Decoding Media Lies About The Bomb at Baghdad UN HQ
dh | 21.08.2003 22:12

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Decoding Media Lies About The Bomb
at UN Headquarters in Baghdad
Luckily for us, raw video footage always tells the truth!C
Copyright Joe Vialls, 22 August 2003
The media would have us all believe the New York fairy tale that, “a suicide bomber driving a large blue cement truck drove inside the UN Building in Baghdad, came to an abrupt halt directly under the office of Sergio de Mello, where he [the suicide bomber] detonated the charge, killing 24 people”. Some media networks misread their common script and said “yellow truck” instead of “blue truck”, but hey, anyone can mistake one primary color for another can’t they? Essentially though, this is the politically-correct media garbage you are all supposed to swallow about the massive bomb in Baghdad.
Unfortunately for the dream weavers in New York, there is enough raw video around on this bombing to expose every one of the weavers as obsequious disinformation whores, faithfully acting on the orders of their various media proprietors, and completely ignoring the long term impact this strike may have on ordinary folk like you. How can we prove this? Let us start in the seconds preceding and immediately following the blast, which were faithfully recorded on continuous video at a press conference inside UN Headquarters.
As you can see on the video frame shown above left, a UN official was addressing a packed media briefing not more than fifty feet away from Sergio de Mello’s office. The windows of the briefing room were partly open, because the air conditioning was not working properly. One split second the official is speaking, them the video film goes black for two frames, then there is an ear-splitting bang which sends journalists and others reeling across the briefing room, as shown in the center and right frames above. Obviously there is something critical missing from this sequence, but what is it?
The sound of a large Kamaz “cement truck” is missing, that’s what! Rather artfully invented by FBI Special Agent Thomas Fuentes, the blue [or yellow] Kamaz truck lies at the very heart of this outrageous media lie, so if we use hard science to remove the truck, at the same time we comprehensively discredit Special Agent Fuentes, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and ninety-percent of the American media.
Many years ago I actually drove one of these Eastern European Kamaz monsters, and people could hear the gears crashing nearly a mile away. Now imagine how much noise a Kamaz makes when it crashes through the steel railings outside the UN Headquarters [formerly the Canal Hotel], before attacking the glass, windows frames and double brickwork below Sergio de Mello’s office. In reality the noise would have been so loud it would have stopped the UN media briefer dead in mid-sentence, but failed to do so.
There is not a trace of background sound on the tape in the seconds leading up to the massive explosion, which in turn proves conclusively that no giant [or even little] Kamaz truck charged the UN Headquarters building like a crazed elephant in search of a mate. Nor is there the slightest trace of camera shake or vibration, which there certainly would have been if a Kamaz had just charged through the ground floor below the briefing room.
If you don’t believe me, get hold of a copy of the video footage that the obliging media has left lying around all over, probably blissfully unaware that it completely destroys their politically-correct myth. Either that, or the media simply don’t care. It probably doesn’t matter too much if folk on the Internet manage to make idiots out of them, just so long as 250-million Homer Simpsons believe it all on television.
The next critical point, and I almost hate to do this after my Bali and Jakarta investigations, is that surface weapons like an invisible cement truck, cannot and do not make craters in the ground. When a weapon detonates the shock wave takes the line of least resistance direct to atmosphere, or the shortest least dense route to atmosphere if it happens to be situated a few feet underground.
Not only that. Blast expansion is always uniform unless something gets in the way. If you take a look at the explosion shown in the center photograph above, the shock wave is radiating outwards in an arc, with the horizontal shock wave the same length as the vertical. You will also notice that the shock wave is not penetrating the earth at all, but taking the atmospheric line of least resistance, as required by physics 101. Now take a very careful look at the flanking photographs on the left and right. Unlike the missing noise and vibration on the briefing room video, this is more a case of something still being there, when it should already have vanished.
Look carefully at the thick bushes covered with attractive green leaves, which are situated only 50 feet away from the exact point at which FBI Special Agent Thomas Fuentes said a “cement truck” exploded. In fact Special Agent Fuentes claimed a great deal more than that, but we don’t need to examine the ramblings of a certifiable FBI cretin at this stage. The reality is that the surface shock wave from a surface explosion at effective point-blank range, would have stripped every leaf off every bush in the vicinity.
We know, for example, that the massive blast lofted brick-size chunks of building rubble 400 yards away from the UN building, and managed to shatter a number of windows more than 1,000 yards away from ground zero. Whatever it was, and no matter who planted it, this explosive device was one hell of a weapon.
Because we know that surface weapons cannot make craters, we also know that these two photos prove the weapon was detonated underground, no doubt just a few seconds after someone had phoned Sergio de Mello on his private office telephone line, to make sure he was sitting comfortably in the right chair for his own execution. A quick peek at the telephone logs would be most informative here, but by now FBI Special Agent Thomas Fuentes has probably fed every single telephone log book through a shredding machine.
Going back to the photos, these are two of only a few that show the crater for what it really is, a truly huge hole in the ground. Both photos were taken from ground level by the fence, and as you can see quite clearly, both cameras are pointing downwards at about 30 degrees. Despite still being half-full of giant chunks of fallen masonry, the sheer size and depth of this crater is obvious.
The depth of the crater is further highlighted in the photograph on the right, where you can just see the top of a yellow backhoe down near the lower edge. Remember that a backhoe arm is about ten or twelve feet high, meaning that the crater is at least eight feet deeper than you can see. Allowing for camera distortion, the likely maximum depth of the crater is probably thirty to thirty-five feet, or sub-basement level in the old Canal Hotel.
It is for this reason, and this reason alone, that I wrote the report. Because there was no Kamaz truck, we know that the weapon was not introduced into the UN compound in a vehicle driven by a “terrorist” of any particular religion or creed. Because we know how difficult it is for visitors to get beyond the front desk in UN buildings, we also know that placing a large [or exotic] weapon in the sub-basement of the old Canal Hotel was essentially an “inside” job.
The list of candidates capable of placing this weapon will be very short, and the culprit could be caught with relative ease if the political will to do so existed. Unfortunately it does not, because every time something goes wrong, war criminals like Bush, Blair and Howard call in a media “Mister Fixit” to obscure the trail and try to put there own perverted "spin" on events. These men are frightened cowards, but they do know very well that you the public cannot possibly predict the future, if you do not accurately know the past.
The bombing of the UN Headquarters in Baghdad is only one single example of this inexcusable and criminal behavior, but it is a very important example that has a direct bearing on what lies ahead in Iraq. From the hard physical evidence we now know that Sergio de Mello was deliberately targeted for assassination, an assassination conducted by remote-detonated sub-surface weapon, in all probability planted days in advance by the perpetrators. Whoever did this job was thoroughly professional, and whoever did this job had easy access to the United Nations building and sub-basement cellars. The final question always comes down to “who benefits” in cases such as these, and the Iraqis certainly do not benefit at all. The rest of it you must work out for yourselves.
From Paul Walker:
You stage a blackout, you call for a complete overhaul and upgrade of the monopoly power grid system to benefit your cronies and accelerate your globalist FTAA agenda. You stage a bombing of the UN in Iraq, you call for a larger role for the UN and multilateral forces in Iraq. You get the world unified behind you too.
They use the same Hegelian method over and over and over and over and over again and again and again. And you know what? People NEVER catch on. You know why? Because the LIE is far too big for them to grasp. It's like the ant crawling around on an elephant's back. "Elephant? What elepahnt? I'm just walking around on the ground." Most people literally cannot conceive of ANYONE, much less our own leaders stooping to such evil acts. "They would NEVER do that!" they exclaim in shock and horror that you would ever suggest such a thing. So the mind-control is complete. Stockholm Syndrome, where prisoners learn to love and trust their masters, no matter how abusive, dispicable and evil they are.
If you still think Bush is not involved with the UN's hidden agenda and if you still think that terrorists are working independently of the shadow government, you are under a media-concocted spell. Wake up folks! This is the brutal methodology that the globalists employ to get their agenda through.
Paul Walker
Bush in talks to bolster UN role

Bush in talks to bolster UN role
Security advisers discuss plan for Baghdad force
Julian Borger in Washington, Sarah Hall and Jamie Wilson in Baghdad
Thursday August 21, 2003
The Guardian
President George Bush's top national security advisers yesterday held an urgent debate over whether to seek a new UN resolution backing an international stabilisation force, in the wake of Tuesday's devastating truck bomb attack on the UN headquarters in Iraq.
The Blair government is attempting to persuade a reluctant White House to give the international community a greater say in running Iraq in return for a UN endorsement of foreign troop contributions.
The foreign secretary, Jack Straw, who is due to fly to the UN today, insisted that Britain and the US remained "open-minded" about the UN moving beyond its current humanitarian role. "I started talking to [US] secretary of state Colin Powell last night about this," he added. "Obviously now, given this appalling tragedy ... the UN's role, its practical role and its mandate, will be top of my agenda in New York," he told BBC Radio 4's Today programme.
The talks on how to prevent Iraq slipping into chaos started as the UN ordered a "partial evacuation" of its Baghdad staff to Jordan. The number of victims of the bombing seemed certain to rise well above 20, as it emerged that up to 10 bodies could still be in the debris.
US troops yesterday used heavy lifting gear to remove large pieces of the building as the hunt for survivors was replaced by a more methodical and sombre search for the bodies. At one point troops stopped for what looked like a moment's silence before removing a body.
The soldiers mingled with FBI agents hunting clues to whoever set off the bomb that left a 6ft crater.
Human remains found in the area of the crater suggested a suicide bombing, said FBI special agent Thomas Fuentes, but laboratory tests were needed to confirm this.
He said the attackers packed a Soviet-made lorry with more than 1,000lb of old Iraqi army munitions, including a single 500lb bomb.
As the investigation continued, the administration's national security "principals", including Mr Powell, Condoleezza Rice, the national security adviser, and Dick Cheney, the vice-president, were due to discuss the UN's role last night in a video-conference with Mr Bush at his Texas ranch. The defence secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, was in Central America.
An official familiar with the conference agenda said it was unlikely the hawks were ready to compromise over the administration negotiating US command and control of the occupation force and the unquestioned authority of Paul Bremer's coalition provisional authority.
Instead, the administration hawks hope that Tuesday's attack will shock the international community into making a greater military and economic contribution to Iraqi stability. "They are grasping this attack as an opportunity to get more people aboard," the official said.
The official added that the new draft resolution under discussion would "call for more troops, more money, more recognition, especially from the Arab states. It will frame the argument that it is not just the US, but the whole international community who loses if Iraq goes wrong."
It could also include a security council instruction to Syria and Iran to make more effort to secure their borders against the infiltration of Islamic militants.
Until now, almost all potential troop contributors have told Washington they will not send soldiers without a security council mandate.
Mr Bremer yesterday denied that the situation in Iraq was unravelling, arguing that security was improving across much of the country. However, the UN secretary general, Kofi Annan, offered a radically different assessment of the situation. "We had hoped that by now, the coalition forces would have secured the environment for us to be able to carry on ... economic reconstruction and institution-building," he said. "That has not happened."
While saying nothing could justify the current violence in Iraq, he noted: "Some mistakes may have been made, some wrong assumptions."
World Sees U.N. Bombing as a Wake-Up Call
The suicide bombing of the United Nations offices in Baghdad is drawing universal condemnation on international English-language news Web sites. But not everyone is drawing the same conclusions. There seem to be two main schools of thought among international commentators. Some emphasize internationalism, arguing that the United States has only itself to blame for its failure to establish order in Iraq and can only get on track by seeking a U.N. mandate for the reconstruction of the country. Others emphasize resolve, insisting that the unprecedented attack on the U.N. transcends the debate over the war and underscores the need for a deeper multilateral determination to defeat the forces that perpetrated the bombing.

Bin Laden and Mullah Omar 'still alive'
Osama bin Laden, leader of terror network al-Qaida, is still alive according to an audio tape purportedly recorded by a spokesman for the group and broadcast today on an Arab television network.

Iraqis Blame Foreigners for U.N. Blast
Many Iraqis blamed foreign followers of Osama bin Laden for the devastating U.N. bombing, others pointed to Saddam Hussein loyalists. All agreed that the U.S.-led occupation is ultimately the cause of the chaos in Iraq. ``They attack everything that benefits the people, like electricity lines, oil pipelines or the U.N., `` said Jassem, playing dominos with friends on a sidewalk in central Baghdad. ``What good would that do? It's not like hitting American forces,'' she said. ``They were innocent people. We were hoping the U.N. would be a blessing for us ... we are in very dire situation.''

Iraq leaders warned of attack
IRAQ'S new Governing Council was warned about the possibility of a terror attack in Baghdad just days before Tuesday's devastating truck bombing collapsed the United Nations headquarters. Ahmed Chalabi, a key member of the US-picked interim government, said information received on August 14 was passed on to the American authorities. "We received information that a large-scale terror attack would take place in Baghdad," he said. "The information said the attack would be aimed at a soft target, not the American military or forces.
"The information said the attack would use a truck and would be carried out by using a suicide mechanism or by remote control. We shared this information with the Americans," Chalabi said.

U.N.’s immunity to terror ends
Militants likely angered by perceived alliance with U.S.
The bombing of the U.N. headquarters in Baghdad today represented the most brazen assault against a civilian U.N. target since the organization’s founding at the end of World War II, ending U.N. personnel’s decades of relative immunity from Middle East terrorism.

Military Explosives Used in Baghdad Blast, F.B.I. Says
Military weapons, including a Soviet-built 500-pound bomb, were used to blow up part of a United Nations compound here, the F.B.I.'s special agent in Iraq said today. The explosives also included artillery shells, mortar rounds and grenades, although not all of them went off, said the agent, Thomas V. Fuentes. He said all the materials were from Saddam Hussein's prewar arsenal. "It's not a homemade device," he said. "It was from military munition."

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