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Simon Chapman Latest

guy and ionnek | 10.08.2003 13:03 | Thessaloniki EU | Repression | London

Simon, arrested during the EU summit protests in Thessaloniki, is still in custody. An appeal against his charges was turned down. An International day of Solidarity for the Thessaloniki prisoners is called for Sunday 21st September.
Updates until 19 June | Ongoing updates | Simon Support Group

Simon remains in custody in Greece on serious charges after being severly beaten during the EU summit protests in Thessaloniki. Video images suggest that police planted incriminating items on him. An appeal against his charges and his bail conditions was turned down, another one is coming up soon. An International day of Solidarity for the Thessaloniki prisoners is called for Sunday 21st September. Simon's Support Group is raising money for his bail and other costs, a benefit gig took place in London. An International day of Solidarity for all the Thessaloniki prisoners is called for Sunday 21st September.

Updates until 19 June | Ongoing updates

guy and ionnek


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A short note.

24.08.2003 17:58

It is excellent that Simon Chapman seems to be getting so much support and solidarity. His case is constantly refered to by articles in the centre of the Indymedia UK web pages, leaflets and a short video about his case have been distributed and there is an excellent website dedicated to supporting him and demanding his freedom.

It is, however, important not to forget that there are 6 other prisoners. Three are from Greece, one is from Syria and two are from Spain. These other prisoners, especially in reports in the last few weeks have only ever been refered to in passing.

It is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that a campaign is built to demand the immediate release of all of the prisoners and not to build a campaign which singles out individual prisoners to whom we feel a greater connection or level of solidarity (either because of personal friendship, feeling of a more direct connection to people coming from the movement in the UK, the perhaps MORE obvious framing of one prisoner than anotheretc...).

I'm not sure if the prisoner addresses or details of the support campaigns of the other prisoners are also contained on this site, but if so it's quite hard to find them. Im sure that there are campaigns in other countries to support the other prisoners, the two people from Spain are supposed to be in some way connected to the CNT, the guy from Syria was reportedly active in the Trade Union movement in Greece and the anarchist movement in Greece has a strong tradition of solidarity with its prisoners. Im sure the respective groups/movements will be supporting the prisoners. It would be good if information for how EACH prisoner can best be supported (where letters can be sent to, what languages they are interested in recieveing books/newsletters in, where money can be donated, the latest info with their cases, letters from the prisoners etc...) could be collected together and posted at the top of the Indymedia UK page along with the Simon Chapman info.

NOTE:This comment is in NO WAY supposed to be interpreted as a criticism of the excellent work being done to support Simon Chapman, rather as a comment on how this soldiarity can be an example for how we should support all our movement's prisoners.

Solidarity with the Thessaloniki 7!
For a world without prisons!
Destroy the EU!



25.08.2003 11:25

This result of first appeal against the charges has come through
and as was expected it was turned down. A second appeal against the
refusal of bail will be immediately launched and we should hear
from that within the month.Speaking to Simon all the prisoners,
even though he only see's them when the lawyers visit, seem to
be doing Ok.

Letters to all prisoners would be gratefully recieved. For postal
info on prisoners see


Comrades in Greece have called for an International
day of Solidarity for the Thessaloniki prisoners. The
date for this is Sunday 21st September.

This is to coincide with the arrival of a musical
caravan, starting from Spain, travelling through
cities in Europe and arriving to play a concert on the
night of Sunday 21st, in Thessaloniki, Greece.

The trip aims to raise awareness among the
international activist community of the need for
ongoing support for the prisoners and to continue our
actions and protests demanding that all charges are
dropped and that they are released immediately.

The London support group are calling for actions
across the UK around this date on either Saturday
20th, Sunday 21st or Monday 22nd September.

Please let us know details if you're planning an
action so that it can be publicised beforehand, or if
you prefer, so that it can be reported on after.

If you live in London, the Prisoners Solidarity group
meet each Wednesday from 7.30pm at the Autonomie Club,
Freedom Bookshop, Angel Alley, 84B Whitechapel High
Street, E1.


do they let you read emails

03.09.2003 23:25

i hope that you get emails there other wise you would not know we are thinking of you sy we are right behind you, love and respect
