Tense and confused atmosphere in the Netherlands
Imc Uk | 08.05.2002 22:00 | Anti-racism | World
On Monday May 6 Pim Fortuyn, the Dutch right-wing populist leader, was shot dead. Fortuyn, notorious for his racist views on asylum policies and Islam, was predicted to take next week's parliamentary elections by storm. Police have arrested a 32 year old Dutch man, working for an environmental organisation, near the scene of the murder. No statements concerning his possible motivation have been made.
The atmosphere in the Netherlands was tense and confused. Several hundred of Fortuyn supporters rioted at the parliament square, chanting racist slogans and throwing stones. Clashes with immigrants were reported. Critics of Fortuyn did not seem to know how to deal with the death of a man they had hoped would leave Dutch politics as quickly as he had entered it.
Although environmental and 'non-mainstream left' groups immediately distanced themselves from the murder, the affair is taking a distinct anti-left turn and is playing in the hands of extreme right. Fortuyn supporters as well as leaders of Belgian and French extreme right parties claim that the "hate campaign of the left" is responsible for the murder. Anarchist collective Eurodusnie among others, has come under physical attack.
More info:
IMC Netherlands | IMC Belgium
Imc Uk