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NSDAP Time Table

Unknown | 19.08.2003 03:57 | Repression | London | World

Plan outline for regime change from current U.S. to National Security Democracy for the American People (NSDAP)

[Time frame: 1 Sept - 30 Nov 2003]

1) Shut down national power grid.
Deprive opposition of communications.
2) Blame OBL.
3) Declare national emergency.
4) Deploy armed forces, national guard.
5) Confiscate food supply.
6) Confiscate water supply.
7) Confiscate bank accounts.
8) Wait a week for all gasoline to run out,
all batteries to run out, all backup systems
to fail.
9) Establish ration centers for food, water, gasoline.
10) Require registration for ration cards
11) Require vaccination for "health reasons", inject ID chip.
12) Turn electricity on SLOWLY. "Critical areas first" =
Military, High Income Areas, Defense Contractors.
13) Suppress food riots in low income areas. Leave electricity
off (national emergency requirement).
14) Operate country as White Elite National Security Democracy
for the American People (NSDAP) slave state.
15) Round up active opposition, hold in secret prison camps.
Torture for training purposes.
16) Cut off food water rations for passive opposition,
ethnic groups, let them starve.
17) Maintain global military dominance. Siphon all world
wealth to NSDAP Elite.
