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still loads of flyer for DSEi at Freedom Bookshop and LARC

Rockwell | 03.09.2003 14:26 | London

There are still loads of flyer for the Disarm Dsei event at Freedom Bookshop, 84b Whitechapel High Street and the LARC centre. People are needed to pick these up for leafleting.

Good places to leaflet are Camden Market/Camden High Street/Camden Tube. Woolwich Town Centre, Stratford Town Centre and Ilford Town Centre as they are all near to where the Disarm Dsei protests will take place. Also Middlesex Street/Petticoat Lane Market, Whitechapel this Sunday. And Brick Lane/Sclater Street Market, Bethnal Green, this Sunday.



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advice please

03.09.2003 20:02

Are there laws against setting one self in fire as a measure of protest against the pigsum trade in arms?


sorry pigscum not pigsum

03.09.2003 20:05




04.09.2003 09:39

But setting yourself on fire is a bit extreme. Burning an effigy of Blair over his hypocracy over Labour's promised ethical foreign policy would be much better. Another good thing would be to bring a long a cardborad and wooden tank or missile that could be symbolically burnt or smashed to pieces outside the arms fair.



04.09.2003 12:05

What I was wanting to know remains unanswered and the suggestions about the actions no one never takes notice of are not helpful :-(

ANyone knows answers instead of silly suggestions?


Oh shut up you idiot ram!

04.09.2003 15:51

We don't want anyone setting themselves on fire at the disarm dsei protests! We just want people to attempt to shut this arms fair down by any means necessary, both peace and not so peaceful. People setting themselves on fire is just plain stupid and achieves nothing, it is just symbolic. If people want to make a symbolic protest then there are a lot better ones than setting themselves on fire! And my suggestion of setting a wooden tank on fire isn't stupid at all. Just imagine the confusion it would cause over police communications: "Sarge the've set a tank on fire". "What they've broke in a set fire to one of the tanks". "No sarge its a wooden tank, one they brought with them". "and what do you want us to do about?". "you could call the fire brigade". "OK". "Fire engines needed now they've set a tank on fire, er no I mean they've set a wooden tank on fire". "A wooden tank???". "Erm it was one they brought with them". "What they brought a tank, the protesters brought a tank". "No it was only a wooden one!!!"



04.09.2003 17:50


My question still remains unanswered.

Also you have got it all wrong about pigscum protecting their biggest revenue, the arms trade.
Also you have got the pigscum's perception of those who protest wron by a mile.
The report will go out more like this...

Pigscum 1: Pigscum2, the scum are finally burning that pile of rubbish they brought it.
Pigscum2: Verify that our undercover pigscum are safe from the fire hazard under section 1234 of H&S act 1982. OK get ready to go home as this is usually the sign that the unemployed scum have to go home to scrounge for the next spliff. Honestly can't they get job like everyone else.
Pigscum 1: Atleast it made us some overtime.
