Dead UN official was a racist coloniser
--- | 22.08.2003 11:22
Western media obituaries of Sergio Vieira de Mello, the UN special representative killed in Baghdad, are obsequious propaganda.
According to Kofi Annan the UN are in Iraq for 'peace' and 'freedom'. In reality the UN imposed sanctions on Iraq that killed hundreds of thousands, and the UN wants to turn Iraq into a subservient colony, whose people live in poverty, while the rich countries prosper with its cheap oil.
Recolonisation is racist, inherently, because in a colony the 'native' population is excluded from the political proces in the motherland. In Africa and Asia it means the return of 'white rule'. The rulers in the new colonies are are an international expat elite, and/or a western-funded English-speaking local elite (think of Hamid Karzai in Afghanistan). The decisions are made ultimately by western leaders such as Tony Blair, but the 'natives' can't vote in western elections, they are generally not allowed to enter the country of their new rulers.
What the UN wants is a two-tier world, where rich western nations appoint the governments of poor non-western nations. The poor countries will get almost no aid (even on the most generous definition, aid is 5 euro-cent per person per day), and the population will not be allowed to emigrate to the west either. They will starve, or die of AIDS, or simply from the diseases of poverty. To make things worse, the population will be subjected to neoliberal social polices which decrease life expectancy, and their economy will slowly collapse under competitive pressure from rich countries. In effect millions of people are being imprisoned to die: the new colonies are giant prison camps. The logic is exactly the same as the camp in Trstenik (Croatia), planned by Chris Patten and Tony Blair - 'keep them out of our country at all costs, keep them away from our prosperity, prevent them coming in our direction'.
Vieira de Mello ran the new UN colonies in Kosovo and Timor. In Timor he led an explicitly white administration, where Australian troops lorded it over the 'natives'. (Timorese who try to enter Australia are detained in desert prison camps - an example of the two-tier world order). Vieira de Mello tried to exclude the mass of the 'natives' from any jobs with that administration, by insisting that applicants spoke English. He had to drop that policy after riots at UN offices, see this 'Independent' report
___"The jobs on offer were with the United Nations and, although they were menial enough, the few dollars they would bring in every week amount to the difference between prosperity and destitution. But then word got round about the condition attached to the jobs: all the applicants - drivers, security guards or cleaners - had to speak English. And that was when the stones started to fly. "I speak Indonesian and Portuguese and Tetum [the local language] - but how many Timorese speak English?" said Joao da Silva, a 28-year-old driver, who had been queuing for three hours."___
In Kosovo, Vieira de Mello was the first 'colonial governor', and jointly responsible for a campaign of terror against the Serb minority, despite all his hypocritical claims to deplore it. The UN invaded Kosovo in support of the pro-western KLA (Albanian forces), attacked and expelled Serb forces, and set up a KLA police force. The inevitable result was a wave of attacks: recent Serbian estimates are over 1000 dead, primarily Serbs and Montenegrins.
Like Kofi Annan (tribal aristocrat from Ghana, father a provincial governor for the British) Vieira de Mello came from the rich elite of a poor country. Both apparently developed a murderous contempt for the global poor, considering their global strategy. In any case, Vieira de Mello can harm the poor no more. Whatever the political agenda of his killers, the media picture of a saintly and dedicated man killed by barbarians is false.
Recolonisation is racist, inherently, because in a colony the 'native' population is excluded from the political proces in the motherland. In Africa and Asia it means the return of 'white rule'. The rulers in the new colonies are are an international expat elite, and/or a western-funded English-speaking local elite (think of Hamid Karzai in Afghanistan). The decisions are made ultimately by western leaders such as Tony Blair, but the 'natives' can't vote in western elections, they are generally not allowed to enter the country of their new rulers.
What the UN wants is a two-tier world, where rich western nations appoint the governments of poor non-western nations. The poor countries will get almost no aid (even on the most generous definition, aid is 5 euro-cent per person per day), and the population will not be allowed to emigrate to the west either. They will starve, or die of AIDS, or simply from the diseases of poverty. To make things worse, the population will be subjected to neoliberal social polices which decrease life expectancy, and their economy will slowly collapse under competitive pressure from rich countries. In effect millions of people are being imprisoned to die: the new colonies are giant prison camps. The logic is exactly the same as the camp in Trstenik (Croatia), planned by Chris Patten and Tony Blair - 'keep them out of our country at all costs, keep them away from our prosperity, prevent them coming in our direction'.
Vieira de Mello ran the new UN colonies in Kosovo and Timor. In Timor he led an explicitly white administration, where Australian troops lorded it over the 'natives'. (Timorese who try to enter Australia are detained in desert prison camps - an example of the two-tier world order). Vieira de Mello tried to exclude the mass of the 'natives' from any jobs with that administration, by insisting that applicants spoke English. He had to drop that policy after riots at UN offices, see this 'Independent' report
___"The jobs on offer were with the United Nations and, although they were menial enough, the few dollars they would bring in every week amount to the difference between prosperity and destitution. But then word got round about the condition attached to the jobs: all the applicants - drivers, security guards or cleaners - had to speak English. And that was when the stones started to fly. "I speak Indonesian and Portuguese and Tetum [the local language] - but how many Timorese speak English?" said Joao da Silva, a 28-year-old driver, who had been queuing for three hours."___
In Kosovo, Vieira de Mello was the first 'colonial governor', and jointly responsible for a campaign of terror against the Serb minority, despite all his hypocritical claims to deplore it. The UN invaded Kosovo in support of the pro-western KLA (Albanian forces), attacked and expelled Serb forces, and set up a KLA police force. The inevitable result was a wave of attacks: recent Serbian estimates are over 1000 dead, primarily Serbs and Montenegrins.
Like Kofi Annan (tribal aristocrat from Ghana, father a provincial governor for the British) Vieira de Mello came from the rich elite of a poor country. Both apparently developed a murderous contempt for the global poor, considering their global strategy. In any case, Vieira de Mello can harm the poor no more. Whatever the political agenda of his killers, the media picture of a saintly and dedicated man killed by barbarians is false.
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So what?
22.08.2003 19:58
Kofi could suffer the same fate, as could any of the frontmen and women
Seeing as Indy appears to be blocking me at this link
22.08.2003 23:50
This is the reply from Joe Vialls
'Agent Fuentes anticipated your question. He now claims the cement mixer
was mounted on top of the [invisible] six-wheel Kamaz truck. The man
really is slick!