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Bilston Glen Anti Bypass Film

roadalert | 24.08.2003 18:01 | Culture | Ecology | Free Spaces

Since the 12th of June 2002 Bilston Glen has been occupied & fortified by an ever expanding group of environmental activists.

Bilston Glen is a SSSI and faces having a bypass ripped through it. The cost of the road is being funded by multinationals with the excuse of creating more economic growth around Edinburgh (sainsburys, ikea, costco, kwiksave and vivisection gm giants PPL therapeutics

watch the video here

(copy and paste link into browser window, you will need real player)

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Problem with Bilston video

04.09.2003 09:28

I can't access the video about Bilston via the link on the page (i.e the link is non-existant)......Bilston rocks though-->everybody should hae a wee visit. How can I see this video though pleeeeese!!

Mhairi Mushroom
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