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the bible is evil

No Gods, No Masters | 08.08.2003 13:09 | Analysis

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No Gods, No Masters


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08.08.2003 13:19

whats the matter? busy? make it clear that you ARENT criticising the koran...unless you are a member of the bnp


and what if ...

08.08.2003 15:56

So, if you critisise 'the koran' you're bnp huh? And what if you critisise the church and all the other mentally retarded institutions of mass mind control (religions) that concern themselves with spooks and other hallucinations? What does that make you?


"Mind control" by WHOM, pray tell

08.08.2003 17:25

Sorry, but the dismissal of "religion" as simply an artifact of "the masters" created to control the masses is OBVIOUSLY total nonsense.

1) The phenomenon (of religions) is clearly widespread and ancient and found in almost all human cultures. Not only predating "capitalism" by many thousands of years, but equally likely to be found in cultures which are egalitarian as in ones which are class differentiated.

2) The mistake (all to easy to make) is confusing this with the USE to which rulers can put religion. But in non-egalitarian cultures ALL institutions of the culture are "used" by the rulers to reinforce their position.

Thus "war" long predated capitalism, but in a capitalist society wars will have capitalist reasons. That doesn't mean capitalism CAUSES wars, just that the reason for EVERYTHING taking place in a capitalist society will be determined by capitalism. Since non-capitalist and/or pre-capitalist cultures seemed to have no difficulty justifying fighting with their neighbors for other reasons, I see no reason to be optimistic that socialist societies won't be just as able to find just reasons for fighting wars.

NOTE --- This has NOTHING to do with whether religion (as a category) is good or bad for humans. But it DOES have something to do with how the category should be defined.

mail e-mail: stepbystepfarm

the bible/tenal/koran IS evil

08.08.2003 22:12

There's a story in the Cristian Old Testament, the jewish Torah and i'd imagine probably the koran (sorry folks i'm a bit sketchy on this and a thousand apologies mohammed if i'm branding your stuff with the other theist lunacy) but there's this story where god persuades Abraham to take his son, Isaac up to the top of a hill and needlessly slaughter him to prove his love of god. Abraham agrees to this (sensible old boy weren't he?)and is about to cut Isaacs throat when the Almighty pisses himself and says naah jus taking the piss out ya Aby. I mean thy shant kill thy son thou has proven thy insane loyalty to thout non-existant lord now go slaughter some beautiful defenseless animal for your all good creator and lord instead. An thats what they do.

What kind of a moral message is this for a holy scripture? It's alright to murder your nipper if the heavenly voices decree you to?

This is no basis for a moral code or way of life.

Call me an iliberal blunket arseface but i'd lock up anyone who thinks god wants them to murder their son. Religeon is made up of people who cannot work this all out for themselves.

If it's wrong that religeon should be discouraged then all we can hope for is the week come to their senses and realise the fundamental evils that are necessarily entwined with their religious beliefs.

Onwards Secularism!
Viva the fall of Theism!

Harv Informed

The Devils' Paradox...?

10.08.2003 17:24

I agree with what's is said above, in that all societies have religions of some sort. And all have common themes. Therefore could religion be nothing more than a psychological defence mechanism employed to protect the ego from realising just how insignificant we humans are in the scheme of things ? And that religions differences are merely cultural interpretations of the same sub-conscious conclusion.

Haven't some scientist shown evidence for what is termed a "God Spot" on the brain ? (Some kind of increased temporal lobe activity ?) And aren't hallucinogens such as LSD associated with religious experience ? (Look what happened to "The Beatles" and other pop bands of the 70's after taking hallucinogens ?) The clubbers drug of today called "Ecstasy" (often depicted with a dove of peace) is said to make people "Loved-up" and extraordinarily tolerant towards our fellow human - the ethos of religion.

Trying my very best to be impartial to all sciences and religions, I have come to the bold assumption that the bible is the devils paradox, or perhaps to put another way, a Morton's Fork ! Not only is the ego inclined to want to believe in greater meaning for our relatively short existence, but we are indoctrinated to assume those who go to church are moral and good, and therefore above criticism. To believe in religion justifies it's existence, and to refute it also justifies it's existence ! (because to refute it would be seen as the devils work)

Of course if someone like Henry V111, or some other such person who "Modernised" the church, saw religion as a self inflicted paradox of the masses, (or indeed the opium of the masses ) then he, or anyone else, may well have taken advantage of the situation to further their aims, and/or justify their "sins"...

Spartacus Brubaker


13.08.2003 16:02

"Onwards Secularism!
Viva the fall of Theism!"

Catchy slogan! I admit defeat. Clearly your detailed logical atheism will blow away all my century-old faiths followed by billions... ;-)


Hi God,

14.08.2003 14:23

"Century-old faiths followed by billions..." ? Which God are you pray tell ? There seems to be more than one... People have been worshiping the sun and moon for far longer than any one God, does that make worshiping the sun and mood any more authentic ? I don't think so !

Btw did you hear about the dyslexic devil worshiper who sold his soul to Santa ?

Merry Xmas,

Leo (with Gemini rising...)