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Sahara soaks while Europe Sizzles...

Brent Herbert | 10.08.2003 21:18 | Ecology

The Sahara desert moves north into Europe, causing heat records to be broken all over the continent. While forest fires consume millions of acres and agriculture withers, monsoon conditions develope over the Sahara desert...

Developing Monsoon over Sahara July-august 2003
Developing Monsoon over Sahara July-august 2003

Heat records have been broken in countries all over Europe today, with London, England recording the highest temperature ever recorded since records have been kept. According to a story on the BBC site, tempertures have been climbing on the continent, regularly soaring over 40 degrees celsius (104 farenheit). The disaster has been building for weeks, with agriculture in a state of devestation in France, and an emergency situation has been developing in Italy for the last week. According to the BBC story, the drought disaster in Europe is related to Monsoon conditions over the Saharan region, with the hot dry air typically associated with the Sahara desert being pushed North into Europe, and large rain storms occuring over the Sahara.

"The extreme heat is being partly attributed to intense monsoon activity in sub-Saharan Africa which has poured hot desert air over Europe while keeping out cooler Atlantic lows."

The composite image above shows the developing situation beginning at the end of the first week of June, and then the current Monsoon conditions over the Saharan desert as of August the 10th. The image is a 'cloud height composite', with the brightest white being storm clouds over 12 kilometers in height, the greyish white tone being storm clouds about 10 kilometers in height, etc...

Devestating forest fires are raging in Europe, with millions of acres already burnt, and the forecast calls for no respite, with these conditions persisting even into September, and the Saharan conditions continuing to worsen in Europe (with possibly even more heat records being set in the days and weeks ahead).

This truly is an unmitigated disaster for Europe.

Brent Herbert


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10.08.2003 23:26

and an interesting discussion of many pertinent issues at the link
The rising vibrational rate of the planet, the quickening, at this time is a better explanation of these phenomena than greenhouse gases or HAARP manipulation


Earh changes.

11.08.2003 08:29

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Hi dh

11.08.2003 17:20

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11.08.2003 23:15

You give me a shiver from me chops to me bollocks old chum
I likewise appreciate you


Just one more

11.08.2003 23:26

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