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DSEi pocket preview

# | 04.09.2003 12:44 | DSEi 2003 | London

A few pages from the DSEi pocket preview guide sent to registered guests

geoff hoon - welcome to dsei
geoff hoon - welcome to dsei

delegate hotels
delegate hotels

floor plan
floor plan

Here's some scanned pages from the official DSEi 'pocket preview' -
Geoff Hoon's introductory text, delegate accomodation details, and a floorplan.



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an idea

04.09.2003 14:46

i heard some bloke chatting to his mate on the phone and he said wouldnt it be a good idea if people shut down the DLR and for Tuesday and Wednesday he also went on to mention that tageting the hotels above (even if they dont have any delegates) would be a great idea becuase it will show them not to even think of doing it again!
obviously this only what i overheard and not anything to do with me cause i love bombs and guns and nerve gas! honest!
so yeah if any nasty policemans are reading this i take no responsibility for anything!
just relaying info!
