Facists on Indymedia India are supporting genocide
Ganesh | 26.08.2003 09:26
Yesterday's Mumbai bombing provoked outrage among Muslims and Hindus around the world, but has inflamed communal tensions in India. India Indymedia has now been taken over by Hindu extremists, who have reacted to the Mumbai blasts by calling for the rape and murder of a number of human rights activists and journalists and prominent Muslims and Christians.
The India Indymedia collective has done NOTHING to stop the hate and has ignored repeated requests to "hide" these calls for murder and rape against named individuals. As such, the whole Indymedia movement has blood on its hands. You are all fascist sympathisers.
Indymedia has a choice, become part of the solution or part of the problem.
The India Indymedia collective has done NOTHING to stop the hate and has ignored repeated requests to "hide" these calls for murder and rape against named individuals. As such, the whole Indymedia movement has blood on its hands. You are all fascist sympathisers.
Indymedia has a choice, become part of the solution or part of the problem.
Hide the following 12 comments
Role of Indymedia
26.08.2003 10:20
No reflection of India
26.08.2003 10:28
As for helping, I have continually asked India IMC to let me help out and join the collective to counter the death threats and calls for rapes, but have had no response. So I am hoping other indymedia groups can urge the end of violence on indymedia. Their lack of interest perhaps shows their attitude towards racism and violence - they couldn't care less.
e-mail: ganeshmukti@yahoo.ie
Editorial note: Title changed
26.08.2003 10:57
26.08.2003 14:10
I have also repeated my enthusiasm to help with the editorial work and have gathered together a small group of people who are also want to help out with India IMC. But no-one replies to our emails. There is no accountability to the IMC users, no transparency and certainly no democracy. So what is the purpose of India Indymedia? It seems it is just a platform for those calling for genocide and the IMC network are quite happy about this. I really don't think they understand the situation in India and the very real threats progressive activists are faced with on a daily basis from religious zealots.
All I have from Indymedia is excuses about free speech and I am very frustrated. So what about the freedom of those individuals named as targets for rape and murder on India Indymedia? What about the freedom of Muslims and other minorities targetted by those spamming India Indymedia? What about fighting fascism?
If you care about India Indymedia and want to do something, join the Renew India Indymedia group at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/indiaindymedia/ Something needs to happen urgently!
e-mail: ganeshmukti@yahoo.ie
Homepage: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/indiaindymedia/
Is it real?
26.08.2003 17:42
Will a Committee based in Ireland be any better than the present editors who wrote:
"Due to mainly human resource constraints, an editorial team for the FEATURES column of the India IMC site is yet been constituted. In keeping with the ethos of the IMC movement it would be preferable that volunteers based in India take up the primary responsibility for this, and for the overall maintainance of the India IMC site. Of course, volunteers based in the U.S and elsewhere will be glad to provide the necessary back-up support related to technical/administrative issues, and coordination with other IMC sites. If you are based in India, and are willing to accept some of this responsibility (or have any other questions or comments) please drop a line to imc-india@lists.indymedia.org"
Let us see a copy of, and the date of, the email Ganeshmukti sent to them before rushing to judgement and shooting fascists.
What is Ganeshmukti's definition of a fascist? Are the people in indymedia.india accused of following the ideas in the book "The ABC of Economics"? What is the proof?
26.08.2003 19:17
I have an Irish email because I signed up to yahoo while in Ireland. I am actually based in Kolkata, India. I wish to be a part of India IMC, like many others, but have had no response. It seems India IMC is a closed clique You can see my latest emails to India IMC collective on http://lists.indymedia.org/pipermail/imc-india/2003-August/date.html (I am listed under my pseudonym Montgomery Cheddar).
My definition of a fascist is someone who encourages hate and violence against those of a different race, religion or background to their own. Below is a list of articles on India Indymedia which were written by fascists but never hidden:
Threats of rape and murder
Anti-Muslim hate
If you still don't believe me and don't think this is an issue, then I am surprised by your complacency.
e-mail: ganeshmukti@yahoo.ie
Methinks the lady doth protest too much.
26.08.2003 23:16
My suspicion is that you're using the name Ganesh to pass yourself off as a Hindu. Then you post threatening messages in other names. Then you moan about your messages on every Indymedia site you can find, hoping someone will be overawed at your righteousness and censor India Indymedia to *your liking*.
Plenty of pro-jihadi messages pop up on that site without you getting your big fucking panties in a big sticky wad.
Tamir abu Faraj Al-Nubi
hmmm not sure me
27.08.2003 08:21
That said indymedia in its open form may not be the best medium for such a project in difficult conflict zones or in countries with low internet access, and as such will be pretty distorted.
No answers really, just as long as people keep discussing and developing then we can all learn better.
Protest too much?
27.08.2003 08:34
"The followers of Mohomad (Piss be upon him) a child raper who raped a 9 year old girl Aisha. The religion Islam teaches them to kill women and children in the name of jihad so they can get 72 virgins to have sex after they die......"
"Angana and Smita Narula are bitches who sleep with pakistani mother fuckers, these bitches should be stoned to death as well as Sonia Gandhi and uska randi pariwaar"
"Simia Narula of South Asian Human Rights watch should see -- DEATH TO ALL SOUTH ASIAN BASTARDS , DEATH TO SMITA NARULA, ANGANA RANDI, BIJU MATTHEW , VIJAY PRASAD .. ALL FOIL madarchoioods "
"SABRANG bastards and bitches are the most cunning and low life pigs. These scum bags do not have heart that cry for fellow Indians who are dying in the terrorist acts of bastard Indian muslims who support pakistan and Pakistan agents. These sabrang bastards deserve to stone to death asper their mohammad bulla lover shariyat."
"Muslims should quit India"
"FUC SECULAR , COMMUNIST < PROGRESSIVE MADARCHOODS , rape smita narula , angana , shalini, akhila and also wives and daughters of vijay prasad, biju madarchoods"
"SABRANG, anti hindu anti BHARAT, sulla lover, lallu kojja mulla kojja where are all these bastards????? are they celebrating with low life scum bags of Congress??? where is that slut Italy bitch????? those who claim to be Indians and who support pakistan and anti Bharat elements deserve to die, they should be kicked out of this coutry. BASTARDS WHERE ARE YOU??? I WISH THESE ANTI INDIA BASTARDS ARE DEAD INTHOSE BLASTS. THEY ARE SUCH A LOW LIFE PIGS WHO DOES NOT HAVE ANY ETHICS AND MORALS."
Of course, you would not recognise these as intolerant, racist statment, which explains a lot about where you stand.
You accuse me of putting these up to undermine Indymedia - well I haven't. But even if you still believe this, these statements should not remain on Indymedia. They are incitement to genocide and appear daily on India IMC. No rational person would support the right to publish such rubbish, so I can only conclude that India IMC has been taken over by Hindutva elements. This is underlined by the fact that they no longer allow people to join their "collective".
e-mail: ganeshmukti@yahoo.ie
Dear Pete
27.08.2003 08:51
India is not like England, where everyone yawns and dozes and smiles when things go wrong. India at the moment is violent and dangerous and Indymedia is fanning the flames of communal violence by failing to stop these incitements to rape and murder.
e-mail: ganeshmukti@yahoo.ie
Protest too much?
27.08.2003 15:17
The other comments are obviously unreasonable to an outrageous degree - but let's face it, what kind of exposure do they really get? UK Indymedia gets less exposure than many one man blog sites and I doubt India Indymedia fares much better. India IMC could certainly do more to take offensive material off the front page (not withstanding comments precious religious types might deem rude) but unfortunately such comments are a risk with the IMC sites, which are essentially open post weblogs.
Tamir abu Faraj Al-Nubi
Ganesh be true to yourself
28.08.2003 12:17
You (Ganesh) say few comments above : 'India is not like England'
See! you got the point.
These are unique situations.
India has to develop in terms of greater IT access for reasonable participation in open forums like the IMC newswires to become meaningful.
Fuck IMC greed