Oakington detention :: noborder protests
bento, dorf, yossarian / imc cambridge | 07.08.2003 14:34 | Anti-racism | Migration | Cambridge
Video, multiple formats, 4:08 minutes. A group of concerned Cambridge residents recently demonstrated in front of the detention centre in nearby Oakington, where asylum-seekers are detained while their claims are being processed and (usually) rejected. Inmates in the detention centre have recently been engaging in hunger strikes and civil disobedience to protest conditions inside the camp and the extraordinarily long length of their imprisonment. The facility's regulations state that people should be kept inside for 7-10 days, but some inmates have been detained there for over two months.
The video is available in the following formats:
The video is available in the following formats:
Quicktime :: broadband
- video/quicktime 4.1M
MPEG1 :: broadband
- video/mpeg 13M
For further information about Oakington, please see the web link
http://closeoakington.org. Stay tuned...

bento, dorf, yossarian / imc cambridge