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London Mob Staged?

ekes | 08.08.2003 15:55 | London

Blogger's conspiracy on Flash Mob shop opening

Chris mentioned the coming of the Mob's in on the newswire [], well London experienced it's first one... and some bloggers are suspicious.

Discussed here on BlackBeltJones [] and refering to a report here on DiePunyHumans []. Some pictures here [].

It's a blogging world :-) Thanks to the the for that!



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Die Puny Humans Down Again

08.08.2003 23:25

Seems to be suffering bandwidth usage - there were some big pics around as well... I've got a copy of the text article about the mob that my system had cached. Link

- Homepage:

liberal flash mobs

09.08.2003 14:11

Flash mobs appear to be like a Situationist exercise, Critical Mass or Reclaim the Streets with the politics removed (of which negation is a political act in itself). The art/media sector of society always reappropriates from the streets, attempting to capitalise (economically or in other classifications of power - the social etc.) on dissent, whether concious or not, hence Reclaim The Beach, or the roller blade equivalent of Critical Mass for the yuppies in London ( as well as hip hop, grafitti art etc ). The time and energy people have to do these flash mob exercises would be better spent on understanding and acting upon the horror of what is happening in the world today as a direct result of G8 economic policies, media and social complicity ( collaborateur is perhaps a stronger () and more appropriate ) term given its connotations with the actiona and non-actions of the European bourgoise in the 1930's and 40's in occupied terriorities ).

Question. For many of the middle class in the west, were the anti-globalisation politics of the late 90's a fashion?
Recall the hippies of the 1960's who sold us down the river ( many now are property speculators,greedy business people, work in courts etc. and encourage their children to go through some kind of ersatz rebellion - slumming it for a few years, eco tourists selling slave labour ethnic goods at Glastonbury etc. etc ).

retirement is not an option.

Maggie Thatcher Must Still Die