Gov report on Irish arms trade controls available
irish head | 12.08.2003 21:13 | DSEi 2003 | Anti-militarism | Globalisation | London
Minister Ahern's review of Ireland's export controls
"Mr. Michael Ahern T.D., Minister for Trade and Commerce today (Wednesday 6th August 2003) said that the review of Ireland's export controls system for dual-use and military goods is progressing..."
"Mr. Michael Ahern T.D., Minister for Trade and Commerce today (Wednesday 6th August 2003) said that the review of Ireland's export controls system for dual-use and military goods is progressing..."
At the web address below you will see a press release from the Department of Trade, Enterprise and Employment about their review of our military and "dual use" exports regime in Ireland. At the end of the page is also a copy of their Phase I final report (.PDF).
Amnesty International Irish Section

Related link:
Department of Enterprise, Trade & Employment

A copy of Phase I of the Review is available as a pdf document from the Department's website:

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