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Weapons of Mass Destruction

Zonk | 12.08.2003 07:21 | Anti-militarism | Globalisation | Indymedia | London | World



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12.08.2003 11:10

This also comes up as top search result on google if you type in "
weapons of mass destruction"


Bullshit paranoia

12.08.2003 13:27

It is absoluely incredible how much suspicion and fear have been generated by this bogus conciousness called "THE MILITARY" and "THE GOVERNEMENT" so how many of us out there are going to take the courage to say no to this mass fear generating and killing machine???
You really must be totally honest with yourselves and find out if you are aware that we are not this "fear based reality" that they are telling us we are......
So can I remind you that there is no threat of weapons of mass destruction,but just a bigger and much more dangerous threat of mass mind manipulaytion or you've guessed it Weapons of Mass Deception.....
Why must you insist on beleing on all that absolute shite /shit that the nerds on CNN and ABC "news television" or um electromagnetic brainwashing inc.......keep chucking out you...??
Haven't you worked it out yet the spun ruse?
That if they keep you all in Mass fear and panic
tehn they con you into beleiving
that you need them
i.e THE GOVTS,the police the cia and all that other bullshit..
do you now get the message
that the planetary vibe is rising higher and we must get rid of these people by tuning into the higher vibartion of love but don't worry earth will kill them all off ....
