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Blackout in U.S.A. (by Latuff)

Latuff | 14.08.2003 22:27

Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.


Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.

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ha ha ha

15.08.2003 00:36

well, i hate to see all those innocent people without power. but the good thing is that the non innocent fat cat imperialists are being hurt more, because of their buisiness interests. i only hope the power is still down tomorrow when wall street tries to open.
i think that this is only my nation's (yes i am an american, i live in chicago) collective bad karma coming back at us, and we really do deserve it. after all we have kept iraqis without decent power for the since the first gulf war, and without any power to speak of after the second gulf war. and thats not even mentioning the 7000 or more civilians we murdered ( i say we because you my english friends are also to blame) carefull. what goes around comes back around to bite you in the ass every time. simple karma

keep fighting the good fight

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