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Channel 4 uncovers investigation about Asian men targeting schoolgirls for sex

Thomas J | 22.08.2003 22:38 | Gender

An 18 month poilce and social services investigation into allegations that young Asian men are targeting underage grils for sex, drugs and prostitution in the town of Keighley, West Yorkshire.


This issue have been posted to the newswire because if in the likely event these allegations are true (I tend to trust the judgement of Channel 4 here), the left cannot dismiss this as a one off or sweep it under the rug. This post is NOT intended as racist, and I am totally against racism and the likes of the BNP, but if the left doesn't acknowlege such issues, the BNP or similar scum will.

Thomas J


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Well I live ten minutes from here

22.08.2003 23:15

And I ain't heard nothing of it
In fact I'd go so far as to say it's shit
In as far the rapist tendency in some young males exists
It's sure not an organised racially-orientated thing
Don't be misled by the Channel 4 banner Thomas J
They're in the game as much as any other


And we would so listen up

22.08.2003 23:38

to Anne fucking Cryer besmirching her late husband's name by planting a tree at Menwith whilst demanding that the immigrants learn the language, custom, culture and manners of the white man so that they can achieve full integration with the dominant society
Why not feed the BNP - their objectives are much the same - or as Blunkett implies - let's be much like them to defeat them


It may be hype

23.08.2003 00:23

But if there is a shread of truth in this, how long will it be before the BNP are in the area trying to capitalise on it? They are farily active in nearby Bradford as I recall. However I haven't dismissed the notion that there are whites in the area that are guilty of the same thing. However, it is odd that Channel 4 has mentioned Asians in particular, and although all the corporate media compaines may be "in the game", i tend to trust certain outlets, like the Independent, Guardian, and Channel 4, more than the likes of the Mail, Sun, and Express, three newspapers nortorious for their racist attitudes.

Thomas J


23.08.2003 00:48

The West Yorkshire police, the BNP, the National Front/Combat 18 and, dare I say it, the Anti-Nazi League, came together to create a well-videoed riot that led to repetitive postings of photos of participants in the local rag day after day which in turn led to many young Asian men being sent down for very long stretches by hanging Judge Gullick, and the mobilisation of these people's community against them.
Be very careful what you're getting into here, Thomas J


Thomas J :

23.08.2003 01:48

You read the Guardian, Independent and watch C4 and then claim I do not know you.
Fucking funny calling on the 'left' to take what has been 'spun' and 'spin' it out of the BNP.

I wonder ... do you ever think for yourself?


Jumping to conclusions again, ram?

23.08.2003 08:26

Reading the Guardian and Independent, and watching Channel 4 (which i tend not to do any, since I don't have a TV) doen't make me a brainwashed loony. But then, someone who would would go and reject any friends on the grounds of eating meat (see 'Milk Sucks' thread further below in the newswire) isn't that worthy of advising me in that opinon. So quit with the personal insults, and either make a comment relevent to the intial article, or just leave it out.

Thank you.

Thomas J

culture, race, etc nothing to do with it

23.08.2003 09:37

The parents of the children being abused and all the social workers said that race or culture was irrelevant and had nothing to do with it. The Tory councillor however knew better and made inflammatory remarks about how asian culture was to do with it.


Believe at your peril

23.08.2003 12:13

Unless you are reading between the lines to see what public reaction is being promoted, (more security, less rights) the newspapers and TV will manipulate, condition, programme and brainwash you. Ever word and picture is carefully contrived, military propaganda (psy-ops) to keep minds strictly focused on 'divide and conquer' issues of their choosing... racism, lies, war, horror, suffering, degradation and unnatural sex... the media is the gutter. Why wallow in it with them?

Beryl the Pearl

In case you missed it

23.08.2003 13:39

My comment was that this ios spin in time for something.

Do not spin it further.

Let it be.

There may be asian pigs in Yorkshire...big shit!

Can we focus on more important stuff like why MSF have withdrawn from Basra hospitals or where we ware killing innocents.


'Sexed up'

23.08.2003 19:32

OK, so these young men are attracted to some young women, and the young women are attracted to the young men, ..oh and the young men happen to be Asian in this particular instance....? So what exactly is it that's deemed wrong about a 19 year old boy fancying a 15 year old girl ? Yet legally he is regarded as a paedophile if they have sex ? Although on the flip side (as it were) the 19 year old male wouldn't be breaking any laws if he had sex with a 60 year old man - forfucksake they can even get married now ! All perfectly normal we are told. But tho shalt not be arroused by nubile young ladies....?

Although I notice the sex part of the article has almost been irrelevant to the story here. Whatever the reason for this here, I don't think these types of articles mix well with that other spin that implies most asylum seekers (read Jonny foreigner) have HIV/AIDS.

'Foreigners unclean' + 'Lock up your daughters = Irrational fear of all people with more than a slight tan...

Well, either that or it's the forerunner to making heterosexuality illegal in the UK ? ..wouldn't surprise me, the world has gone mad !

R Don

Left? Left? Where are you Left?

23.08.2003 21:49

The Channel Four Investigation itself sounds dubious, and its worth should be questioned given that it will have been made into something it isn't to help make it a seller and pull an audience (Racist slur unfortunatly does tend to sell to that all important demograph, middle britian). However, i think we can all agree that, lets be fair - Asians are allowed to be criminals too, lets not deny them that.

However, what this whole discussion again proves is that the Left simply has NO answers for the rallying cry of the right, that being the one of immigration and racial tensions. These are incredibly simple and effective tools for a political party or group to employ to their own benefits. Yet time and time again on IMC all you get from you liberal folk is pages and pages of abuse, name calling and mockery. That's no answer at all, that merely strengthens the position of the right.

And i beleive it was a the secondary point of the original postee that the left, simply has no answers. It needs some, and tey need to be delivered well. Fast. And people need to hear it. All we'll all be voting bnp before you know it.


Interesting comments so far...

23.08.2003 22:38

It seems that the facts are somewhat against Channel 4 here. If this article had been from the Mail or Sun, I would have dismissed it as racist tripe, but I always assumed that Channel 4 was more left leaning. Oh well we all make mistakes. Particularly interesting stuff about Ann Cryer the MP here. Still, as the last commenter pointed out, the Left needs to provide answers to the questions asked by the Channel 4 report and similar stories, and that answer must prove more credible than the far right's answer, as they will provide one - very soon.

Thomas J


24.08.2003 02:03

Whatever the pros and cons of desire between young men and women of certain age groups, it does seem ,on the surface, that Channel Four are adopting a middle class perspective on the white working class racist phobia 'they're taking our women!'. It all begs various questions about who this 'we' is and whether Melanie Phillips is the commissioning editor for Dispatches. Blairo-Blunketist equal opportunists blazing a trail for real fascists? Right on!


Where art tho Left ?

24.08.2003 09:05

That's us, right ? (Not that's us right ? Of you know what I mean !)

There is only one thing for it ! Abolish 'council tax' and introduce a 'cottagers tax' for all toilet traders. Brighton and Oxford should cover the bill for the whole of the UK, and we can use the change to feed the third world. Wonderful. Oh, and make homosexuality punishable by finger pointing and funny looks.

Well either that or keep spreading the truth using independent media outlets such as this, that allow free speech. Whilst of course ensuring reader don't got bored with all the abuse, name calling, mockery ..and dare I say it, criticism from within (allegedly) ! Cartoons and caricatures have always had their role in politics so a little piss taking should be welcomed methinks...

Well, all we need now is a common enemy or a shared purpose, that doesn't involve prejudicing anyone. Not even fascists, well not if they are foreign fascists anyway. I can't think of anything right now, but do let me know if you think of anything...

Tisme Left

Left In The Dirt

26.08.2003 01:12

The world does appear to be leaving the left behind at the dear minute. The right is certainly on the increase throughout the West, and with the fall of the USSR the capitilists have been given a confidence booster like no other. A common enemy for the left?

The War on Iraq almost provided the catalyst for such a united front. But despite the customary efforts of students up and down the country the struggle never really caught on. Rather then being used to highlight the faults in the way the Right is handling the new threat of Islam .

Instead it is being used to expose the rotten underbelly of new labour, and the only alternative? Throwing in a deeply divided and unimpressive conservative party.

So i dont really have any answers as to a common enemy. America? maybe, but we do still need a strong america in order to help promote democracy across the globe (even if it is an american version of democracy (i still believe this can br changed)) - its current regime would of course be a natural target. Yet already one at the centre of much criticism, and yet no united front is really emerging.

Immigration? The left, still has NO answers to the publics worries and has done little in the mainstream to demonstrate the flaws in the likes of the bnp.

Public service reform? The left still insists the best way forward is via an uneconomical model of hard cash and unweildy management systems. Attempts by new labour to remodel have been opposed, in many cases over genuine fears of soverignty, but no alternative is seriosuly suggested.

And of course there is the issue of who actually stands for the left? Socialist parties? Greens? the Communists? Neither of them can co operate or engage with one another. Perhaps the left needs to stop fighting each other before it thinks about taking on the big bad world.
