Accommodation at Disarm DSEi: request for help
Disarm DSEi | 30.08.2003 11:13 | DSEi 2003 | London
Spaces needed for accommodation for protestors travelling to London for Disarm DSEi. Also, information for people requiring accommodation.
Please forward this to London-based email lists, websites and helpful people…
Call for help with accommodation at Disarm DSEi:
Do you live in London? Do you know of anywhere that Disarm DSEi could use as accommodation space for people coming to protest against the arms fair?
Thousands of people are expected to travel to London from 6 – 12 September to protest against DSEi, Europe’s largest arms fair. Accommodation is being organised by a Disarm DSEi working group.
However, more spaces are needed. We are on the lookout for church halls, community centres, squatted buildings and anywhere else where people coming from across the UK and abroad can stay for part or all of the week. We are also looking more specifically for a space with disabled access.
In addition to this we are asking people if they are willing to put people up in their homes. Even if you can only offer floor space for a few people it would be much appreciated.
Please get in touch by email: or phone: 07817 652 029 if you can help.
For people requiring accommodation:
Accommodation will be available, although locations won't be publicised beforehand. People are being asked to come to the convergence centre and will be given addresses from there. However accommodation will be limited so we are encouraging affinity groups to find their own accommodation if possible and if you know someone in London please check to see if you can stay with them.
It would be really helpful if anyone who's coming who needs accommodation emails and tells us how many of you there are and which days you want to stay for.
For more information see or contact:
Disarm DSEi, BM Box 3679, London WC1N 3XX
07817 652 029
Call for help with accommodation at Disarm DSEi:
Do you live in London? Do you know of anywhere that Disarm DSEi could use as accommodation space for people coming to protest against the arms fair?
Thousands of people are expected to travel to London from 6 – 12 September to protest against DSEi, Europe’s largest arms fair. Accommodation is being organised by a Disarm DSEi working group.
However, more spaces are needed. We are on the lookout for church halls, community centres, squatted buildings and anywhere else where people coming from across the UK and abroad can stay for part or all of the week. We are also looking more specifically for a space with disabled access.
In addition to this we are asking people if they are willing to put people up in their homes. Even if you can only offer floor space for a few people it would be much appreciated.
Please get in touch by email:

For people requiring accommodation:
Accommodation will be available, although locations won't be publicised beforehand. People are being asked to come to the convergence centre and will be given addresses from there. However accommodation will be limited so we are encouraging affinity groups to find their own accommodation if possible and if you know someone in London please check to see if you can stay with them.
It would be really helpful if anyone who's coming who needs accommodation emails

For more information see or contact:
Disarm DSEi, BM Box 3679, London WC1N 3XX

07817 652 029
Disarm DSEi