Oxford women going to Ranallah
Caroline | 18.08.2003 20:45 | Oxford
Jenny Stanton, Ag MacKeith and myself are off to Ramallah from 3 to 13
> September, primarily to develop friendship links between the women of
> and Ramallah.
> September, primarily to develop friendship links between the women of
> and Ramallah.
We hope to meet with a range of womens organisations and to
> join Women in Black for their weekly demonstration in Jerusalem.
> We want to take lots of greetings from women in Oxford, either individuals
> or on behalf of organisations. N.O.W. women are involved in a
> wide range of local organisations - peace groups, those working for the
> rights of asylum seekers and refugees etc. Please ask any such
> that you are involved in to send greetings and messages of solidarity to
> women in Palestine.
> So that messages can be safely delivered and picked up in Palestine they
> should be sent by e-mail to the following address:
> If you don't have access to e-mail to send a message then please give me
> hard copy either at the NOW meeting on 30 August or by post to 71 Church
> Cowley Rd, Oxford OX4 3JS. But if you are doing it this way I will need it
> in advance so that I can type and e-mail it myself.
> Caroline
> join Women in Black for their weekly demonstration in Jerusalem.
> We want to take lots of greetings from women in Oxford, either individuals
> or on behalf of organisations. N.O.W. women are involved in a
> wide range of local organisations - peace groups, those working for the
> rights of asylum seekers and refugees etc. Please ask any such
> that you are involved in to send greetings and messages of solidarity to
> women in Palestine.
> So that messages can be safely delivered and picked up in Palestine they
> should be sent by e-mail to the following address:

> If you don't have access to e-mail to send a message then please give me
> hard copy either at the NOW meeting on 30 August or by post to 71 Church
> Cowley Rd, Oxford OX4 3JS. But if you are doing it this way I will need it
> in advance so that I can type and e-mail it myself.
> Caroline