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Nottingham & Manchester Gay Pride Events.

Alan Lodge - Tash | 04.09.2003 10:58 | Culture | Gender | Social Struggles

Nottingham Gay Pride - A lovely gay afternoon out in the park. Stalls and info exchange around the field and bands and singers from the Bandstand all afternoon

Gay Pride
Gay Pride

Gay Pride
Gay Pride

Gay Pride
Gay Pride

Gay Pride
Gay Pride

Nottingham & Manchester Gay Pride Events
Nottingham Gay Pride Event - Arboretum Park
A lovely gay afternoon out in the park. Stalls and info exchange around the
field and bands and singers from the Bandstand all afternoon, including
Pussy Galore from Leicester.

Earlier, covered the Manchester EuroPride Event, [which included the
police contingent, headed by Cmdr. Paddick of the Metropolitan Police] and
the direct link for these piccys, is at:

past gay event piccys at:
were I've included piccys from past manchester, leicester, and nottingham
dos. and more sets at:
Hope you all enjoy
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Alan Lodge - Tash
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