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In Gang-Rape Hell: Life in Islamic France

women against islamic misogyny | 10.08.2003 21:56

Here, young men try to rule their families and neighbors under a macho code drawn partly from Muslim tradition, partly from the violence and porn in the media. Women submit to men, they say. Good girls, good sisters, cover themselves and stay home. Otherwise they are putes, whores, who can be used and abused even if they say no.

GRIM AS SUCH crimes may be, they’re becoming commonplace in the police ledgers of Paris, Lyons or Toulouse. The scene is almost always the same: the housing projects called cites on the outskirts of France’s major cities. Built by socially progressive governments in the 1960s, they’ve since been taken over by a generation of mostly Arab immigrants—impoverished, cut off from their native lands and culture, ghettoized. Here, young men try to rule their families and neighbors under a macho code drawn partly from Muslim tradition, partly from the violence and porn in the media. Women submit to men, they say. Good girls, good sisters, cover themselves and stay home. Otherwise they are putes, whores, who can be used and abused even if they say no.
Such stories, then, are not just about urban crime and rough neighborhoods. They reflect a core issue of Muslim integration in Europe. Can the young men and women of the cites break out, or will they become ever more isolated, turning inward against themselves? Will they build their lives and relationships on egalitarian values, or on the worst of Islam and the Internet? Young men trapped in a world with no jobs and no future, and violently confused about sex, tend to make women the symbols and the victims of the frustrations around them. Ten years ago, the boys in these hoods burned cars in the streets. Today, they increasingly turn their anger against “their” women in the basements of their apartment blocks.
Recently, a few young women of the cites have begun to fight back. One organization in particular, Ni Putes, Ni Soumises, (roughly, Not Whores, Not Servants), has been organizing protests and speaking out so loudly that the French public and the French government have taken notice—and sympathized. In one grandiose gesture on Bastille Day, July 14, huge photographs of 14 women from the cites, posing as Marianne, the symbol of French liberty, were hung on the columns of the National Assembly looking out on the Place de la Concorde. Will these girls’ fathers and brothers now show them as much respect?
That looks to be a longer fight. “Sexuality has always been a thorny issue in the quartiers ,” says Safia Lebdi, 29, who is one of the first members of Ni Putes, Ni Soumises, and could be a poster girl for confident, in-your-face sexuality. The other day she was wearing a pink see-through top, low-rise cargo pants and soft, beaded slippers. Born into the cite outside Clermont-Ferrand, where Michelin makes tires, she knows what she’s talking about when she says that “feminist thinking never reached the ghettos.” Girls, for their own protection, have taken to wearing loose-fitting track suits or veils over their hair. “They’re locked up in a world where their fathers have failed to break out of unemployment, where they have failed at finishing school or finding a job,” says a young woman activist with another group, Female Voices, Rebel Voices. Lacking hope or the opportunity for a better life, she adds, “all the men have left is their virility.” And some have savage ways of asserting it.
Late last year, two events galvanized the women of the cites. A young woman named Samira Bellil published a book, “In Gang-Rape Hell,” recounting her experiences in the ghetto, including twice being subjected to the tournante —men taking turns using her, one after another. She urged her “sisters in suffering” to speak out before they lost all self-esteem. Then reports hit the press about another —incident even more gruesome than those before it. A 17-year-old woman named Sohane told off an old boyfriend, and he burned her alive.
So it was, earlier this year, that the eight young women of Ni Putes, Ni Soumises came together and began touring France to publicize their plight. They weren’t sure what they were doing or where they were going. But they knew they were fed up. “We were f—-ing scared,” says Lebdi. “We were heading for the unknown.”
Unknown then, perhaps, but no longer. Today, all of France knows of them and their cause. They have been received in Paris by Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin. The government has promised that police stations would be more receptive to women in distress filing complaints, and that housing should be provided for women, whom these activists and the government agree, need rescuing from severe abuse. So far some 50 women have moved into such apartments, and Ni Putes, Ni Soumises gets a steady stream of abused and battered girls. “It takes time to make change happen,” says Lebdi, “but we don’t have time. Every single situation we deal with is an emergency and often even a matter of life and death.”
The problem is that to help the women of the cites in the long run, you have to help the men—not only to find jobs and education, but to learn to live in Western societies. And precious little has been done about that.

women against islamic misogyny


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Please Remove This Posting

11.08.2003 09:48

why is it that only muslims are attacked on this site..why not try attacking usa for a change? ive had enough of this nazi style racism


Not Whores

11.08.2003 13:06

Nazi style racism? Ha ha ha, priceless... so the gang rape of women is something Indymedia should be promoting now?

Not Servants

Please protect me from uncomfortable truths

11.08.2003 13:46

I refuse to accept that anyone other than WASP imperialists can ever do anything bad, and the above article is uncomfortably shaking my complacent ignorance.

I also belive that the rights of Muslim men are more important than the rights of Muslim women.


If a problem exists it must be addressed

11.08.2003 13:56

This is actually the first post I have seen on Indymedia directing critisism at a negative aspect of Muslim culture. In my opinion, the only factor that should determine whether or not this post is valid is whether it is the truth.

If it is the truth it should not be removed from Indymedia.

To the person who thinks that it must be a 'nazi' post, I suggest your extreme reaction betrays a sub-concious understanding that the post is probably true. Your narrow-minded brain can't compute how something could be politically-incorrect and true at the same time.

Try and get your head around it. If women are suffering, the problem needs to be fixed regardless of whether it clashes with your ideals.

Not everything is as simple as you would have us believe.

T McClure

racists playing on liberal guilt

11.08.2003 14:06

Yeah right. You're standing up for Muslim women, are you? Tell me, how many do you know?

Ever wondered what Muslim women make of the endless attacks on Islam in the media (including, sad to say, IMC)? You reckon we sit here thinking 'oh great, here they come to rescue us at last!'. Because, hmm, European imperialism has a great reputation for liberating us poor savages, that's for sure...

Killing my brothers will not make me free. You may conquer the whole of the Arab world if you want, but don't dare to pretend your bombs are in my name.

Angry (Muslim, gasp horror!) Sister

Sorry Sister

11.08.2003 14:52

But you're way off the scale on this one.

NOBODY on IMC is suggesting that "European Imperialism" is going to sort anything out. In fact , if you'd actually *read* the original article you'd find that it is the "sisters" themselves who are actually the ones speaking out against their treatment by their "brothers."

To try and make out that any white person's concern about the situation (and support for the women involved in the campaign) is somehow the same as wanting to bomb Muslims or Muslim countries is just plain stupid/blinkered.

Get your head out of your identity politics arse and try connecting with the billions of fellow human beings around the world.

It's unity we need, not endless subdivisions by race, religion and gender.

And by the way, all religion is bollocks and God doesn't exist, OK?


Unrestless antiarabic propaganda

11.08.2003 15:48

Stop your unrestless likudnik propagaganda against Arabs . The arabic women have our help for their Rights, laic help, and don't ask and nor need the help of guys similars to you.They recognize your style!


to anonymous

11.08.2003 16:02

Tell Safia Lebdi about it. Stop trying to cover up violence, rape, abuse and repression with your pretence that it's not happening.

Mahlagna Al-Sabah

Racism comes in many disguises

11.08.2003 16:27

There are more ways than one in which an article can be racist. I think the original posting is a perfect example of pulling things out of context and using a very legitimate struggle to make a really wrong point.

That there is a lot of sexist violence in the banlieus of French suburbs should not surprise anybody who has only a bit of an idea of what goes on there. Last year the NoBorder camp in Strasbourg organised several activities in the banlieus of this city and what we saw and experienced was shocking. They are ghettos. And violence is rife. Not only against women, but also against men. And not only by "Arab" men (in France this seems to have become a euphemism for "those immigrants"), but also by French police and on a more abstract level by the French government.

The banlieus are ghettos not because "Arabs" chose to live there and ruined nice progressive neighbourhoods. They are ghettos because the local governments of many French cities have impoverished these seas of huge apartment blocks (think estates as you have them in South London but then a lot worse) by withdrawing most financial, social and other support for poorer communities and are treating the resulting problems as a jungle that can only respond to violence.

That it are mostly immigrants living in the banlieus (but for sure not only "Arabs" or muslims) should not surprise anybody either then, since - as in so many places - they constitute a big part of the urban poor. That these ghettos, where a hugely inproportionate percentage of police violence and police caused deaths take place, are violent is something that should be primarily contributed to the social circumstances in which its inhabitants live. Not their religion or ethnicity.

If you read the manifest of Ni Putes, Ni Soumises ( you will see that the organising women never make an attack on Islam. They do attack the control and violence against women _in the name of_ "tradition" and "a religion" or "just violence". But they open their manifest by speaking of economic marginalisation and discrimination of people in the ghettos and this strand of argument remains the red thread throughout the paper. Their analysis of the problem being a social one to me seems thoroughly thought through and a result of lived experience. Maybe we should listen to them then, before using their struggle in another anti-Islamic rant.

Coming from a closed Christian fundamentalist community and living among fanatical settlers in Palestine, I am completely clear on the fact that forced marriages, rape and other forms of sexual violence are in no way exclusive to Islam. At the same time I do not believe that any of these religions support or advocate these things either. Patriarchy, oppression, isolation, violence as a part of everyday life: these are some of the causes of what the women of Ni Pute, Ni Soumises are rightfully fighting.

Do people really think that gang rapes are normal or even accepted in Islam? Or by all muslims? Or by all immigrants? And that "we" should deal with "them" because of this? Because this is what the original posting says to me, when you take off all the decoration.

Maria V.

Spot on Maria V

12.08.2003 12:35

Well said Maria V. I agree that this original post is taking one thing and turning it for the purposes of another. I would like to have seen this removed because the language it uses and the angling of the meaning makes it racist, however with the replies I think it should stay.

PS just because something is 'true' does not mean it has a place on indymedia. Indymedia is a political project, openly stated, and is not free speech, though it may defend the right to free speech.


Censor This Islamophobic Article?

12.08.2003 13:14

Yes I agree the posting is *clearly* racist if not fascist. After all the only possible response, to an article about a group of working class muslim women not only affected by racism in France but rapes by men, *must* be one of applying hands over ears and screaming 'islamophobia'

Lets be real:
Do the men perpetrating this act any differently from other men in similiar situations?
Are the women wrong to stand up to rape?
Is it racist to say that we are against the sexist behaviour of men, without regards to their race, religion etc?

The question here isnt about islam, its about women defending organising themsleves against sexual violence. Those who have called for the removal of the peice should be bloody well ashamed of yourselves.


twisted agendas

13.08.2003 14:02

There are groups and networks out there doing serious work around womens' rights and gay rights in ALL communities and faiths. They deserve solidarity and support.

But I question the agenda of the spooks who post otherwise serious articles with rabid anti-Islam (and ALWAYS Islam) headlines stuck on top. Are they:

(1) Encouraging practical solidarity for groups and networks, or

(2) Trying to stir up fear and prejudice against Muslims and divide-and-rule between groups who might otherwise unite against repression, war and imperialism?

Answers on a postcard...



03.09.2003 18:17

This is the first decent unbiased article ever published on indymedia.

- Homepage:

Angry (Muslim, gasp horror!) Sister

09.10.2003 14:15

European imperialism has done more for Arab women than Islam by a huge margin.
We gave you standard medical care as well as high quality housing and education. With Islam you got very few rights and services indeed.


parisdouze's white men's burden

12.10.2003 10:11

i thought the europeans have long come out of their belief that white men were made by God to educate the rest of the world...we have seen the result of such education, the Spanish wiped out a whole race from South America (with the permission of Pope, the same one who commisioned Michleangelo to paint Sistine chaple), almost all the Indians in North america were as easily wiped out as the buffalos and the Palastine problem and the communal tention in India, Pakisthan which were the result of the miopic views pf the British, all the World wars where the Europeans were the main participants...u give the third world lots of Aids and forgot what u stole from them and what u are still snatching...and do u forget that u possess the largest no. of wepons both nuclear and conventional....or are u forgetting NAM, Algeria, Iraq, Afganisthan, South Africa or the whole of africa... After all these u still don't feel ashamed to harp about European Imperialism??? OH!! and don't forget Australia....aborigines were almost wiped out by the forefathers of present day europeans(mainly Britishers...)

Ur forefathers have done a lot of worng, not just against humans of other races....against animals their record is equally bad....tigers and Lions in India...Lions, Rhino, Elephents, Hippos...all came near to extintion just because ur forefathers thought it was macho to kill a dumb animal with a high caliber bullet from a distance at which the animals can't even smell them...wake up bro...

mail e-mail:

RE:parisdouze's white men's burden

24.10.2003 18:45

common_man your views of the evils of western imperialism are indeed true, or at least half true. But your historical memory doesn't go very far. What about the Ottoman Empire and the Islamic calphiates before that? Not only did they conquer distant lands and force Islam on the inhabitants, (they actually got as far as Vienna before being turned back) they also enslaved the Slavs (the origin of the word slave,duh).
Islamic Imperialism had its heyday as well but this structure fell apart because the leaders were unwilling to learn or adapt to modern methods. (trade, business, warfare). So basically trying to pin all of the wrongs in the world on the Europeans is grossly overstated.


Islamic Men are the Protectors and Defenders of Women- Shame on You

24.10.2003 19:01

La Ilaha Illalla Muhammad ur Rasullullah

Ya Ayyuhan Naas, Oh Mankind be Dutiful to Your Lord who created you from a single seed, so that you may be among the blessed and for you will be gardens of paradise and for the sinners will be the fire whose fuel is men and stones

This is a bloody shame what Muslim youths are doing in France. In Islamic law, Shariah, the Quran, and the Sunnah, the teachings of the Prophet, sallallahu alaihi wasallam, what is going on counts among the greatest sins. If these bastards were in Saudi Arabia or Pakistan or in an Islamic country, they would be stoned to death. Have you no shame young men of France? Muslims are obligated to set an example for the rest of the world, that we have been revealed the Quran, that we may achieve salvation through believing in God and his servant Muhammad pbuh. Men, God has made us the protectors and defenders of women. If we see a woman, ANY WOMAN, being mistreated by someone, let alone her Brother or Father, but by a STRANGER, it is our duty to defend that women since she is our SISTER. Brothers, how can we allow our sisters to be defiled in this un Islamic manner? I pray to God that all these criminals who do these things be punished in this world and in the hereafter.

I recently read in New York Times about the rise of Islamic identity in France, and how the government was beginning to treat Muslims on an equal footing with Jews and Christians. I read how Muslims had for decades been forced to pray in basements and office buildings and apartments: now they were getting ready to build grand mosques, complete with domes and minarets. God is great I thought. Islam is on the rise: not by dint of our armies but by the hearts of our people.

I plea to good believers in France and the rest of the world to condemn these horrible actions. We Muslims used to laugh at how in America every 8 seconds a woman is raped. Not in our countries, we said, oh no, we follow teachings of Rasulallah and we are good people. Now look at this: for God's sake do something about this Muslims brothers.

God will ask not only the perpetrator but also the witnesses those who stood by watching their sisters getting harmed. For you cowards is the hellfire; stand up to these criminals and protect our sisters. For those Muslims who read these stories and say oh this is a Zionist conspiracy, Muslims could never do such things, shame on you too. It is damn time for us Muslims to drop our victomology and stand up and cleanse our religion of its bad seeds.

H. Y.

Its from the Tribune guys..

24.10.2003 19:38

Please - before you start to ramble about how this is a lie, or tripe, go read the real thing.

- Homepage:

calls for censorship

24.10.2003 19:52

It's amazing to see how much negative reaction this peice is getting. Must an explosive issue with leftists and their Islamists friends. Stop complaining about the "occupation" and domination. The period of Western domination in Islamic history is very brief, much shorter, for instance, then Islamic occupation of Europe (Russia, the Balkans, Iberian peninsula). This particular problem of Islamic uber-Machismo is of Islamic origin. There is nothing comparable to it in the West. Stop bringing your wars to us!



25.10.2003 04:44

"If we see a woman, ANY WOMAN, being mistreated by someone, let alone her Brother or Father, but by a STRANGER, it is our duty to defend that women since she is our SISTER. Brothers, how can we allow our sisters to be defiled in this un Islamic manner?"

But, would you MARRY such a defiled woman? Typically, raped women in Muslim communities, even in moderate countries like Tunisia, are out of luck when it comes to finding a husband. Sure, if a man or several men are caught raping a girl or woman, the punishment can be swift and lethal. But the woman lives with shame she did not earn all her life. This attitude runs deep in Muslim society.

Tim Lange
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What is wrong with some of you?

02.12.2003 18:40

Whether you are a Muslim, Christian, Jew, Hindu, etc., there are always bad apples in every bunch. I must say that I am constantly stunned at how some Muslims refuse to condemn Muslims doing horrible, evil things in the name of their religion. We all know horrible, evil things have been done in everyone's religion by people pretending to belong to a particular religion. So why do Muslims have such a problem in admitting and condemning the bad people hiding behind their religion? Who does this denial hurt the most? It hurts Islam the most, of course. If the good Muslims do not start standing up against these evil people who are hijacking their religion, their religion will just keep on going downhill. I am also fed up with Arabs/Muslims taking advantage of the west's politically correct/polite ways. Muslims constantly crying "racist" may hush some for awhile, especially in Europe, but it is only a temporary fix which helps the problem to worsen before anything is finally done about it. Why do so many Europeans let people take such advantage of their politeness? You seem to have a history of letting people do this until it is either too late or almost too late, while most Americans will simply call it as they see it. What is right is right and what is wrong is wrong. I have read cries from many Europeans about this very problem of many Muslim men raping their girls and women. Go to Googles and do a search on this huge problem that keeps getting swept under the rug, therefore, allowing it to worsen. The good Muslims will understand that this is a very real problem, and who cares about the rest!


What a Suprise that they call it Racist

17.05.2004 18:11

What a suprise that because Indy dared to speak up and defend womens rights that it would called Racist and islamophic. Lets get something strait FIRST. Muslims are not always a seperate race!!! Just because someone is a muslim doesnt make them neccesarily a non-european. But time and again epople play the race card so that we cant EVER talk about Islam. Well lets wake up. Arabs are caucasians, they arnt a seperate race, so we can critisize all we want without worry about being 'racist'. IF anything maybe we are being anti-religious, but hey we should be proud of our secualrism, after all thats what we are based on.

Now lets remmember Islam is made up of all races, after all isnt that what muslims are always saying "we dont have race in islam, everone is equal, so convert!". Islam always declares that its multi-racial, so lets stop pandering. Now that we are past these 'racist' arguments, lets strike deep at the topic. Muslim women are always being abused. A muslim women is ten times more likely to be killed by a family member then a non-mulsim woman. Is this a coincidence? NO. Its a fact. Not a day goes by that a muslim doesnt kill his wife/daughter/sister in an 'honor killing'. If a non-muslim euopean did that to his wife/duaghter/sister becuase his wife/daughter/sister had dated a muslim man then we would call the european man a shuvansit racist. We lets stand up tot he muslim men who kill their 'sisters'. Lets stand up for our way of life in europe and stop tolerating the intolerable. Because if we dont stand up soon we will find that even the Mona Lisa has a viel on her!!!

Bar Kochba
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Why is everyone so bloddy PC

23.06.2004 00:16

Why the hell can you not say words like Muslim or black in todays society without being sure how people might react to it? I don't care if someone calls me white. I've been called "whiteboy quite alot", it is definetly derogatory and racist ,but wait a second, you can't be racist against white people for some reason?????
I know its not totally on the subject matter Its just frustrating...I don't care much for race, religion, colour etc after all were all human with similar feelings and emotions. However what did catch my nerve was what was stated previously about that persons asian "Brothers" ...What the Hell is he talking about, OK, so your the same colour, does that make them your brothers...people have to stop being so short-sighted and see everyone as their brother and not just people of the same colour.
but why the fuk do you have to mention your "brothers", as if its your family...People like you belong in the dark-ages. I would never refer to Scandinavians, Australians, Americans, French etc as being my brothers. If we go to war with a 'White' country i know I would feel the same as if we were to go to war with any other country. Wiegh up pros and cons, analyse the predicament and predict the outcome. I don't think religion/race/colour would/should be taken into consideration.


the veil is not liberating

25.06.2004 12:11

id like to say to all women wearing the veil that u r actually wearing something that was made up by men to supress and control women, why is it alweays on teh woman to stop mens lusts if they cant control themswelves that is the mens problems not femals problems!!!!!!!! how can u think teh veil is liberating for women, its just the other extreme of going naked!!!!!!!!!!

why r women fighting to wear the veils when arab women used to fight for the freedom not to wear it

lola rose
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unacceptable reality

17.09.2004 00:03

As i am now 61 and widely travelled looking fo answers and made certain observations on society and peculair behavioural systems of my fellow humans ,its time to adress some fundamentals that are now scientifically observable .we are programmed by our development enviorement,the jesuit priest said ,give me a child for 7 years and its mine for life,how true,unless we are able to think for ourselves and embrace some facts.Human kind came out off Africa 70 odd thousand years ago,now provable using mitchondrial dna data ,this has fundamental consequences for present day religous concepts etc .
There is nothing new in exploiting females of our species,other than to say how disgusting it is and it is verry sad that the politics of power wheather it is state or religous instutitions seem to be incapable of adressing.
Although people may be in a particulair group and closely genetically related ,like family ,they have unique and independant operating systems that are seperate and yet intertwined with their genes .The moral of the story is nature has got you here on this planet ,dont despair,think for yourself,be true to yourself and when the world seems to be descending on you ,tune into nature ,the quantum of the mind usually provides a way out.I remember a documentary about Alaska,a verry old man was interviewed who was part of the gold rush 1850s,said didnt find any gold but"found what he was looking for" .
There is another human condition condition best described by Shakespere where he described achieved utopias as a !staid if near experiences !.
Finally hope the girls in Paris realise they are as important as anyone else and if anyone disputes this they need a boot in the arse big time.
