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ISM book previewed on the radio innit

Red Ted | 19.08.2003 12:55 | Anti-militarism | Anti-racism | London

Ted Curtis, author of 'By theft & murder: a beginner's guide to the occupation of Palestine', will be on Resonmance FM 104.4 talking to Ben Watson Wednesday afternoon.

Ted Curtis, sometime ISM activist and author of ‘By theft & murder: a beginner’s guide to the occupation of Palestine’ (Spare Change/Active, 2003), will be appearing on the Ben Watson show on Resonance FM (London 104.4fm) tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon between 2 and 3pm. In a bizarre corruption of Radio 4’s ‘desert island discs’ format, he will talk about the upcoming book launch, the occupation, the apartheid wall, and also play some really old jazz records. Anyone who doesn’t like really old jazz records should tune in regardless to hear the music of the Shtetls, Palestinian toons, and maybe even some old punk rock, which is our heritage innit. More details from

Red Ted
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and before

19.08.2003 13:05

The hour before that is the regular weekly Indymedia Newswire show bringing reports from indy newswires in uk and beyond 1pm - 2pm

resonance also streams on the net @
