done - they cannot do this IN MY NAME!! I didn't vote for a Labour government to act like a tory government.


well done

10.09.2003 00:56

well done :)

how did it go?

why not post us an account of your experiences?
