Inhabitants of Narmada Valley Fighting for Proper Rehabilitation
fwd | 23.08.2003 18:42 | Ecology | Free Spaces | Globalisation | Repression | Technology | World
The Sardar Sarovar Dam on the lower Narmada River is just one of 30 projected large dams of India`s Narmada mega-dam project, an area prone to earthquakes. In May 2003, three Indian federal states had given clearance to increase the height of the dam to 100 meters, which caused the submergence of several villages and devastation of standing crops, after monsoon rains started at the end of July. The clearance was given inspite of a legally binding Supreme Court Order and the Narmada Water Dispute Tribunal Award, which had stipulated the previous resettlement of all project-affected persons. But at least 13 500 families suffering from the present monsoon floods are still waiting to be resettled. So far they haven’t been granted any compensation for the destruction of their property. The inhabitants of Chimalkhedi village in Maharashtra resisted Police Forces, who attacked and forcefully evicted them, arresting 74 plus 40 temporarily. 20 houses of this hamlet were also demolished.
The Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA) - Movement "Save the Narmada" - has initiated a Satyagraha campaign and relay fast. It denounced that most project affected people are not recognized officially, i.e. are denied rehabilitation. Meanwhile, the governments have given in to some NBA demands to involve Gram Sabhas (village councils) in the rehabilitation process.
With more monsoon rains in the upper reaches yet to come, a second even more devastating flood is in store. If the government won’t have fulfilled all their demands by then, Satyagraha struggle will be intensified.
- 13/7 - Summing up of recent developments in the struggle of the NBA - English / German part I / part II
Recent report of new submergence; Lies, dam lies ... - English
- 10/8 - Solidarity Team to Narmada Valley harassed by Gujarat Police - English / German
- 8/8 - Relay fast enters 4th day - English / German
- 5/8 - Adivasis on fast - First phase of Satyagraha begins - English / German
- 3/8 - Dam-affected Adivasis storm Collector’s Office - English / German
- 1/8 - Dam-affected Adivasis get jail instead of rehabilitation - / English / German
- 29/7 - Emergency in the Narmada Valley - English/German
- 29/7 - Adivasis Arrested Forcefully in Chimalkhedi - English / German
- 27/7 - Earthquake in Narmada Dam Region - English / German
- 26/7 - Increasing Narmada Dam Waters submerges Maharashtra villages - English / German
- 21/7 - Visit by eminent persons exposes reality - English
- 3/03 - International Action Day against large dams (German)
- 2/03 - "We shall fill the jails, not the bills" (English)
- 9/02 - Direct Action in India (English)
- 8/02 - Urgent Action Alert (English/German)
- 7/02 - Police Violence (English)
- 6/02 - War Talk, by Arundhati Roy (English)
- 6/02 - Mass evictions announced in the Narmada Valley (English)
- 5/02 - Continuing protest actions (English)
- 5/02 - Police reign of terror in Maan dam affected villages (English)
- 3/02 - Worldwide anti-dam protests - Ten Brazilian dam protesters hospitalized (German/English)
- 3/02 - Statement by Arundhati Roy (English/German)
- 2/02 - "Here is some encouraging news" (English)
Friends of River Narmada / NBA press releases / International Rivers Network / People’s Global Action
photos / maps: Narmada mega-dam project / Sardar Sarovar Dam
Films & videos / "Drowned Out" - film by activist Franny Armstrong about the struggle of Jalsindhi villagers
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too quick
23.08.2003 18:59
But interesting how this html comes out- seems to be a slight interaction with the stylesheets maybe?