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Uranium from Niger?

ram | 13.08.2003 17:19 | Analysis | Anti-militarism | Repression

Smoking gun and deviations.
Who faked the Niger Uranium documents?

The blame passed to a Italian journalist for misinformation on the fake Niger Uranium documents has been prooven to be a deviation.

Bush certainly was clear that it was the British government in his state of the union speech. Why is that the only thing I ever believe uttered by the fascist pig, Bush is the above claim?!



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They laugh in our faces

13.08.2003 21:24

Like everything else that happens in the way of 'evidence' nowadays,the forgery of the Niger documents was sloppy and full of holes
There are 2 elements to this:
1. The fucks (pigs ram) who are fronting all this are waving their cocks in the face of all the (tens of, hundreds of - millions) thousands who are on to them - saying what are you going to do - the rest of them are still sleepwalking or struggling too much to survive - what you going to do clever folks?
2. The Bush and Blair regimes are designed to commit slow suicide at this time by being fully exposed for the nightmares they are - this is certainly happening to Blair - so that they can be replaced with the proper endgame new world order propogating predators


Ordo ab Chao

13.08.2003 22:50

A long and very informative radio session with Sheffield-based PropagandaMatrix's
young Paul Joseph Watson and the very shouty Alex Jones
A must listen
