Armed and dangerous on the streets of Liverpool
Dan | 12.08.2003 22:30 | Liverpool
Andrew Kernan, The mentally ill man from Wavertree who was shot dead by Merseyside police must not be forgotten. COver up after cover up - has left his mother with no son adn no jusice - and the cop who killed him, like all cops who kill are allowed to get away with it.
Andrew Kernan's mother called for help for her son, who was having one of his relapses. What usually happened was the Mental Health support team would arrive and 'administer treatemnt' instead the cops were called - Mrs Kernan was locked in a police car and after the cops teargassed a man in his bedroom ( who was suffering from mental panic) they then let him out onto the street - he took with his an orbamnetal samarian sword - and with 44 cops present he was shot dead - like a fucking dog. The whole case from start to finsih was a cover up - THe NHS protected their people ( they didn't even interview cops)- the police investigated themselves - sat on the report for 15 months - gave it to the CPS ( Crown Prosecution service - who sat on it for 6 months - and they then sent a fax to Mrs Kernan's solicitor saying the cops had no case to answer. The guy was known in the area where he lived as the gental giant - he was neither a hardended drug dealer, a gangster nor a terrorist - he was a man suffering with mental health problems. And he was shot dead becasue he had mental health problems and becasue his mother called for help. It says to me the life of a working class person means nothing, the life of a person with mental health problems mans even less. The cops as always can shoot who they want. And ear Mrs Kernan is left alone, with no beloved sonm and with a spit ion the face from the authroties who have covere each other and backed each other up.
Support Mrds Kernan - Justice for Andrew Kernan
Support Mrds Kernan - Justice for Andrew Kernan