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wot no boring student graffiti ?

donald rumsfeld | 07.08.2003 23:13 | Culture | Gender | Repression | Oxford

new graffiti

we saw this under donington bridge,but our camera was crap (cheers though paul sweety!)and our attempt at photoshop was even worse! go see it for yourself really if you like that sort of thing or even take a decent picture!. also theres loads of really good wild style hip hop graffiti around the back of the wall with your banner on it (where the river goes under the ring road just past iffley lock)!!

donald rumsfeld


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nice one

07.08.2003 23:35

a wanker.
a wanker.

thats class that is.

vandalism is putting fences round public buildings to stop people sitting on them when they are waiting for the bus as i noticed in edinburgh the other day at the art gallery on princes street.

vandalism is putting up a fence to stop people seeing gigs played at the ross bandstand in princes street garden - even though they are bombarding your ears with their fucking music which can be heard for miles.

and this below, is a tosser.
