Gus Abraham | 03.09.2003 22:00 | Anti-militarism
“If we are wrong, we will have destroyed a threat that, at its least is responsible for inhuman carnage and suffering. That is something I am confident history will forgive.” Tony Blair
It’s not just Campbell in the dock. The press orgy around the Hutton Inquiry is an indictment of the degeneracy of the British State, press and wider media. The trauma of a government in crisis has had the political classes into tail-spin for months now. They’ve baffled themselves with their efforts to explain the unexplainable as the darkest recesses of state operations are exposed to the light of day. The government is furious that the usually pliant public broadcaster has blotted it’s copy book by raising some mildly critical questions, and all hell has broken loose. Maybe this is what would happen if we broke the corporate media?
We've entered the realms of fantasy. In this world the key players discuss whether fictional “Weapons of Mass Destruction” be despatched within 20 minutes or 45? Even the Americans have now admitted these weapons never existed.
But increasingly the spivs, racketeers and fork-tongued snake-oil salesmen at the heart of New Labours glorious failure are being found out. Now even the most dosey liberals conned by the doe-eyed nonsense of ‘Trust Me I’m Tony’ are coming to realise what’s happened.
On the 22nd August BBC’s Radio 4 Today programme had Roy Greenslade and special guests outdoing themselves to congratulate Alastair Campbell on his ‘performance’ yesterday at the Hutton Inquiry. This from the very programme supposedly ‘at war’ with the government. The only war the BBC has with the govt is about exactly how many portions of bullshit to serve up to us. A report for the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung showed that the BBC showed the lowest level of dissent among all the broadcaster surveyed. Its 2% was even lower than the US channel ABC. As commentators fawned over how ‘composed’ he had been there was little mention of how he hadn’t been casually going about his business but had been frantically briefed by lawyers about how to answer the stack of questions about his conduct.
Campbell is a man in the front line of convincing the British public that a war was not just justifiable - but morally necessary, being applauded for his slithering-out of responsibility after a man was harassed into committing suicide. That the semi-feral degenerate Campbell is a polished performer is no surprise as he’s crawled out of the gutter of tabloid journalism to sit alongside our Prime Minister. But now the whole crumbling edifice of state sponsored terrorism is being exposed and the whole PR crap is cracking up.
The very fact that Campbell hasn’t been fired is a beautiful insight into how desperate the British State really is. It’s intelligence services have been exposed as being naïve, exploitable, deceitful and incompetent. The chain of command has collapsed with all elements of the state – govt – broadcasting voice – and spooks, are all at each others throats.
They are now desperately trying to gain control over the ‘story’ and the unseemly grapple over it only helps illuminate their dire situation. The section of the population who were against the war until tanks at Heathrow and a barrage of photo-shoots and heart-felt soundbites from Blair won them over. All that has gone. There was no threat, there were no Weapons of Mass Destruction, no nuclear capability, no links with Al Qaeda, no Nigerian uranium. All bullshit.
And the response? ‘Handling the media’ is now the subject matter and prize jewel of ‘statecraft’, otherwise known as whatever – lies – propaganda and fabrication the ruling classes can try and sell us.
But it does leave the movement in Scotland with a specific set of questions. What are our demands? Should we support the London demo or organise actions in Edinburgh? Hoon and Campbells resignations, while satisfying political scalps are just part of the continuing sideshow. Instead lets turn the pressure up on the Scottish Executive. The role of depleted uranium and cluster bombs should be a key point to focus on for the anti-war movement as it exposes the disdain the state has for its own troops ‘our boys’ and the civilian populations of Iraq and Scotland.
The protests on the 27th September should be focused on these lessons.
More details here:
Thank Tony personally here:
More details on Tony Blair’s new media adviser:
For more on BBC bias and political interference see:
We've entered the realms of fantasy. In this world the key players discuss whether fictional “Weapons of Mass Destruction” be despatched within 20 minutes or 45? Even the Americans have now admitted these weapons never existed.
But increasingly the spivs, racketeers and fork-tongued snake-oil salesmen at the heart of New Labours glorious failure are being found out. Now even the most dosey liberals conned by the doe-eyed nonsense of ‘Trust Me I’m Tony’ are coming to realise what’s happened.
On the 22nd August BBC’s Radio 4 Today programme had Roy Greenslade and special guests outdoing themselves to congratulate Alastair Campbell on his ‘performance’ yesterday at the Hutton Inquiry. This from the very programme supposedly ‘at war’ with the government. The only war the BBC has with the govt is about exactly how many portions of bullshit to serve up to us. A report for the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung showed that the BBC showed the lowest level of dissent among all the broadcaster surveyed. Its 2% was even lower than the US channel ABC. As commentators fawned over how ‘composed’ he had been there was little mention of how he hadn’t been casually going about his business but had been frantically briefed by lawyers about how to answer the stack of questions about his conduct.
Campbell is a man in the front line of convincing the British public that a war was not just justifiable - but morally necessary, being applauded for his slithering-out of responsibility after a man was harassed into committing suicide. That the semi-feral degenerate Campbell is a polished performer is no surprise as he’s crawled out of the gutter of tabloid journalism to sit alongside our Prime Minister. But now the whole crumbling edifice of state sponsored terrorism is being exposed and the whole PR crap is cracking up.
The very fact that Campbell hasn’t been fired is a beautiful insight into how desperate the British State really is. It’s intelligence services have been exposed as being naïve, exploitable, deceitful and incompetent. The chain of command has collapsed with all elements of the state – govt – broadcasting voice – and spooks, are all at each others throats.
They are now desperately trying to gain control over the ‘story’ and the unseemly grapple over it only helps illuminate their dire situation. The section of the population who were against the war until tanks at Heathrow and a barrage of photo-shoots and heart-felt soundbites from Blair won them over. All that has gone. There was no threat, there were no Weapons of Mass Destruction, no nuclear capability, no links with Al Qaeda, no Nigerian uranium. All bullshit.
And the response? ‘Handling the media’ is now the subject matter and prize jewel of ‘statecraft’, otherwise known as whatever – lies – propaganda and fabrication the ruling classes can try and sell us.
But it does leave the movement in Scotland with a specific set of questions. What are our demands? Should we support the London demo or organise actions in Edinburgh? Hoon and Campbells resignations, while satisfying political scalps are just part of the continuing sideshow. Instead lets turn the pressure up on the Scottish Executive. The role of depleted uranium and cluster bombs should be a key point to focus on for the anti-war movement as it exposes the disdain the state has for its own troops ‘our boys’ and the civilian populations of Iraq and Scotland.
The protests on the 27th September should be focused on these lessons.
More details here:

Thank Tony personally here:

More details on Tony Blair’s new media adviser:

For more on BBC bias and political interference see:

Gus Abraham