Prison Doesn't Work
Richard | 07.08.2003 20:11
The story starts several years ago. He was using heroine, and because of that he lost all his morals and got into trouble with the law. He ended up in jail several times because of that.
We pick the story up a few months ago, he's off the heroine but gets into the wrong crowd. Ends up back on heroine, and back in jail. He watches Terminator 3 on DVD whilst in the jail, gets 23 hours a day in bed, and all his food cooked for him. He doesn't like jail, but it's better than living rough on the streets. With great luck, he got let out on Monday. Not having used heroine for 5 weeks, he's pretty clean.
There's a problem though. Just out of jail, no money, nowhere to live. The council have a four week waiting list for accomodation. He won't get a giro cheque til next Wednesday. So with nothing to eat, nowhere to sleep, what is he likely to do? That's right, steal some food from Morrisons, take somebody's mobile phone from their car, and he's got enough money to get by. Only problem is, he's going to get cought - or worse, end up in the wrong crowd again and get back on the drugs.
With somewhere to call home, and some money to buy food he'd have some dignity. He'd have the chance to find a job. He'd be able to avoid the drug sellers. He could make something of his life, and become a respectible ordinary person like you and me. But until that happens, theres a very good chance that he'll get into trouble again - and repeat the cycle.