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Iraq for sale on Ebay

un | 30.08.2003 14:06

UPDATE Pulled from Ebay after someone's bid hit $60 million.

SOMEONE WHO CLAIMS to own Iraq is claiming to be selling it on Ebay.

The bids have so far reached $1,852, and the vendor "will only accept cash".

He describes himself as needing to sell Iraq because "he has to win an election in 2004, and Iraq is a drag in the opinion polls."

He also "forgot to tell the American people the true cost before invasion and occupation".

The buyer will have to look after and feed 25 million people, with the infrastructure "shot to hell" by the previous owner.



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30.08.2003 17:59

It does not take much time to write five or six phrases like above and then put a link in in like

I can also write a story from 5 phrases and give following URL:



sure it will give:

Invalid Item
The item you requested ( 2948404367 ) is invalid, still pending, or no longer in our database. Please check the number and try again. If this message persists, the item has either not started and is not yet available for viewing, or has expired and is no longer available.

Nice trie to give desinfo :)

Just change the numbers at the end of the URL

mail e-mail:

Iraq Souvenirs

31.08.2003 08:56

If you do a general search on eBay for "Iraq" you get a wide selection of stuff - Nice to see that people are keen to offload those decks of cards, now-worthless Dinar notes and coins, USA 'War on Terror' medals and stuff.
