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Gulf War mystery illness strikes again

american gulf war vets (press release) | 12.08.2003 10:24 | Health | Technology | World



The American Gulf War Veterans Association (AGWVA), an independent Gulf War Veterans’ support organization, has long searched for answers to explain why nearly half of the 697,000 Gulf War I Veterans are now ill and why over 200,000 of those servicemen/women have requested disability, but have received no adequate diagnosis or treatment, from either the Department of Defense (DOD), or Veteran’s Affairs. Though there have been over 125 studies done by the government at the cost of over $300,000,000 to the taxpayer, we still have no answers as to what caused so many of our soldiers to become ill. Meanwhile, the suffering veterans are receiving little, if any, medical treatment for this illness. It seems that whenever veterans become ill, the term “mystery illness” seems to be the first and often the only diagnosis that is ever made. Veterans are then left to fend for themselves, sick and unable to work, with little hope of a normal life again.

The AGWVA is now again asking questions, this time, about the newest “mystery illness” to hit the military. After being pressured by a few independent news reporters who have not permitted this “mystery” to continue unabated, The DOD recently has been forced to announce the “mystery” deaths of Gulf War II soldiers and that at least 100 other men and women have become ill. Again, however, there were no adequate answers, but, only that the “mystery illness” diagnosis had reared its ugly head again. According to a family member of one of the military victims, the DOD recently, has changed its label of the illness and is now calling it “pneumonia” in sharp contrast to what a physician on the scene reported. Due to continuing pressure for sound answers, the DOD was again forced to send an investigative team to Iraq, however the convenient, repeated lack of diagnosis, unfortunately translates into lack of treatment, and lack of compensation for the veteran. The jury is still out, however, if the DOD will be forthcoming with the truth this time.

Contrary to the “pneumonia” and “mystery illness” labels, enlightening information surfaced today on “THE POWER HOUR” radio show ( in an interview with Mark Neusche, father of Josh Neusche, one of the GW II troops to lose his life from the “mystery illness” while serving in Iraq. The father stated that his 20-year-old healthy son, a former track star and non-smoker, had written home on June 26th explaining that he would be going on a 30-hour “hauling” mission, but that he could not disclose what they would be hauling. The son had stated that he had been to the Palace of Sadaam Hussein, and it was later learned that he was “hauling” at the Baghdad Airport.

Marsha Paxson also appeared on the show, as she is the journalist who broke the U.S. story for the Lake Sun Leader ( Although the “facts” behind this story are continually changing, Ms. Paxson is one of the few journalists who is remaining true to the facts of the original story. Ms. Paxson revealed in her articles that the father reported that his son was not the only ill soldier. Neusche stated that while his son was in a coma at Landstuhl Hospital, the father overheard the nurses say that they were expecting numerous sick troops to be brought in all at one time. In fact, the father actually witnessed approximately 55 other troops being received by the hospital after they were transported by a military ambulance (bus). According to the father, the transported troops were exhibiting varying degrees of the illness. Some walked, some were in wheelchairs and others were on respirators. In the commotion, a doctor reported to the father that his son was suffering from a “toxin.” No mention of pneumonia was ever made to him, nor was it ever reported in the medical record.

Paxson and the AGWVA now question the diagnosis, the actual number of troops that were reported ill, and when the DOD first became aware of this incident.

One of the most surprising statements to come from The Power Hour interview conducted on “The Genesis Network” was that while the son, Josh Neusche, was a healthy young soldier on June 26, 2003, when he reported that he was going to serve on the secret hauling mission, by July 1, 2003, he was in a coma, and that day was suddenly classified by the military, as medically retired from the Army without Josh or his family’s consent. Josh did not die until July 12, 2003. Among other problems that this new classification created was that the DOD was no longer obligated to assist the family in getting to Germany to be with their son as he lay in a coma. Because the DOD would not provide even so much as plane or taxi fare for the Neusche family, all 650 members of the 203 Engineer Battalion each contributed $10.00 to make the family’s final visit possible.

The AGWVA is demanding answers in a timely fashion and according to spokesperson Joyce Riley, “We will not tolerate another whitewashing of a tragedy against our veterans. It has happened too many times before with our failure to safeguard our troops, adequately diagnose and effectively treat the victims of Agent Orange spraying, Project Shad shipboard-experimentation, and Gulf War Illness I. This time someone has to be held accountable.” Ms. Riley closed by saying, “Speaking out for our past and present sick veterans is the best way for Americans to support our troops!”

The interview with Mark Neusche and Marsha Paxson can be heard at: click on the “GWII mystery illness interview.”

For more information on Gulf War illnesses, go to

For more information on Project Shad, go to

american gulf war vets (press release)


Hide the following 6 comments

Gulf war syndrome

12.08.2003 12:41

I feel no sympathy for these troops,because they have knowingly sworn an oath of allegiance,to a very large corporation (U.S.A} which goes a travelling and destroying other cultures and murdering thousands to give uncle sam what he needs for his gas guzzling SUV....They have not yet learnt that wrong and right does not mean going out and killing "foreigners" in the name of Democracy.....Yes it is also true that they have been used as guinea pigs by the mass pharmaceutical corps ,but it's tough shit really when you belive in america being the greatest country in the world and you are going out and murdering innocent foreign nationals for it......Boo hooo hoo mr and mrs US/UK serviceman.....They bring this on thier own heads all they have to go do is say no to killing and yes to loving.....Maybe somtine in human conciousness we will reach a point when we no longer need to go out and murder countless thousands in the name of democracy and regime change....

david seals
- Homepage:

Tough Shit

12.08.2003 12:53

If you must insist on swearing oaths of allegiance to a mass killing machine,that profits massively from the systematic rape and destruction of this earths resources and it's inhabitants,than you gonna have to pay the price for don't be a killer in a uniform because the taking of a life is always stupid,downright stupid and utterly wrong whichever way you look at it......No use crying you chose to be killers so now you pay the price for being part of corporation USA ,you don't like trading your soul with the devil for that house kids and perks and discounts on what other ordinary americans have to work thier asses off for,whose taxes pay for your killing machines,weapons of mass destruction oh and er perks....So quit yer bitching servicemen you sold your soul to the devil,you thought it was gonna be an easy tradeoff huh???


not entirely fair

12.08.2003 14:35

of course there should be no war and these soldiers should have known better. but did they have the education? did they have the opportunity to get out of bad families or social circles another way? did they see another way to get fitness training, a decent wage and a degree of self respect?

they may have been naive or even stupid when they started, but they may well not be so naive now. and certainly many will not be innocently naive as many (not all, not all) of the peace activists I have come across on actions, demonstrations and elsewhere...

those of us who want peace on earth need to listen and talk with respect to the people who know most about war. they are the ones best able to educate the younger generation about the lies, the greed, the stupidity and plain brutishness for which they risk giving up their health, if not their lives.


There's a bit more to it than that !

12.08.2003 23:46

If the truth be told about GWS it would not just be the UK Ministry of Defence (and US DoD) that would be sued for individual compensation payments, as other allied nations are involved too. Therefore It has become a matter for NATO to ensure all concerned are in agreement, before any individual country can publicly decide whether GWS is to be regarded as "a serious physical disease". (Don't hold your breath!)

Not only that but the richest companies of the world, i.e. the Pharmaceutical/Chemical Industries, are at risk of being sued to destruction, (under current laws...) for ultimately causing GWS, and a host of many other so-called "mystery illnesses" such as the modern form of "Autism" that has exploded in numbers here in the UK since the introduction of the mercury / thermisol containing MMR jab in 1988. Not forgetting that other hidden neurological epidemic that is twice as prevalent as Multiple Sclerosis in the UK: Myalgic Enchephalomyelitis aka A-Typical Post Polio (not to be confused with chronic fatigue aka depression/anxiety), that is often said to be "triggered" by the mercury / thermisol containing Hepatitis B jab. (Mercury desensitises the brain and opens up the blood-brain-barrier and blood-bowel-bafflers causing havoc to the system and permanent damage if left untreated)

Of course we could prevent our future generations getting brain damaged by these (heavy metal) vaccines by just measuring the child's immune system / toxic load of a child before we consent to vaccinate our children, but no doubt that would just highlight the toxic postcodes up and down the country...

Understandably the scare would threaten the entire vaccine program world wide, something the vaccine manufacturers would obviously want to avoid ! It would also probably call for a halt in the production/use of certain household chemical products that line our supermarket shelves. It may very well force immediate restrictions on industrial pollution and environmental toxins in general, causing chaos for the Petro-chemical Industries - hence the wide spread obfuscations relating to these types of "mystery illnesses" !

A key player in this 'slight of hand' in the UK is a pervert with many conflicting interests called Professor Simon Wessely of Kings College London. Wessely likes separating seriously ill (brain damaged) children from their parents whilst accusing the parents of MSBP (see that other pervert Roy Meadows). Wesselys' partner in crime is called Dr Michael Sharpe of Edinburgh University, he likes to provide "alternative" (psychiatric) explanations for the sufferers of "mystery illnesses" to the Insurance Industry specifically to deny payment to claimants ! The Minister for Science, Lord Sainsbury has a crucial role in all this too. And the Department of Health (headed by Wessely's wife of all people !) are obviously quite happy with the current situation as this allows them to deny disability benefits to the ever growing number of victims affected.

By the way did I mention vaccine contaminates such as the cancer causing SV40 that was in the Polio vaccines we received at school...

Spartacus Brubaker

Neurological Damage from Vaccines

13.08.2003 01:19

Neurological Complications of Vaccinations

By Charles M. Poser, MD FRCP

Neurological complications of immunizations have been recorded in the
medical literature for many years, yet many physicians fail to
recognize their clinical manifestations and identify their etiology.
This is due in part to their rarity, and to the well-publicized,
overriding public health benefits that make these complications easily
overlooked. Yet they can be devastating despite the fact that early
treatment is often successful.

A great deal of knowledge regarding their pathogenesis has accumulated
over the years based on the existence of excellent animal models of
the human disease, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, the commonest
neurological manifestation of an adverse immune response to vaccines.
Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis and neuritis faithfully
reproduce the pathologic alterations of the nervous system that may
complicate immunizations.

Adverse reactions involving the nervous system from a wide variety of
immunizations result from the same pathogenetic mechanism. They may
affect any and all parts of the central and peripheral nervous
systems. With rare exceptions, e.g. rubella immunization, the nature
of the vaccine does not seem to influence the nature of the response.

Thus the nervous system ailments include many different clinical
forms, ranging from the classic acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
to aseptic meningoencephalitis. In rare instances, in the case of live
viruses, e.g. polio and smallpox, an actual infection by the virus
itself may ensue. Many different vaccinations involving many different
sites in the nervous system have been reported. This is particularly
true of vaccines commonly used in children against measles, varicella
and rubella.

The pathogenetic mechanism is as follows: the primary effect of the
hyperergic (immune) reaction is on the small blood vessels of the
nervous system, usually capillaries, but occasionally involving
arterioles and venules; in exceptional circumstances, even major
arteries such as the carotid may be affected. The vasculopathy may
cause vessel obstruction and ischemia, a stroke. Rupture of the vessel
wall results in hemorrhage.

More commonly, however, there is alteration of the blood-brain
barrier, exsudation of water and edema (swelling) of nervous tissue.
Inflammation and disorganization of the myelin lamellae (layers) and
destruction of myelin may ensue but are not obligatory. In some cases,
there is sufficient red blood cell diapedesis (migration through the
vessel wall) to produce what is known as acute hemorrhagic
leukoencephalopathy, which despite its awesome appearance is usually
responsive to vigorous treatment.

The extent of pathological involvement of nervous tissue also varies
greatly, as seen in vaccination against measles, mumps and varicella.
In infants, brain swelling, also known as congestive edematous
encephalopathy, may be the only complication, a condition that often
responds dramatically to treatment with corticosteroids. It occurs
most commonly in vaccination against smallpox.

The diagnosis of acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, the commonest
complication of vaccinations in both children and adult, has been
aided by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The pictures are reasonably
characteristic, yet, unfortunately, despite many published
descriptions, these images are not always correctly interpreted, and
are often misread as those of multiple sclerosis.

There is also some confusion in terminology: "encephalitis" and
"meningoencephalitis" refer to actual invasion of the brain by a
virus, while "encephalopathy" is a generic term that simply describes
a pathological condition of the brain; "encephalomyelitis" refers to
an "allergic" or immune reaction of the nervous system. It is the
latter term that should be generally used for the nervous system
complications of vaccinations.

The official publications that commented on the ill effects of the
1976 swine-flu (A-New Jersey 76) vaccination campaign illustrate the
problems that arise when there is need to extrapolate scientific data
to judicial considerations. The report stating that the
Landry-Guillain-Barré syndrome (LGBS) was the only "real" complication
of the swine-flu vaccine passed over published reports to the
contrary. The statement that there had been underreporting of
complications was simply ignored. The accepted view is that if an
adverse reaction does not reach the magical figure of 5 percent, it
does not exist.

The reverence accorded to statistical analyses overlooks the value of
anecdotal reports in constructing valid medical hypotheses; this is
despite the warnings by respected epidemiologists that such studies
can never deny the existence of a cause-and-effect relationship. This
is illustrated by the report of nervous system complications following
vaccination against hepatitis B. Another problem arose from the
decision to limit the "acceptable" time period of onset after
immunization, which ignored a number of reports of well-documented
delayed reactions.

In the last few years a new mantra has emerged to the effect that all
published results such as proposed new treatments, must meet the test
of being "evidence-based," which means that they must be derived from
statistically verified data. Thus calculations of probabilities, also
known as educated guesses, will take precedence over clinical,
pathological, radiological or experimental data. Close examination of
some specific situations will reveal the flaws of this concept.

There is no way of predicting who will have an adverse reaction to
vaccination. The individual's susceptibility is determined by the
genetic background and previous immunological history. We are
constantly exposed to a wide variety of viral antigens that cause our
immune system to develop antibodies against them. The phenomenon of
molecular mimicry explains why some people's immune system will
mistakenly respond to the measles antigen, for instance, in the
vaccine because some of its amino acid groupings, its epitopes, are
the same as those in the protein of a previously encountered viral

This is why there was an unexpected preponderance of people in their
50s and 60s who developed LGBS after swine-flu vaccination, because
they might have been exposed to the "Asian flu" caused by a somewhat
similar virus in the 1920s. It is also germane to point out that
vaccines contain a number of substances, many of them as antigenic as
the one for which they were designed. Preservatives may also
contribute to the adverse side effects. It is extremely difficult to
distinguish the effects of the vaccines' constituents.

Physicians often neglect to ask about previous vaccinations when
confronted with puzzling neurological illness. Most of them appear to
have been convinced that immunizations are completely harmless. Many
also believe that such reactions must occur within one month from
vaccination, and therefore do not inquire about immunizations in
previous months.

Because of the expense of testing drugs, vaccines and other medical
products, the pharmaceutical industry has assumed an increasingly
important role in the conduct of therapeutic trials and post-marketing
surveillance. This is both understandable and often beneficial. On the
downside, however, is the appearance of conflict of interest when the
analyses of the results are carried out by the pharmaceutical firm
itself, or the government agency charged with guarding the safety of
the product.

Dr. Poser is Visiting Professor of Neurology, Department of Neurology,
Harvard Medical School, Boston, and is senior neurologist with Beth
Israel Deaconess Med Center in Boston.
[Copyright 2003 by the author. First printed in Mealey's Litigation
Report, Thimerosal & Vaccines, Volume 1, Issue #10, April 2003]


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© Copyright 2003 Dr. Joseph Mercola

Spartacus Brubaker

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13.08.2003 13:11

he explains how the "vaccination scheme" actually made the soldiers ill,and how the french servicemen do not have gulf war syndrome,because although having been exposed to th3e s3elf same toxic environment as the other soldiers i.e US and UK they were not innoculated at all.....A nice way for parmaceuticals to make billions from unnesecarry shit that no-one really needs
