Geoge W. Bush was properly elected.
Robert | 28.08.2003 14:43 | Analysis | London
George Bush was elected. Al Gore received either three or four Democrat backed Florida recounts, all of which were won by George W. Bush. After the election the Miami Herald (a Democrat leaning publication) then recounted every vote over approximately six months and George W. Bush showed even a larger margin of victory during this recount.
The only time any recount was stopped was when contrary to Florida election law Al Gore demanded recounts in only three Florida counties out of tens of counties. Counties in which Democrats felt Gore had an advantage. Florida law stipulates that recounts in such elections must take place statewide which Al Gore and company opposed. Because George W. Bush stood to gain even more votes in election recounts outside of these three Democrat strong, Democrat selected counties.
Recounts were only halted after repeated violations of Florida State election laws that were green lighted by the Florida State Supreme Court. In this instance the Florida Supreme Court ignored its oath and mandate to follow State and federal Law by allowing county specific recounts to take place as opposed to statewide recounts.
At this time attorneys for the Republican Party sued for relief from the illegal selective county recount process, in the US Supreme Court. The US Supreme Court stepped in to halt this violation of law that the FSC was green lighting. Much in the same way that federal authorities stepped in to stop the violation of Arkansas State Law and Federal Law in Little Rock Arkansas when the State of Arkansas refused to protect Black Americans in the 1960's.
To add insult to injury the Al Gore campaign and Democrat party further went on to attempt to deny lawful and legitimate absentee votes by members of the armed services serving oversees. Not since Democrat backed Jim Crow laws in the old South has the Democrat party so directly and brazenly attempted to deny American Citizens the right to vote.
The Democrat party started racial bonfires in South Florida in a last ditch effort to dig up something to detour the lawful election process that George W. Bush had won. The Democrat party made numerous inflammatory accusations of racism. Yet not a single alleged incident rose to the level of an Al Sharpton Tawana Brawley type media gag.
It was believed the majority of absentee ballots from American Military Personnel would be for George w. Bush. So the decision was made by Democrat party operatives to attempt to deny this most sacred of Civil Rights for political opportunity.
The utter disgrace that was the Democrat Party in the presidential election of 2000 was something I hope to never see again.
To summarize:
1) Al Gore had at least 3 selective Democrat Party supervised recounts all of which Bush won.
2) The Democrat friendly Miami Herald recounted every last vote and George W. Bush won by even more votes.
3) The Florida State Supreme Court in a Democrat biased partisan action knowingly and intentionally broke State and Federal Law to provide Al Gore and the Democrat party with an illegal advantage.
4) The US Supreme Court voted favorably along Republican lines to restore the rule of State and Federal law and the Civil Rights of American Citizens casting absentee Ballots.
5) Democrat party/operatives played the black white race card with every intention of further dividing Americans along racial lines merely for political gain. And the combined minority media grabbing powers of Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and Mfume couldn’t even get one phony accusation to stick.
6) The Democrat Party knowingly and intentionally tried to block the lawful and legitimate absentee ballots of US Military Personnel. Denying American Citizens the right to vote is a Gigantic Violation of Civil Rights and a terrible, terrible crime. The magnitude of which was previously unthinkable even for Democrats in this day and age, and all for Democrat personal political gain, what a disgrace.
The only time any recount was stopped was when contrary to Florida election law Al Gore demanded recounts in only three Florida counties out of tens of counties. Counties in which Democrats felt Gore had an advantage. Florida law stipulates that recounts in such elections must take place statewide which Al Gore and company opposed. Because George W. Bush stood to gain even more votes in election recounts outside of these three Democrat strong, Democrat selected counties.
Recounts were only halted after repeated violations of Florida State election laws that were green lighted by the Florida State Supreme Court. In this instance the Florida Supreme Court ignored its oath and mandate to follow State and federal Law by allowing county specific recounts to take place as opposed to statewide recounts.
At this time attorneys for the Republican Party sued for relief from the illegal selective county recount process, in the US Supreme Court. The US Supreme Court stepped in to halt this violation of law that the FSC was green lighting. Much in the same way that federal authorities stepped in to stop the violation of Arkansas State Law and Federal Law in Little Rock Arkansas when the State of Arkansas refused to protect Black Americans in the 1960's.
To add insult to injury the Al Gore campaign and Democrat party further went on to attempt to deny lawful and legitimate absentee votes by members of the armed services serving oversees. Not since Democrat backed Jim Crow laws in the old South has the Democrat party so directly and brazenly attempted to deny American Citizens the right to vote.
The Democrat party started racial bonfires in South Florida in a last ditch effort to dig up something to detour the lawful election process that George W. Bush had won. The Democrat party made numerous inflammatory accusations of racism. Yet not a single alleged incident rose to the level of an Al Sharpton Tawana Brawley type media gag.
It was believed the majority of absentee ballots from American Military Personnel would be for George w. Bush. So the decision was made by Democrat party operatives to attempt to deny this most sacred of Civil Rights for political opportunity.
The utter disgrace that was the Democrat Party in the presidential election of 2000 was something I hope to never see again.
To summarize:
1) Al Gore had at least 3 selective Democrat Party supervised recounts all of which Bush won.
2) The Democrat friendly Miami Herald recounted every last vote and George W. Bush won by even more votes.
3) The Florida State Supreme Court in a Democrat biased partisan action knowingly and intentionally broke State and Federal Law to provide Al Gore and the Democrat party with an illegal advantage.
4) The US Supreme Court voted favorably along Republican lines to restore the rule of State and Federal law and the Civil Rights of American Citizens casting absentee Ballots.
5) Democrat party/operatives played the black white race card with every intention of further dividing Americans along racial lines merely for political gain. And the combined minority media grabbing powers of Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and Mfume couldn’t even get one phony accusation to stick.
6) The Democrat Party knowingly and intentionally tried to block the lawful and legitimate absentee ballots of US Military Personnel. Denying American Citizens the right to vote is a Gigantic Violation of Civil Rights and a terrible, terrible crime. The magnitude of which was previously unthinkable even for Democrats in this day and age, and all for Democrat personal political gain, what a disgrace.
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